How to deal with bosses and employees

Chapter 32 How to be a Competent and Good Employee - Career Development and Career

Chapter 32 How to be a Competent and Good Employee - Career Development and Career (15)

[-]. How to ask your boss for a raise
Every part-time worker hopes to get a good salary from the boss, and hopes that his salary will increase every month and every year.Of course, hope is all good, and hope is also a kind of unrequited love.We also often see that employees who join the company at the same time, the same job, after a period of time, the gap in salary has widened.Why?We can put aside the differences in work effort and performance for the time being. In fact, there are ways to ask the boss for a salary increase.

In fact, company owners who understand management know that not giving employees a salary increase for a long time will inevitably lead to a decline in employees' work enthusiasm, which will affect the company's further development.Employees can understand this way: if the employees of the whole company have not raised their salaries for a long time, it must be that the boss has a problem or the operation of the entire company has been in a downturn; problem.My own problems can also be divided into three situations:
(1) My job is not valued by the boss, and it is a position where it is difficult to see credit. Even if I work very hard and diligently, in the eyes of the boss, I just think it should be.This is a situation where you can try to get a raise.

In response to this situation, you can use the method of winning sympathy to get your boss to give yourself a salary increase, that is, you can find a way to let other colleagues and bosses experience the hard work of your position. Although it is difficult to see credit, it is impossible Indispensable, but also endured a lot of "mental pain" to win widespread sympathy and understanding, which paved the way for a salary increase.Then find a suitable opportunity to raise it to the boss, and the problem of salary increase is not a big problem, but it depends on the boss to increase or decrease.

(2) If you don’t have any outstanding performance in your work, you can do as well as you can if you change someone. In this case, don’t expect the boss to raise your salary.If the company's overall performance is good, maybe the boss will come to pay a general salary adjustment, then just secretly rejoice in your good luck.Otherwise, either you will be reprimanded by the boss, or you may be kicked out by the boss.

(3) I really worked hard and made progress in performance, but the boss was stingy or didn't pay attention to the salary increase. It is very necessary to speak to the boss, otherwise I will lose myself.Now provide some views for readers' reference.One is to use one's own conditions to create some opportunities, such as suddenly showing some visible work performance to add some bargaining chips to the salary increase request; the other is to find out the boss's psychology and propose it to him when he is in a better mood; The third is to prepare appropriate reasons and strategies, such as asking for a job adjustment, and the salary will be added along, or using euphemistic excuses to propose vacation or resignation, because you are not replaceable by ordinary people, the boss will understand very well You mean it, and it can also be raised in a joking manner. It is best to solve the problem while talking and laughing.Of course, if it is to strive for more vacations or benefits, it is also a disguised salary increase.In any case, if you can win someone who is very important in front of the boss to speak for you, that would be the best.

Case Story 1:

I once met Xiao Min, an employee of the human resources department of a large company. She was very small, with a baby face, and always gave people the impression of an underage girl. After two years of tempering and learning, I have mastered the knowledge and skills of human resource management quite well.The boss and colleagues around her also agree with her very much. However, after several salary adjustments by the company, her salary has never changed, and her colleagues are all arguing for her.

Once, the human resources department of the company made personnel adjustments and vacated the post of supervisor. Everyone was thinking, it must be her turn this time, and the salary of the supervisor must be increased.But the final result was that another supervisor whose business ability was far inferior to hers was recruited. Xiao Min often had to teach the new leader how to do human resource management in her future work.After half a year, Xiao Min left the company due to family reasons, but later everyone learned some reasons why Xiao Min's salary has not been increased for a long time.In fact, every time the company adjusts the salary, a president meeting is held. The bosses always affirm Xiao Min's work every time, but they also think that she is just a child who cannot bear the burden of leadership, so the salary has not been raised.But I think, if someone said a few fair words for her during the president meeting, or if Xiaomin found a suitable opportunity to raise it to the boss, maybe the result would be different, because the company's most important criterion for salary increase is It should still fall on the performance of the work and the responsibilities of the position.

Case Story 2:

Xiao Qin is an employee of a cultural communication company. He has worked in the company for nearly three years. He feels that his work attitude and performance are not bad, and he has not made any big mistakes. It's time for a raise, but the boss is ignoring it, which makes him somewhat frustrated.Later, he hinted to the boss many times, but the boss always refused to accept the offer, as if nothing had happened, which made Xiao Qin feel very uncomfortable.Good colleagues also told him in private chats that the boss pretends to be generous on the surface, but he is actually very stingy, because after all, he is a private boss, and giving you a salary increase is to reduce the boss's net profit, so in this company, you must think about it. Getting a raise is no easy task.It was even more difficult for Xiao Qin to hear people say that.Because he was asked to bring it up to the boss clearly, but he was afraid of being rejected, and he felt very aggrieved and unwilling if he didn't mention it.A close friend persuaded him to change jobs many times, but he did not want to easily change the working environment he was accustomed to. He was very depressed after thinking about it, but at a staff gathering for dinner, he put the information that someone wanted to poach him in He pretended to reveal it unintentionally at the dinner table. Unexpectedly, when he went to work the next day, the boss called him to the office, and after saying affirmation and expectation, he said that he would give him a salary increase.

Comments: In a company with a relatively standardized salary system, there will be a relatively complete employee performance appraisal system. The company's human resources department and even the boss will notice the growth and progress of each employee.As long as employees who work seriously will have room for advancement and development, employees do not need to rack their brains to suggest anything or to ask the boss for a salary increase.It is very lucky to work in such a company, and the employees who work in many small and medium-sized private enterprises need to have some skills to compete with the boss for salary increase and promotion.

First of all, you must propose a salary increase when the time, place, and occasion conditions are met.That is to say, we must grasp the timing of the right time, location, and harmony of people, otherwise we will be unable to eat and walk around.It is best when the company conducts a performance evaluation. After the evaluation results come out, if you find that you have room for a salary increase, you can use your performance as capital to propose a salary increase to your boss. This is more likely to succeed.

The most taboo thing is to talk to your boss that you are getting a loan, and you have personal consumption plans such as buying a car or a house, because that is purely your personal problem, and your supply of cars and buildings has nothing to do with the company.In addition, the salary increase is also a very important issue. If it is wishful thinking, it will only make the boss make up his mind to let you go.

(End of this chapter)

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