Chapter 212 I Only Love You
Xiao Mengyao frowned, why did he feel that he explained a little too fast, he is not like this usually.

He is so abnormal, if he is not trusted enough, it is easy to cause misunderstandings.

"Yan, I was just joking, what's wrong with you?" She asked in a daze.


She was just joking, wait a minute, it seems so.

Is he too sensitive? !
Fu Boyan raised his eyebrows, and immediately looked evil. He raised someone's chin and looked at her, "Yaoyao, you are being naughty!"

Listening to his tone, which was a little dangerous, Xiao Mengyao shrank her neck.

Bad omen.

" are obviously guilty..."

What she said was very unfounded, but it is the truth.

What, she actually used the word 'guilty' on him? !
Fu Boyan suddenly became serious, bowed his head and approached her, "Yaoyao, what did you just say? I didn't hear..."

His scorching eyes stared at her little face, Xiao Mengyao felt that his cheeks were almost pierced by him, she blinked her eyes, she couldn't admit her mistake.

She used the wrong word, she was wrong.

"That... I didn't say anything..." She said with a cautious look.

However, the man didn't seem to want to end things like this, so he began to be reluctant.

"No, you said it clearly, say it again, I want to hear it."

He spoke slowly, a little owed.

Xiao Mengyao suddenly felt that something big was on the table. She knew him now, and if she couldn't settle him, it would be her who would suffer.

"I... I mean... I'm a guilty conscience, that's fine." After finishing speaking, the muscles at the corners of her mouth twitched uncontrollably. What is meant by reaping the fruits of evil, she should be like that.

However, Fu Boyan still refused to give up.

"What have you done wrong, tell me and see if I can forgive you."

He actually became a reasonable party, and Xiao Mengyao's rationality has become unreasonable now.

This change is quite exaggerated!
Xiao Mengyao thought for a while, she looked like a little daughter-in-law who did something wrong.

She thought about it, but she couldn't seem to find anything to say. She didn't do anything wrong, and secondly, she didn't say anything wrong. This made her say something.

Come on, keep silent.

Anyway, she didn't know what to say.

After waiting for quite a while, but she didn't speak, Fu Boyan frowned, she didn't play cards according to common sense.

Could it be that she is angry?
Well, stop teasing her.

"Forget it, I forgive you." He smiled charmingly, and with a big wave of his hand, he took her into his arms.

However, Xiao Mengyao got into a quarrel with him, she lowered her face first, dimmed her eyes, pushed his arm away, and strode forward.

She did nothing wrong, so why forgive her.

She is like this, Fu Boyan is in a hurry, she won't be really angry, right?
With a trace of confusion, he caught up with the little man in front, "Yaoyao, I am teasing you, don't be angry, okay?"

Trapped her, he admitted his mistake.

"You don't love me anymore, go away." She lost her temper, pushed him away and continued walking.

"Yaoyao, why do you say that, I only love you in this world, how can you say that I don't love you."

As he was explaining, his heart tightened, as if he had been scratched by a cat a few times, and he felt a faint pain.

"You're telling the truth?" she asked finally.

"True, very true!" He replied immediately without any hesitation.

"Who was wrong then?!" she asked again.

"I was wrong!" He admitted generously with a good attitude.

In the next second, Xiao Mengyao couldn't hold back a "puchi" laugh, this is the black who is close to ink.


She is playing with him emotionally? !
Fu Boyan looked at her with the eyes of a villain, "Yaoyao, you are in a big trouble, you are so naughty, you need to be punished, otherwise I won't be able to control you in the future."

After the man finished speaking, he squinted his eyes, followed by a charming smile, full of evil charm.

(End of this chapter)

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