Chapter 162 I also have a question to ask you
He sat gracefully beside her, put one arm on her shoulder, and let Xiao Mengyao's little head rest on him.

Xiao Mengyao cooperated obediently, with a sweet smile and satisfaction on her puffy face.

She should thank God for allowing them to meet again and bring them together again...

"Yan, why do you like me?" Xiao Mengyao had another whim, she really wanted to know the answer.

She is just a small grain of sand, what does Yan like in her?It seems that she has no advantages or special features.

Fu Boyan thought for a few seconds, but instead of answering her, he also asked her questions.

"Yaoyao, I also have a question to ask you, it's about a long time ago, can you answer me truthfully?"

He stared at her, and there was something in his eyes that she couldn't quite understand.

"Yes, as long as you ask, I will definitely answer." Xiao Mengyao generously promised that she would not hide anything from him, as long as he wanted to know, she would definitely answer everything.

"It's so cute!"

As a reward for her obedience, the man gave her a light kiss.

His kisses always make Xiao Mengyao's heart beat wildly, both greedy and embarrassed.

She showed a shy expression, which made Fu Boyan feel better.

Look, how interesting his Yaoyao is.

"Yaoyao, if you don't want to answer, just pretend I didn't ask." Fu Boyan first gave her a way out.

He didn't want to force her, and he was just curious about this question, it wasn't very important.

"En." Xiao Mengyao nodded.

"Yaoyao, have you ever regretted leaving me ten thousand years ago?" Fu Boyan asked very seriously, because this question has been lingering in his heart, lingering, if he doesn't ask her personally, I'm afraid he will For a lifetime.

Obviously, his question hurt Xiao Mengyao's newly healed heart.

At that time, she was too stupid, too stupid, to sacrifice her own happiness on the humble loyalty to Murong Qingge.

At the beginning when she chose to leave him, it felt like parting from life and death, pain and suffering blended together.

She once thought of giving up and leaving, but the guilt in her heart finally made her go on the wrong path.

If she had been able to wake up earlier, perhaps she would not have died in the hands of Murong Qingge, and they would have lived happily together, and she would not have died with regrets.

But she was lucky, because she was able to be reborn in another world and meet him again.

But even luckier, he still loves her...

Xiao Mengyao was silent for a long time, her eyes were sad, and her heart ached, as if bleeding again.

"Of course I regret it, I regret it very much! It's a pity that I was too stupid and regretted it too late!" She really regretted it, but there is no medicine for regret in the world!
Her answer was indeed guessed by Fu Boyan.

"Then in this life, don't do stupid things anymore." The man hugged her into his arms and whispered in her ear.

Xiao Mengyao nodded, "No, never again..."

The moment she opened her heart and let go of her guilt, she decided to use life after life to make up for the damage she caused to him. Even if he wanted to drive her away, she would not leave.

"Yan, I will rely on you forever and ever, and I will never leave you." She whispered, her voice was so small that only she could hear it.

However, Fu Boyan heard it, and he really listened to it.

"Yaoyao, don't lie to me, I take it seriously."

On the surface, Fu Boyan didn't believe her, which made Xiao Mengyao very helpless.

It's no wonder why she couldn't do what she said before.

Xiao Mengyao stretched out her hands, holding the man's evil face, raised her eyes and looked at him affectionately, "I will do what I say, and I will never break my promise!"

She is firm in her words!
"Well, I believe it!" In fact, he has always believed in her, no matter whether it is true or not, he will believe her unconditionally.

Fu Boyan also held Xiao Mengyao's delicate face, smiled evilly, and took the opportunity to kiss her small mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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