Chapter 164
Fu Boyan put his arms around her waist and clasped the back of her head with his hands, Xiao Mengyao immediately pressed against him tightly.

The man succeeded in his treachery, enjoying the sweet kiss offered to his door.

Xiao Mengyao suddenly realized that she was on his way again, but it was too late.

This time, Fu Boyan only kissed her lightly, not domineering, only gentle, this time he was not greedy, kissed her for a while and then let her go.

"So cute!" The man hugged her horizontally, hugged her tightly, and praised her with a smirk.

"..." Xiao Mengyao was speechless.

Why didn't she find out before that Yan is also a guy who likes to use tricks, and he even uses them on her idiot...

After getting the bargain, Fu Boyan became more peaceful, holding his little woman in his arms and watching the scenery solemnly, but his scenery is very unique.

In his eyes, no matter how beautiful the scenery in the world is, it is less than one ten-thousandth of that of the little people around him.

So his scenery, only her!
On the viewing platform, Xiao Mengyao was lazily lying in the man's arms. Although the scenery here was beautiful, she only saw the only one in front of her, which was unique in the world.

"It looks good, it's beautiful, it's charming." She said stupidly, but her eyes stopped on a certain evildoer.

Fu Boyan knew she was talking about him, so he was beautiful in his heart, but he wanted to pretend to be plain on the surface.

"Then do you like it?" He asked her casually, looking forward to it.

Xiao Mengyao didn't even think about it, and immediately answered him decisively, "I like it, I like it very much!"

In fact, her liking for him was no longer expressed in the word 'like'.

"Since you like it, then it's yours." The man looked serious, he belongs to her, and of course she also belongs to him.

She nodded heavily, they returned to each other...

After staying on the viewing platform for more than half an hour, Fu Boyan took her away, planning to turn around and go back home.

In the peach garden forest, on the cobbled path, they walked side by side hand in hand and intimately, Fu Boyan was in a rare good mood.

The sun is shining brightly, the breeze is refreshing, and there are more people in Taoyuan Forest.

As more tourists arrived, Fu Boyan's mood of wandering for a while disappeared, and it was almost time for dinner.

"Yaoyao, let's go back." Fu Boyan stopped.

"Well, you have the final say." Xiao Mengyao obediently left the decision to him.

So, they went back home and returned by the same way.

Once back in the car, Katie started chattering again and couldn't stop chattering.

"Master, mistress, are you having fun?" A certain car asked curiously.

As for its outdated owner, I don't know if there is a little romance for the hostess.

Fu Boyan was in a good mood, so he saved face and replied to a certain car, "Very happy!"

The people around him also nodded, agreeing with his answer.

"Happy, I wish the masters are happy every day and always in a good mood." Sincere blessings from a certain car...

Along the way, Kaidi did not forget to create all kinds of small romances while chatting, and it didn't stop until he returned to the resort.

Get off at the place, and Kaidi returns to its advanced parking garage by itself.

There is still a short distance from the residence, Fu Boyan didn't want his "little heart" to be tired, so he carried her back.

In a short distance, they became the focus again, and many envious eyes fell on them.

In these gazes, someone actually recognized them.

And they also happened to know those two people, one was Xiao Yanrou with disabled arms, and the other was Qiu Yuran.

When they saw Xiao Mengyao, when they were surprised, their expressions changed accordingly.

As soon as Qiu Yuran saw Xiao Mengyao, she hated them for no reason, and Xiao Yanrou also hated them.

Since you hate it, you need to explode.

Qiu Yuran didn't think much about it, and went directly to stop Fu Boyan, her tone was not kind, "What a shameless little fool, cuddling with men in broad daylight, how decent it is!"

Fu Boyan stopped in displeasure, and his good mood was instantly spoiled.

(End of this chapter)

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