Chapter 286 Is What You Said True?
Seeing himself being ignored like this, Tang Mo was deeply hurt at the moment.

Grandpa didn't give him face.

Alas, since we can't deal with the old ones, let's focus on the young ones.

Tang Mo turned his head and said with a charming smile, "Xiao Yaoyao, you don't know my grandpa well, so you probably have nothing to talk about, why don't you just stay here and I'll go talk to my grandpa..."

Xiao Mengyao blinked, shook her head and refused, "Since I have promised your grandfather, it's not good to go back on this, and it's just a chat."

After Xiao Mengyao finished speaking, she got up suddenly and left the living room.

Tang Mo smacked his mouth, looking like a catastrophe was imminent.

It's over, if Xiao Yaoyao knows what she shouldn't know, she won't just tear him up when she comes back.

Hiss... I have to inform the old man to come back as soon as possible...

In the small living room of Sakura Villa.

Tang Zhaoyun sat straight on the sofa, waiting for Xiao Mengyao to come over.

After a while, Xiao Mengyao opened the door unhurriedly and came in.

"I don't know what the Great Elder wants to tell me?" Xiao Mengyao cut straight to the point when she came.

"Miss Xiao appreciates the face, so I won't play tricks on the old man."

As Tang Zhaoyun spoke, he became very serious.

"Miss Xiao, you should know who he is."

Xiao Mengyao knew exactly who Tang Zhaoyun was referring to as 'he'.

"Not very well." Xiao Mengyao answered truthfully.

Although she had been by Yan's side for a while, she knew most about Yan's identities only the bloodthirsty black emperor.

"He is the most living ancestor of our Wu Clan, and his life and death represent the entire Wu Clan."

Tang Zhaoyun said slowly, with a very serious tone.

"So?" Xiao Mengyao digested what Tang Zhaoyun said, and then asked lightly.

"So, you have to leave him. He has paid too much for you, including his life." Tang Zhaoyun's serious face tightened a little when he said this, "Your life was bought with his blood, he He is very weak now and may die at any time."

What? !Xiao Mengyao's face suddenly changed.

She only knew that Yan's method of saving her was unusual, but she never expected it to be like this.

No wonder, he didn't tell her, he wanted to hide it from her. It turned out that he used such an extreme method to save her.

For a moment, Xiao Mengyao's heart was beating in a mess.

My heart hurts, he is so stupid.

He didn't deserve it at all.

"Elder, what do you want me to do, just tell me."

Xiao Mengyao forced herself to calm down.

Tang Zhaoyun sighed, seeing Xiao Mengyao's attitude, his tense face relaxed a little.

"I know your relationship, and he can only listen to you, so I hope you can persuade him to return to the Wu clan with us for recuperation as soon as possible. With the secret of immortality on him, plus ten of us The old man's skill, and the elixir of the witch clan, should be able to save his life."

"Is what you said true?" Xiao Mengyao stared at Tang Zhaoyun closely and asked eagerly.

"Of course, old man, I never tell lies." What Tang Zhaoyun said was categorical and unquestionable.

"Okay, I will definitely persuade him and let him go back for treatment as soon as possible."

"The old man, I'm just waiting for the good news from the girl."

"Don't worry, I will do my best!"

He is her heart, her life, so as long as he can live well, she can sacrifice everything.

Even if it's... separation.

Ever since she finished talking with Tang Zhaoyun, Xiao Mengyao felt that a big stone was pressing on her heart, which made her uncomfortable, even to the point where she had difficulty breathing.

My heart felt faint, bursts of pain, my eyes were dry, but no tears fell, just dry and uncomfortable...

After Fu Boyan received Tang Mo's 'tip report', he rushed back from the outside without much delay...

(End of this chapter)

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