Chapter 287 Why Are You Hiding It From Me?

After returning to Sakura Villa, Fu Boyan ignored everyone and went directly to Xiao Mengyao.

At this moment, Xiao Mengyao is not in the bedroom, but on the balcony.

Tonight's night is very cold, it's already May, and it's still as cold as winter.

She was so cold that she couldn't help but stroked her arms.

Looking up at the night sky, it seems that tonight is also extraordinarily dark.

The moon has disappeared, and even the stars have lost their shadows.

Just like her at this moment, lonely and uncomfortable.

She didn't want to lose him, she wanted him to live well, for this she would rather sacrifice her life.

In exchange for his peace and safety, in exchange for his life's well-being.

From a distance, looking at the thin figure in the night, Fu Boyan felt a pang in his heart.

She is so weak, how can I feel at ease, she is so stupid, without me, who will take care of her...

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable Fu Boyan felt.

Yaoyao, what should I do?Leaving you alone, how can I rest assured?
Fu Boyan kept asking himself.

But the answer is so pale...

"Yaoyao, it's cold outside, your body is just right, don't freeze."

Fu Boyan put his coat on Xiao Mengyao's body, and took her into his arms.

Xiao Mengyao pulled up her clothes, as if the cold was not so cold in an instant, maybe it was because her heart was warm.

Turning around in his arms, looking at him, frowning, worry gradually revealed.

"Why so stupid? Is it worth it?"

When she spoke, her heart ached.

If possible, she would rather he didn't save her.

However, time will not turn back, and nothing can be changed.

Now, she just wants him to be well, even if it is to return all the blood flowing in her body to him, there is no problem at all.

Fu Boyan could hear what she was talking about.

Damn Tang Zhaoyun, dared to go against his will and told Yaoyao what she shouldn't know.

" know..."

He is asking knowingly.

"Why did you hide it from me?!" She questioned him.

Fu Boyan frowned, his eyes froze and darkened a little.

"I just don't want you to worry... I'll be fine."

At this time, he is still thinking about her.

Did he ever think about himself? !

The answer, isn't it obvious!
He always only thinks about her. He used to be, and he is still...

"Don't you think it's too much for you to do this?! Why don't you ask me if I'm willing?!" Xiao Mengyao couldn't control her emotions and growled in a low voice.

At the same time, big tears fell on Fu Boyan's white shirt and immediately turned into sprays.

"Why did you do this...why..."

She cried, crying heartbroken.

In her two lives, it was the first time she cried so hard.

Fu Boyan hugged her, unable to say a word.

He knew that doing so was indeed cruel and selfish.But, let him watch her die, he really can't do it.

He didn't want to wait hundreds of years, he just wanted to be with her now, even if it was just a day, a minute, a second, he would be content.

I don't know how long it was silent before Fu Boyan opened his mouth softly.

"Hey, don't cry, I'm really fine, don't listen to Tang Zhaoyun's nonsense."

He coaxed her, thinking he was coaxing a child.

Xiao Mengyao was still sobbing, her heart ached, it hurt like a tear.

"Cheating... cheating..."

At this moment, she is really a child, arguing with Fu Boyan.

The big stone in her heart made her almost suffocate, she was a waste, a complete waste, she would only bring him endless troubles forever.

Perhaps, she is really his 'broom star'.

"Yaoyao, stop making trouble, what I said is true, do you see how I look like I'm going to die?!"

Fu Boyan put his arms around Xiao Mengyao's waist with one hand, clamped her chin with the other, and lifted her up so that she could look at him.

(End of this chapter)

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