Chapter 196 Yaoyao, marry me!
If the whole life is so long, she will have no regrets, to be loved by him like this is enough!
The romantic night passed sweetly. In the early morning, Kaidi took his master and left the Cherry Blossom Villa.

It may be that she slept late yesterday, Xiao Mengyao didn't wake up until after ten o'clock, but there was no sign of the other person on the big bed.

She got up slowly, opened her dim eyes, looked at the bright room, feeling that she had overslept.

When I got up, I found new clothes on the table.

And her cute pet silently squatted on top of the clothes, but in a dormant state.

Xiao Mengyao took Momo, shook Momo lightly, and immediately woke up.

The small wings flapped, and flew out of Xiao Mengyao's hand, landed on the corner of the table, picked up the neatly folded clothes, "Master, this is prepared by the host for you, and said that there is a surprise for you today."

Xiao Mengyao took the clothes in Momo's hands, looking forward to the word 'surprise'.

In the end, I didn't ask any more questions, and went to change clothes obediently.

The dress is a white dress with a streamlined design. The upper part is similar to wrapping the chest, and the lower part is an irregular skirt that slowly spreads out, bordered by lace, like a blooming lily.

The color is pure white, with exquisite texts embroidered with blue silk threads.

This dress matches Xiao Mengyao's temperament very well, it is pure and light, yet elegant, like a piece of beautiful jade, perfect and unique, noble and unobtrusive, it is a peaceful and elegant beauty.

Silently turning around Xiao Mengyao, today's host is so beautiful, my friend, so beautiful, but she needs to change her hairstyle.

And such a small matter as a coil is a trivial matter to Mo Mo, a highly skilled robot.

Sitting in the Cherry Blossom Villa today is very special, it seems that everyone is very thick, Tang Mo is wearing a light blue suit, looking energetic and handsome.

In the afternoon, Qinglin came over. He was still wearing a white shirt, black tie, professional black suit, and his hair was well done.

But he didn't come here to play, he has a mission.

At night, Fu Boyan finally came back.

He always wears spotless white clothes, but today he didn't wear a windbreaker, but an elegant white suit, which looks like a couple's outfit with Xiao Mengyao's gift.

He is like an expensive prince in a fairy tale.

Now everything is ready, only one person's arrival is missing.

In the bedroom, Xiao Mengyao was blindfolded by Fu Boyan and brought to the living room.

Under the bright crystal lamp, bright red roses are placed everywhere in the living room, as if this is not the living room but a sea of ​​roses.

The glazed table usually placed in the middle of the living room has also changed its appearance, but this is not the most important thing, the finale is still outside.

In the living room, Fu Boyan took off the silk scarf covering Xiao Mengyao's eyes. When she saw the changed living room, her small mouth became O-shaped.

She's been here all day, when did they do it?Of course, I don't know the point. The point is that these are all prepared for her?

"Yaoyao, do you like it?" Fu Boyan asked with his arms around her waist.

She nodded, she was so moved that she couldn't speak at the moment.

"As long as you like it, there are surprises outside." After he finished speaking, the gentleman picked him up and walked downstairs and outside with graceful steps.

In bright light, it's the same as day outside.

Under the cherry tree, there is a layer of blue roses, and in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers is a word composed of red roses.

Xiao Mengyao looked at the words, her emotions were out of control, and now there are no words to describe her psychology at the moment.

Fu Boyan put her down, smiled charmingly, and as the romantic music played, he knelt down on one knee, took out a small exquisite box, and said the words on the sea of ​​roses.

"Yaoyao, marry me!" His pleasant voice was soft and serious, and his bright eyes were sincerely staring at her face.

Looked forward, but also a little nervous.

It took him two days to prepare everything, although it was a bit hasty, but I hope she won't dislike it.

(End of this chapter)

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