Chapter 182 Acquisition of Fengling Resort

In the dark night, the moonlight falls on the earth, covering it with a white coat, driving away the cold and making it warm to sleep.

In the morning, the red sun slowly reveals the horizon as if shy.

A brand new day starts from this moment.

In Fengling Resort, everything is business as usual, and there are many tourists.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Qinglin drove the car he seldom drives on time, a cool black Rolls Royce.

He came here for business today, so he couldn't lose face to the boss, so he paid attention to it.

He was dressed in a professional black suit, a white shirt and an elegant black tie, and even his hair was well-groomed.

Such Qinglin, at first glance, is also a handsome and handsome paper.

After entering the resort, he found the suite that Tang Mo had told him about exactly, but seeing that it was still early, Qing Lin was hesitating outside the door whether to go in or not.

If he knocked on the door at this moment, would he disturb the boss? Thinking back to the disturbed eyes of the boss in the past, Qinglin couldn't help but feel the cold from the inside out.

In order not to be frozen to death and instantly killed by the boss' eyes, he decided to wait.

In the room, because I went to bed early yesterday, I woke up early today.

Xiao Mengyao was eating breakfast with relish, and of course she didn't forget to sneak a few glances at the peerless handsome man beside her from time to time.

She wasn't peeping at his beauty, she was just paying attention to whether he was eating well.

Really, she's not a nympho...

Those who were peeped by him were in a particularly good mood.

After dinner, I checked the time. Qinglin should have arrived by this time, because he was always a punctual person.

Fu Boyan got up and walked towards the door.

When the door opened, Qinglin was standing respectfully at the door.

"Come in." After Fu Boyan finished speaking, he was no longer at the door.

Uh... The boss is a ghost. Not only does he walk silently, but he can even move as fast as lightning.

Qinglin closed the door and walked in leisurely.

In the living room of the room, I saw Qinglin Xiao Mengyao having an accident, why did he come so early?

Also, what is he going to do with his heavy appearance?Xiao Mengyao briefly thought about these two questions.

"Boss, lady boss, good morning." Seeing that they were all living together, Qinglin thought that their beastly boss had taken down the underage girl in front of him, so he changed his words naturally.

Fu Boyan seems to have tacitly agreed to the three words "boss lady" in Qinglin's mouth, but Xiao Mengyao still feels awkward facing the three words.

But seeing that the pretty boy next to him didn't say anything, and his eyes of approval, she obediently accepted the title.

"Good morning." Xiao Mengyao was very face-saving, and also greeted Qinglin.

But Fu Boyan didn't intend to greet him, so he said coldly, "Since you're here, let's do your business."

Qinglin seems to be used to his boss with a changeable temperament, which also includes this kind of attitude and tone that can freeze three feet.

He is not a little boss's wife, so the boss will not be gentle with him. Of course, if the boss changes his attitude, he will not get used to it.

That's right, he is owed.

"Boss, do you want to have a look at the contract?" Qinglin said the key point, this is the reason why he came here early in the morning and waited at the door for half an hour.

"You do things, I don't worry, I won't read."

Fu Boyan trusts Qinglin very much, so he believes that Qinglin will draw up the contract well.

Aobayashi is proud to be affirmed by him!

The boss can trust him so much, and he will not let the boss down.

"Boss, I'll do it then."

Fu Boyan didn't speak, just nodded in agreement.

After watching Qinglin leave respectfully, Xiao Mengyao couldn't help asking, "What happened?"

Yan has been playing with her for the past few days, and has no time to deal with the matters at hand. It should not be a trivial matter for Qinglin to come here in person.

She guessed to herself.

Fu Boyan turned around and put his hands on her shoulders, "No, he was here to buy Fengling Resort, nothing else."

(End of this chapter)

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