Chapter 163 You Are Disgusting Me
There is no evidence for his words, he needs to 'stamp'.

Xiao Mengyao stared at him obsessively, without even blinking her eyes. Looking at him so close, she realized how attractive he was.

Thick sword eyebrows, big eyes bright and energetic, long and thick eyelashes curled rebelliously, and the creamy skin seems to be broken by blows.

He is too beautiful!

Fu Boyan kissed her, but she didn't respond like a fool, which made Fu Boyan embarrassed.

Are your kissing skills that bad?How can she still be in a daze? !

As a result, the man kissed more domineeringly, as if announcing his existence.

Xiao Mengyao frowned slightly, her mouth was filled with blood, he actually bit her!
He's too bad, taking advantage of her and biting her, what's the point of that.

Xiao Mengyao was not polite anymore, she didn't know whether she was responding or venting her anger, and bit his lips in a courteous way, but she was not that hard, she didn't use force but lightly.

In the next second, Fu Boyan's captivating eyes shone with excitement, and every cell in his body was clamoring, as if he had been stimulant.

The domineering and lingering kiss went on for a long time, and in the end it was because he felt sorry for the little person in his arms that he reluctantly let her go.

After being free, Xiao Mengyao's first reaction was to take a big gulp of fresh air, as she felt that the air in her lungs was about to run out.

Fu Boyan smiled evilly, patted her on the back lightly, and frowned, because he was too greedy.

"Yaoyao, I still... kiss." The man held Xiao Mengyao's hand dissatisfied, looking resigned.

Xiao Mengyao just breathed a sigh of relief, when he said that, she immediately quit.

"I don't want it anymore." She didn't want to be eaten tofu anymore, she was almost suffocated just now.

No, definitely not!

Xiao Mengyao shook her little head like a rattle, unable to stop at all.

Fu Boyan held her little face with both hands, stopped her little head from shaking, and said softly, "Well, I won't kiss you today."

After he finished speaking, Xiao Mengyao immediately laughed, but his next sentence made Xiao Mengyao understand what it means to be "too happy".

"Tomorrow, we will double it!" Fu Boyan said, with an evil and charming look, I owe you a lot.

Xiao Mengyao frowned tightly, pushed away his jade hand, got up quickly, and kept a distance from him.

"I don't want it, and I don't want it tomorrow..." She doesn't want to be suffocated, so let's talk about it later.

Fu Boyan pulled down his handsome face, extremely hurt, "Yaoyao, are you despising me?"

He shamelessly pretended to be injured again.

Xiao Mengyao's black line, she didn't dislike him anymore, besides, how could she be willing to do so!
"Yan, I didn't dislike you, I... I just..." She couldn't continue speaking all of a sudden, this feeling drove her crazy.

It can't be said that she will be suffocated to death by his kiss, right? !

She couldn't say it.

If she doesn't say anything, Fu Boyan insists on it, which is to dislike him.

"Yaoyao, don't make excuses, you just dislike me!"

Hurt, Huge Hurt, Super Hurt!
"I really didn't," she explained.

"I don't believe it!" He refused to listen.

"How can I be willing to dislike you, really!" She continued to explain, very sincerely.

He still had the look of 'I don't believe you', "Prove it, otherwise it means you despise me!"

A few long black lines suddenly appeared on Xiao Mengyao's forehead, and she was almost suspicious. Was this really his little conspiracy?

It doesn't look like it, maybe she really did something wrong.

Well, she compromised, she admitted her mistake...

Xiao Mengyao slowly and carefully returned to Fu Boyan's side step by step, hooked his arms around his neck, stood on tiptoe, and proved it to him.

She kissed him like a dragonfly touching water.

But he is too tall, even standing on tiptoes, it takes so much effort to kiss, because her center of gravity is not stable, she is hanging on him.

(End of this chapter)

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