Chapter 181 She Loves It
Forgetting what I saw just now, I took Fu Boyan's arm and walked in the crowd following his steps.

At this moment, she felt better.

"Yaoyao, do you like it here?" Fu Boyan seemed to ask casually.

Xiao Mengyao thought for a few seconds, she didn't like this place very much, because there are people who abuse small animals here.

"I don't like it very much." She answered truthfully.

In fact, even if she didn't answer Fu Boyan, she knew that she didn't like it here. He had seen it from her expression early in the morning.

If she likes it, she will be so happy from ear to ear, but here it doesn't make her like that.

"I won't come if I don't like it."

Of course, she didn't like it, and there was no need to continue driving here.

Xiao Mengyao nodded in agreement with what he said, this place is not interesting at all, and it also abuses small animals, she doesn't want to come again.

Leaving the circus, on the way back, maybe because she was too tired today, Xiao Mengyao nestled in Fu Boyan's arms and fell asleep sweetly.

Back at their residence, Fu Boyan carefully carried her back to the room, fearing to wake her up, every movement of him was very gentle.

He took off her coat first, then put it in the center of the big bed, covered her with the quilt, kissed her forehead lightly, and left.

The cool breeze blows away the heat, and Fu Boyan is watching someone on the balcony.

And that person was none other than Tang Mo.

"How about it, old man, are you satisfied with today's arrangements?" Tang Mo raised his tail to claim credit.

Fu Boyan frowned, a little reluctantly, "It's okay."

If you didn't go to the Ferry Circus, you can score full marks today.

"That's dissatisfaction." Tang Mo lowered his face, his arrangement was so proper, the old man actually gave a bad review, Sang Xin!Sang lung!

Seeing Tang Mo's expression, Fu Boyan said coldly, "She likes the one in front."


Look, look, he knew Xiao Yaoyao would like it, since Xiao Yaoyao liked it, then his arrangement was not in vain.

"Hey, old man, when will you take down Xiaoyaoyao and make me a little Yaoyao." After Tang Mo was happy, he turned into a 'give birth to a mother'.

Fu Boyan thought for a while, but didn't give him an answer, but talked about something irrelevant, "This place is very good, she likes it, let Qinglin bring a contract tomorrow, I want this place."

In fact, he kept asking her if she liked it, in order to give her this place as a gift.

The truth is, she likes it, and since she likes it, this place will be hers from now on.

After listening to him finish speaking, Tang Mo's expression didn't change at all, as if he knew he would do this a long time ago.

"It's not a big problem, but it's the money... I paid it, and it's a gift for Xiao Yaoyao." Tang Mo looked bold, this gift was a big deal.

He wanted to pay, and Fu Boyan did not object, it was rare for the little monster to be generous.

"You can do whatever you want." After leaving a sentence, Fu Boyan hung up the video.

Back in the room, she was still in a deep sleep, she was exhausted today.

Stretching out his hand, he stroked her cheek lightly. It was a warm feeling. He liked the warmth, even lusted after it.

A few minutes passed, and Fu Boyan didn't know what he thought of, and the corners of his mouth drew a charming arc.

On the big bed, he hugged her sleeping soundly, and soon they would be husband and wife, thinking of this made him feel extremely happy.

This is a dream he has been waiting for for thousands of years, and now it is about to come true, which is great.

From now on, she will be his wife, and he will give her all the love to make her the happiest woman in the world...

The night is silent, everything is calm, even Night Breeze has a rare rest, the round moon is accompanied by naughty little stars, it is no longer alone.

Just like he has her company at this moment, they will always be together happily, she will always be his heart, his only...

(End of this chapter)

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