How to deal with bosses and employees

Chapter 34 How to be a Competent and Good Employee - Career Development and Career

Chapter 34 How to be a Competent and Good Employee - Career Development and Career (17)

[-]. The Art of Saying Goodbye——How to Say Goodbye to Your Boss When You Leave

Compared with our predecessors, we are lucky, because our predecessors probably only worked in one unit and worked in one job all their lives.Today's young people will have many opportunities to choose jobs throughout their lives, and they can try different jobs.Many people will leave because they have found a better platform, and many people will leave angrily because they cannot bear certain management malpractices of the company, and some people have to choose to leave because the boss is dissatisfied or the company is not doing well. What is the reason for leaving? Before leaving, we should all complete this full stop.

Different people will choose different ways to leave a company, but no matter what, as long as the boss is reluctant to let you go but has to let you go, and at the same time expresses that you are welcome to come back at any time, that is the best.But there are very few people who can really do this.

1. Think clearly about the reasons for your resignation and make a prudent decision

For a person in the workplace, resignation is definitely not a child's play, so resigners must think clearly before making a resignation decision. What is the real reason for resigning? Means to force the boss to improve his position or salary, or dissatisfied with the status quo of the company, hoping to change the environment, etc.Only when the matter has reached the point where you have to resign, if the reason is sufficient, resignation will bring you greater development and opportunities, or you are forced to resign, then resignation is appropriate.

2. Familiar with the "Labor Law of the People's Republic of China" and the company's provisions on resignation and various procedures that actually need to be handled
The "Labor Law of the People's Republic of China" on the one hand gives employees the absolute right to resign, and on the other hand gives the employer a certain right to claim compensation for losses.Resignation means that the laborer and the enterprise terminate the labor contract, so the resigner should understand the provisions on the termination of the labor contract in the "Labor Law of the People's Republic of China", and also know the company's procedures and related regulations on handling employee resignation, so as not to Not familiar with the relevant regulations and suffer losses.In addition, we must pay attention to legal awareness and appropriate means to protect our own vital interests in the process of resignation procedures, instead of blindly and passively handling the matter.

3. By the right resignation at the right time for the right reason

Compared with the boss, employees are a disadvantaged group.The wages of employees are generally paid after the labor, which gives the boss the initiative to restrict employees, and the credit mechanism of some domestic enterprises is not perfect, so employees must learn to use appropriate methods when resigning. To prevent the unscrupulous behavior of some bosses.In addition, don't think that when you are safeguarding legitimate interests, you can ignore everything, don't give face to the boss, and leave whenever you want regardless of the impact on the original company.If this is the case, it is impossible for your next boss to welcome you, because your knowledge of life is still very lacking.Therefore, when leaving, it is better to propose and complete the formalities reasonably in a time and manner acceptable to the boss.

Case Story 1:

Xiaoli used to be a salesperson in a real estate brokerage company. There were not many employees in the company, only seven or eight people.We all know that real estate is a very good industry, and Xiaoli is also doing very well in the company, earning thousands of dollars a month, but later she wanted to quit this job because of family reasons.Her boss is also a girl who is about the same age as her, so Xiaoli doesn't take her boss seriously.On the day Xiaoli left her job, she handed over the company's customer information she had to another salesman, and was about to leave after paying the bill, but she didn't expect her boss to be very dissatisfied with this, and there was a big quarrel in the company.Later, Xiaoli had no choice but to write a letter of resignation and a letter of guarantee not to work in the same industry within half a year according to the requirements of the boss because she still had money in the hands of the boss.Because of this, Xiaoli broke up with her boss, which also affected her career development.

Case Story 2:

Xiao Chen is a training lecturer in a company, and he has worked with his boss for three years.But she feels that her development in the company has reached a peak, and it is difficult to have better and faster promotion opportunities.So, she began to post job resumes online, and asked for leave to interview with other companies when the time was right.After several interviews, she finally found a suitable new employer with a higher position and salary than the current one, so she submitted her resignation to the boss.The company pays wages on the 5th of every month. After the company paid the wages, she went to the boss to talk about her thoughts.At the beginning, she said that she had been taken care of and cared by her boss for three years, and she also told her boss to pay attention to rest and not just focus on work; after that, she reviewed some shortcomings in her recent work to her boss, and explained the reasons The knowledge structure attributed to me is a bit old and needs to be recharged; in the end, I expressed my true intention of resigning, saying that I would ask my boss for a long vacation to study MBA, and hope to return to work in the company after two years.In fact, the boss knew it very well, but in view of Xiao Chen's sincere resignation attitude and the fact that he could not find any strong reasons for disapproval, he reluctantly agreed.Xiao Chen finally got his wish and realized his plan.

Comments: Different methods and methods for the same thing will produce different results.Although it is said that part-time workers have the right to come and go freely, and they can do whatever they want, and they can leave if they don’t, but regardless of your work performance in the company and how your relationship with the boss is handled, you still have to pay attention to resigning. Strategy.If you don't pay attention to the method, the boss may deliberately set up some obstacles for you in the last stage, adding a little trouble, and it is the migrant workers who will suffer in the end.Since it is very likely to be such a result, why not use your brains before submitting your resignation, and then implement it after thinking clearly.Besides, as a human being, it is better not to make the relationship too rigid because of some small things.If you are friends, the road will be narrow. If you are still friends after leaving, wouldn't it be the answer to the saying "many friends have many roads"?

(End of this chapter)

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