Chapter 213
Looking at him, Xiao Mengyao felt the danger, it was over, she seemed to have overdone it.

Then, the consequences must be serious.

Her little heart was beating chaotically, and she looked frightened, so cute.

However, she provoked him, even in Meng couldn't 'save' her, she was 'finished' tonight.

In the blink of an eye, Fu Boyan hugged her horizontally without warning, making her unsteady, the end plate in her hand fell off, two glasses of juice spilled all over the floor, and pieces of the quilt were scattered everywhere.

Xiao Mengyao was like a frightened little white rabbit, nestling in his arms without moving.

Very good, this is good.

Satisfied with her attitude, Fu Boyan strode away with him in his arms, and his figure disappeared in the corridor in a blink of an eye.

At the door of the small living room, Su Xiaoli watched everything, their intimacy hurt her heart and burned her eyes.

With tightly clenched fists, she slammed on the door frame so hard that she seemed to have no pain at all...

A silent night passed, and the dawn came on time, and there was no trace of sunshine today.

In the bedroom, Xiao Mengyao fell into a drowsy sleep, and had long forgotten about the morning exercise.

At this moment, she only felt that the bones of her whole body were falling apart, her waist was about to break, and her whole body was sore even when she moved.

She swore that if she had known that joking with Yan would lead to this, she would not have made that joke with him even if she was killed.

She wanted to change to a more comfortable position, but was imprisoned by a pair of strong arms, and there was no room for her to move.

She wanted to get his big hand, but just as she grabbed his hand, he held it into his big hand.

In desperation, she had no choice but to turn around.

"Good, don't move."

A pleasant voice sounded, and it sounded ambiguous, making it easy for people to misunderstand.

Xiao Mengyao woke up suddenly, her cheeks became hot, she immediately calmed down, she was motionless and even breathed.

"Good boy, go to sleep."

Satisfied, the man hugged her arms tightly, bringing them close together.

On a rainy morning, when it was gray outside, Fu Boyan slept happily with his arms around his sweetheart, but was interrupted by phone calls one after another.

He got on the phone impatiently, with a particularly unhappy voice.

"What's the matter?!" His voice was not loud, but it was cold and unhappy.

Hearing this, Qinglin took a deep breath, he was probably disturbing the boss.

Helpless, he is a hard-working man.

Clearing his throat, Qinglin respectfully asked for instructions, "Boss, there is a visitor, do you need to meet?"

When Fu Boyan heard this, someone actually wanted to visit him, but he wasn't free.

"Whoever, the little people will drive away directly, and you will take care of those with background."

"The person here is Meng Ke, he said he wants to see the little proprietress." Qinglin said carefully.

If it's him, he still wants to see Yaoyao, don't even think about it, he thought he was Yaoyao before, but it turned out he wasn't.

Since he and Yaoyao are not close relatives, there is no need for him to see Yaoyao.

"No, send him away!" After Fu Boyan finished speaking, without giving Qinglin a chance to say anything, he hung up the phone and threw the phone aside.

"I want to see him, he saved my life."

Xiao Mengyao spoke unhurriedly, she could hear their conversation just now clearly.

She still remembered what happened in the mausoleum last time, and she owed Meng Ke a life-saving grace.

"He saved you? When?" Fu Boyan was rarely serious.

"When I was brought into the mausoleum by Lu Zixuan, if it wasn't for Meng Ke, I would have been buried in the mausoleum."

"In that case, it's okay to see you."

Even if she is her savior, she won't treat him badly.

So Fu Boyan took the phone and called Qinglin back. As soon as the call was connected, he quickly said, "Tell him to come over here in the afternoon."

After finishing speaking, before Qinglin had time to reply, he hung up the phone again.

(End of this chapter)

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