Chapter 174 Going to the Zoo (1)

On the balcony, Fu Boyan hung up Qing Lin's phone, turned and went back.

He believed that Qinglin would be able to handle the matter just explained...

In the evening, Xiao Mengyao woke up from the nightmare and sat up suddenly, her forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

The bloody dream just now made her inexplicably scared, but after she calmed down, she found that there was one person missing in the room.

Normally, when she opened her eyes, she could always see Yan. Didn't she see him today?

This made Xiao Mengyao very strange.

She searched for a while, but the small room didn't even have his shadow.

Inevitably, she felt a little lost and uneasy.

Where did he go?
Did something happen after she fell asleep?
Xiao Mengyao guessed wildly, and her mind was in a mess.

She got up quickly, put on her coat and was about to go to Fu Boyan. As soon as she reached the door, the door was opened from the outside.

Fu Boyan walked in with a bouquet of blue roses in his arms. Seeing the person behind the door, is she going out?
"Yaoyao, what are you?" He asked with doubts.

"Where have you been?" Xiao Mengyao pounced on him like a moth, hugging his waist tightly with both hands, as if he would disappear if he loosened a little.

what happened?He went to get a flower, what happened to her?

Fu Boyan was very puzzled, what happened, why did she behave like this?

"Yaoyao, what's the matter?" Fu Boyan put his arm around her and asked.

"Yan, don't leave me behind, okay?" She said stupidly, still hugging him tightly with both hands.

This... Yaoyao is having a nightmare?When did he ever abandon her, it seemed that he was often the one who was abandoned.

"Okay, I will hold you firmly and never leave you. Even if you despise me and get tired of me, I will never let go." Fu Boyan coaxed her.

The fact is that from the moment he fell in love with her, he never thought of abandoning her, because she is his own heart, and leaving her alone is death.

Hearing what he said, Xiao Mengyao's heart was very warm, "I will not dislike you, nor will I get tired of you, I will only love you and cling to you."

The words are so good, but I hope he doesn't dislike her and don't get tired of her.

"Well, Yaoyao, you have changed and become more obedient. There is a reward." After Fu Boyan finished speaking, he gently kissed her forehead as a reward, "Here, this is also a reward."

He handed the blue rose in front of her, Xiao Mengyao let go of her hands, and happily took it, "Thank you."

"Just thank you?"

The man is dissatisfied, but he ran all the way down to get it. Doesn't she just express it?

Xiao Mengyao understood what he meant in seconds, and she was also very obedient. She stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek, it must be all right now.

"So cute." The man was finally satisfied, "Yaoyao, let's go to the zoo tomorrow, okay?"

"Animal round?" Xiao Mengyao was a little confused about the meaning of those three words.

The word 'animal round' sounded strange to her. She knew animals, but she didn't know why rounds were added.

Are animals still round?

Uh... It looks very interesting. She has never seen a round animal. Thinking about the round animal, it must be very interesting.

Ever since, she nodded happily and agreed, "Okay, let's go tomorrow."

Seeing how interested she was, Fu Boyan thought it would be a good choice to take her to the zoo...

The next day, Xiao Mengyao woke up very early and set off for the zoo after breakfast.

Along the way, Xiao Mengyao kept thinking, what kind of animal could a round animal be?Why hasn't she seen it before?
But yes, she used to spend all her time on killing people and doing tasks, and she has seen no more than ten kinds of animals, so it is normal that she has never seen or heard of animal circles.

Just in time, go to see it today, and gain a lot of experience.

In the car, Kaidi knew the destination, and suddenly found that its owner was not very outdated, and knew how to take the hostess to the zoo.

You know that kind of place is the most able to arouse the love of girls.

(End of this chapter)

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