Chapter 193 You have the final say
Fu Boyan glanced at the contract in his hand, "Yaoyao, what do you mean?"

The Xiao Group originally belonged to her, but she doesn't seem to want it?
"This gift is too expensive, I don't want it." Xiao Mengyao understands that she can't always take his things even if they have confirmed their relationship now.

What's more, she doesn't understand too many things, she doesn't know much about this time and space, and she doesn't know how to manage it.

Therefore, it is useless for her to ask the Xiao Group.

Hear her say that this gift is expensive?Fu Boyan didn't think so.

Isn't it tens of millions? This amount of money is nothing to him.

Compared with her, money is like air, and she is her own peerless treasure, nothing can compare with her.

"Yaoyao, take it, it is yours." Fu Boyan said lightly.

Naturally, it is also a fact.

But Xiao Mengyao still resolutely refused, "It's useless if I want it, I don't understand anything, I don't know anything..."

At the end of the sentence, she felt very guilty, and her voice was much lower.

She felt more and more like a waste. Apart from eating and sleeping, she seemed to have nothing else to do.

Fu Boyan seems to have a clairvoyant eye, he can always see her little thoughts clearly.

"With me here, you don't need to know anything, as long as you are happy and let me love you." After that, he held her hands with one hand, dropped the contract with the other hand, and hugged her "Since you don't want it, I will give away all the property of the Xiao Group in your name. What do you think?"

He has no shortage of money, and it doesn't make any sense to have a small business.Since Yaoyao doesn't want it, let's use it to do good deeds.

When Xiao Mengyao heard this, it was a good idea.

"Okay, you have the final say."

He has the right to make decisions about money, and he can arrange it however he wants.

After she agrees, this matter is over, but right now, he has more important things to do.

At noon, Fu Boyan dragged the drowsy Tang Mo out of bed, explained a few things, and hurriedly left the Sakura Villa.

Sakura Villa, in the lobby.

Tang Mo sat motionless in the living room like a wax figure, his eyes never leaving Xiao Mengyao for a second.

Tang Mo was very depressed, what kind of fanfare did the old man have, and let her look at Xiao Yaoyao, and said that she would not be allowed to go except in the hall.

well!The old man is really getting weirder and weirder than him.

Is it like this for people in love?
If this is the case, then he will still be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

Well, this idea can exist.

Opposite him, Xiao Mengyao was holding a thick cookbook, looking at it solemnly.

From noon to afternoon, she didn't put down the book, as if the book was magical, if it attracted her, she couldn't get out.

Tang Mo also convinced the two of them. Today they both changed, one became mysterious and the other became a nerd.

He didn't stay here all night, they have become too abnormal!

Hehe, people in love are too difficult for people to figure out.

Tang Mo frowned, stretched his waist, got up, and came back with two glasses of juice in a short while.

"Little Yaoyao, here it is."

"Thank you." Xiao Mengyao took out the fruit juice, and her eyes only briefly left the book.

"Little Yaoyao, it will hurt your eyes if you read like this." Tang Mo said kindly beside her.

"It's okay, I'll finish reading it right away." She replied with a light smile, flipping through a page of the book.

Tang Mo's expression changed, he was stunned by her speed.

It took her only a few hours to read such a thick cookbook, and she read it so seriously that she didn't miss a single page.

Oh my god, Xiao Yaoyao's reading speed is going against the sky.

All of a sudden, Tang Mo began to admire her. He lived to be 26 years old. The first person he admired was Immortal, and now Xiao Yaoyao is the second.

(End of this chapter)

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