How to deal with bosses and employees

Chapter 17 How to be a Competent Boss - Basic Common Sense and Elements of Management

Chapter 17 How to be a Competent Boss - Basic Common Sense and Elements of Management (17)

Seventeen, the ideological education of employees must be unremitting
In the past two years, a word that has been quite popular in the business world is execution, and the single issue of execution just reflects its importance.That is, if the management work of the enterprise is not constantly grasped but to the point, then the company's rules and regulations will be out of shape in the implementation and it will be difficult to play their due role.

It is not easy for employees to abide by the rules and regulations of the company consciously for a long time, because employees come from all over the world and their quality is uneven, so the ideological education of employees is the focus and difficulty of enterprise management. It is difficult for employees to memorize the terms of the system by rote.Management should move from the rule of man to the rule of law, that is, to rely on system management.But how can employees gradually develop the habit of consciously abiding by the rules and regulations?

1. To create a climate where everyone implements the rules and regulations

In particular, the bosses and managers at all levels of enterprises must take the lead in doing a good job, and there must be no exceptions.This is one of the key aspects of corporate governance.

Case story:

Lenovo Group has a rule that anyone who arrives late for a meeting will be fined to stand.Liu Chuanzhi, president of Lenovo Group, revealed in an interview with the media that he had also been fined three times.He described: The company's regulations are that if you are late without asking for leave, you must be fined to stand.And he was fined to stand all happened when he was unable to ask for leave.For example, once because of being locked in the elevator.

Being punished is embarrassing.After the latecomers come in, the meeting will be interrupted, and everyone will watch the latecomers stand in good order for 1 minute in silence, as if paying tribute to him.One can imagine the feeling in the heart of the latecomers.If you are late for a meeting, the latecomers will be notified and criticized.Liu Chuanzhi also said that one of his old bosses was punished to stand. When the old boss was punished to stand, he was sweating, but Liu Chuanzhi sat sweating, which was more uncomfortable than being punished himself.Afterwards, he said to the old leader: "I'll go to your house tonight and stand for you for a minute." Liu Chuanzhi said with emotion: "It's not easy to stick to the rules, but it's so hard to do it!"

2. Adhere to the evaluation and summary system
Continuously improve the level and effectiveness of enterprise management and improve the company's rules and regulations through evaluation and summary.

Students have mid-term exams and final exams every year when they are studying. The purpose of the exam is to test the students' mastery of the knowledge they have learned during this period.Similarly, evaluations and summaries should be made frequently in management.

When evaluating and summarizing, we should pay attention to the two poles, that is, we should focus on the incidents that the employees did particularly well and those that did very poorly. Through the comparison of examples, it is necessary to strengthen the employees on what is right and what the company advocates, and what is right and what the company advocates. Let employees remember what is wrong and what is prohibited and opposed by the company.

In addition, the evaluation and summary work should not simply be a one-man show for the boss, but should allow employees to fully participate in it.

The evaluation and summary work can be carried out regularly or irregularly according to the actual situation of different industries, different enterprise conditions, and different development stages of enterprises.Every evaluation and summary must achieve the purpose of discovering a group of problems and educating a group of employees.

Every time after the evaluation and summary, there is still an important job to do, which is to immediately adjust the company's original rules and regulations to keep pace with the times, because in terms of the improvement of the system, it can be said that "there is no best, Only better".

3. The boss must be good at learning from successful people

In order to do a good job in management, the boss must not only be not afraid of hard work, but also be good at learning from experience in other fields, and need to learn from successful people.Zeng Guofan's way of running the army and being an official can actually give a lot of inspiration to today's business owners and managers.

Case story:

Zeng Guofan once summed up his successful way of governing the army and being an official in ten words, that is, "body, heart, eyes, hands, and mouth".The so-called "personal visit" means that if you are a grassroots official, you should personally inspect major cases involving human life, and you should go to the countryside to do investigations in person to obtain first-hand materials; When patrolling the camp, you must personally charge forward when you encounter a strong enemy; the so-called "heart to" means that you must carefully analyze everything you encounter, and you must not miss all aspects and links of things, and at the same time, you must be able to synthesize information from all aspects of things Analyze the problem to find the correct way of thinking and method to solve the problem; the so-called "eye-seeing" means to pay attention to observation at ordinary times, especially to observe those people or things that are different from usual, pay attention to the details of things, and be a caring person everywhere, so that In order to exercise a person's keen insight; the so-called "hands-on" means that the key points of the matter should be recorded in time to prevent them from being forgotten afterwards, that is, it is often said that "a good memory is not as good as a bad pen"; the so-called "oral" It means that when sending someone to do something, not only must there be an official document to inform him, but he must also take the trouble to repeatedly instruct him to ensure that nothing goes wrong.


It is impossible to live a comfortable and stable life if you choose to start a business as a boss. As long as the company exists, the boss will have to worry about it for a day. However, a good boss knows how to grasp the big and let go of the small, and knows how to manage only a few key people (that is, those authorized managers).Running a business is not simply running a marathon, but running a marathon while straddling a 1-meter-high hurdle, because there are always too many problems in the company that need to be solved by the boss, and there are always too many obstacles that need to be overcome.

(End of this chapter)

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