Chapter 194 I'm Not Here, Do You Miss Me?

No wonder the two of them are so well matched, because they are both talented people with special abilities.

Tang Mo shook his head and was shocked. At this moment, he felt that he was weak.

It would be great if his reading speed was as fast as Xiao Yaoyao's, and it would be very helpful for his research.

Unfortunately, he didn't.

In the last half an hour or so, Xiao Mengyao, as she had expected, read a recipe book and memorized it all.

In fact, memorizing words is trivial to her. When she was a killer, she practiced the ability of photographic memory. As long as she carefully reads anything, she can firmly remember it.

After closing the book and putting it down, she got up and shook her head, her neck was a little stiff, probably because she kept one movement for too long.

"what time is it now?"

"At night, after seven o'clock." Tang Mo looked at Wan's phone and answered her.

It turned out that it was so late, why didn't Yan come back?

He said he had something to go out at noon, and he promised to come back before she finished the book.

But it seems that he didn't do it, well, maybe he hasn't finished dealing with the matter.

"Are you hungry? I'll go and I'll cook." Xiao Mengyao said, she just finished reading a cookbook and happened to go to the kitchen to try it out.

She is going to cook?
Uh, Tang Mo instantly remembered the fish from last time. He was a little hungry at first, but now he is not hungry at all.

"Xiao Yaoyao, you've been reading for too long, let your eyes rest, I'll let the robot nanny do it." Tang Mo said with a dry smile.

Xiao Mengyao understood him in seconds.

In terms of feelings, Tang Mo disliked her, maybe the last meal left a shadow in his heart.

Forget it, Tang Mo is a nice person, so I won't cheat him here, lest Tang Mo will think of those failed dishes when he sees her in the future.

"You're right, then I won't go." She agreed, and then sat back on the sofa, waiting for Fu Boyan to come back.

She suddenly realized how slow time passed and how boring it was without him by her side.

They waited from seven o'clock until ten o'clock before Fu Boyan came back in a hurry.

As soon as she saw him, Xiao Mengyao suddenly regained her spirits. It was like the continuous cloudy rain suddenly cleared up, and her expectation became a reality.

Fu Boyan walked over, Huali ignored Tang Mo's existence, and went straight to Xiao Mengyao's side.

And Tang Mo had long been used to being ignored by him, and in the end, he became witty, and stopped working as that super bright light bulb here.

After Tang Mo left, Xiao Mengyao immediately turned into a child, first gave him a bear hug, and then held his hand tightly.

She was so and so, even she was surprised.

However, Fu Boyan really likes her like this, if she keeps clinging to him like this, it will be fine.

"Yaoyao, do you miss me when I'm not here?" The man put his arms around her and asked softly, as if he had a little expectation.

"Yes." She replied truthfully, she is a good child who does not lie.

" much do you think?"

The man pushes forward and refuses to give up when he gets the answer.

Xiao Mengyao was speechless when he asked her, she didn't know how to say love words.

If asked how much she missed him, she really couldn't find any words to describe how much she missed him.

She didn't say anything for a while, and the man immediately lowered his face, feeling unhappy, "Yaoyao, you little villain, don't you miss me?!"

His voice was very low, as if he was really unhappy.

All of a sudden, Xiao Mengyao was flustered and confused. She didn't know what to say to make him happy. After thinking about it, she decided to tell him with actions.

She stood on tiptoe, hooked his neck, and "baji" kissed him on the cheek.

Fu Boyan was proud of himself, but on the surface he pretended not to be very happy.

Seeing this, Xiao Mengyao blushed, and "baji" sent another sweet kiss to the other cheek.

However, it seems that he is not very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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