Chapter 195 You Are My Romance

Xiao Mengyao was helpless, but if he was unhappy, her emotions would also be affected.

Standing on tiptoe again, she slowly approached him, and kissed his lips cautiously.

Warm feeling, soft and soft, very inviting.

The man is finally satisfied, his Yaoyao is really good.

In fact, Xiao Mengyao knew that he was pretending on purpose, but no matter it was true or not, as long as his charming face lost his charming smile, she would feel flustered and uncomfortable for no reason.

Fu Boyan savored the dessert delivered to his door carefully, he was not too greedy, and let her go when he was satisfied.

"Yaoyao, let me take you somewhere." He said, already holding her in his arms.

Xiao Mengyao remained silent, snuggling into his arms, as well-behaved as a kitten.

Fu Boyan walked like flying, and it took half a minute to get from the lobby of the villa to the outside under the cherry tree.

The sky is beautiful tonight, there is no moon, no stars, and it is pitch black outside, so his little secret is perfectly hidden under the night.

After arriving at the location, Fu Boyan put down the little man in his arms, snapped his fingers loudly, and instantly lit up colorful lights in the dark night.

The night wind blows down the cherry blossoms, and the petals turn into colorful snow under the matching lights.

It was the first time for Xiao Mengyao to see such a beautiful picture, and she was a little demented when she saw it.

Of course, it's not over yet.

Not long after, the colored lights went out collectively, and the petals floating in the air shimmered green in the dark night, just like fireflies.

"Yaoyao, do you like it?" He put his arms around her and asked softly in her ear.

"I like it, I like it very much."

Xiao Mengyao nodded heavily, this is the most beautiful picture she has ever seen.

Seeing her happy, Fu Boyan was also happy, all for her.

The petals falling in the air did not stop, and a thick layer fell on the ground, still emitting a faint light.

In the end, Fu Boyan took Xiao Mengyao to transfer positions, because the romance here is over.

Tonight's Kaidi turned into an elegant sky blue, and the car was filled with 'blue enchantresses', and the faint fragrance of flowers permeated the car.

In the car, Fu Boyan delivered a bouquet of purple-blue roses to Xiao Mengyao.

There are eleven flowers in this bouquet, representing one heart and one mind, and every flower here is personally selected by him in the garden.

Kaidi drove slowly and arrived at the destination in about ten minutes.

Here is an empty grassland, and the grass is full of dandelions, but the dandelions here tonight are very special.

The usually white pompoms all emit a faint white light, just like little stars in the night. They walk on the grass, just like walking in the starry sky.

In the middle of the grass, the wind blows up the dandelion seeds in a decent way, making those 'pompoms' fly with the wind and become countless 'little stars' in the air.

"It's so beautiful!" Xiao Mengyao sighed from the bottom of her heart, and she was also moved.

At this moment, she realized that Yan's absence today was to prepare these things.

People in the world say that women are made of water, they cry when they are sad, and they cry when they are happy. She didn't believe it before, but now she does.

Tears came out of my eyes with emotion.

Although the night was very dark, Fu Boyan could still see the crystal clear liquid in the corner of her eyes.

Raising his hand, he wiped away tears for her, "Yaoyao, the romance tonight belongs only to you, I hope you like it."

"I like it, I like it very much." She said, holding his big hand, "It's romantic to have you every day, because you are my romance."



The next second, Fu Boyan smiled warmly, "Yaoyao, you are also my romance, irreplaceable."

The sweet and moving love words echoed in the silent night, as if making the cold night warm...

(End of this chapter)

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