Chapter 173 Yaoyao, You Take Advantage of Me!

In her arms, Xiao Mengyao blushed, and her cute appearance aroused the man's appetite again.

She will never be enough 'delicious' for him.

Lifting her exquisite smiling face, a charming smile bloomed on his face, like gorgeous fireworks in the dark night, like warm sunshine in winter.

Beauty, charming eyes, charm, bewitching.

In the world, there are really no words that can describe him.

And Xiao Mengyao is just a person, and she was instantly confused when she looked at him.

She didn't know, how much did someone as excellent and flawless as Yan think of her?

There is too much incompatibility between them.

Because she is too humble, so humble that being with him can lower his status.

Staring at him, she couldn't control her hands, and wanted to touch him to see if he was the fairy who came out of the painting, and whether he had a body.

Xiao Mengyao felt that her idea was funny, but she still couldn't help stretching out her hands.

The second she touched his cheek, she felt an electric shock, and her whole body went numb.

However, she knew one thing very well, he was real!

Fu Boyan was very puzzled by her behavior, but he didn't think much about it.

"Yaoyao, you are taking advantage of me!" He looked shocked, as if he was really being molested.

Immediately, Xiao Mengyao regained consciousness, what did she just do?It seems that nothing is done.

Wait a minute, take advantage?
Hmm... Shouldn't Yan take advantage of her?Let's talk about it, the result is...

"You fooled me!" Xiao Mengyao stared with a deceived expression.

"I didn't!" He retorted, full of confidence.


Well, what else can she say, it seems that she is a little bit out of control...

"Forget it, now can you tell me the reason why you don't eat?" Let's get back to the topic.

Fu Boyan thought about it for a few seconds, and then told her in a nonsensical manner, "Because you are my 'food', and which things are not, so I don't need to eat them."


What an answer!
At this moment, Xiao Mengyao knew what it meant to be deceived.

Looking at her expression, Fu Boyan was very proud, with an unflattering look...

After the meal, Xiao Mengyao lazily nestled in the man's arms and fell asleep unknowingly.

The man looked down at her sleeping state, curved the corners of his mouth, kissed her forehead lightly, and finally put her on the bed gently, covered her with a quilt and went to the balcony.

On the balcony, Fu Boyan took out his mobile phone and dialed Qinglin's number.

Soon the phone was connected, and Qinglin's respectful voice came, "Boss, what's the matter?"

"What happened to the thing I asked you to check last time?" He asked lightly, with a cold look on his face.

Qinglin knew what he was asking, last time the boss asked him to check what the Xiao family had done to the future boss lady, he checked it carefully.

The result shocked him, he didn't expect that the future proprietress would suffer so much.

The people of the Xiao family are too ruthless.

As soon as Qing Lin thought about what he had found, he couldn't help feeling aggrieved for Xiao Mengyao.

"It's been found out, those two women are even more vicious than the 'old witch'." Qing Lin said the truth.

"Since we have found it, we should take action." Fu Boyan's expression became colder and colder, and even his voice became colder.

How those two women bullied Yaoyao, he needs to pay back twice.

"Take the Xiao Group, and as for the two women, leave the house and let them wander the streets to fend for themselves."

This is the price for bullying Yaoyao, of course, it is not enough, he will not let them die, but make their life worse than death...

After answering the phone, Qinglin admired their boss more and more.

Such a shock that makes people fall from the highest point of life to the bottom in an instant is really vicious.

However, compared to what those two women did to the future proprietress, this is simply nothing.

So, they deserve it!

(End of this chapter)

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