Chapter 302 Feeling Familiar
As long as he is there, no one in the boss can even think about it.

Qinglin frowned tightly all the time, his white hands clenched into fists, and his joints turned white.

"Little Boss, you don't have to worry too much, we are still here for everything." As Qinglin spoke, he had already started to make plans in his heart.

Tang Mo is not here now, and he obviously can't handle so many things by himself.

He can't really make the little proprietress worry about it. She is pregnant now, so she can't be too tired.

Right now, I have no choice but to ask Mu Ze to help him, he still recognizes Mu Ze's ability...

At noon, Mu Ze received a notice from Qinglin, without talking nonsense, without procrastinating, he immediately left Fushengmen and rushed over.

As soon as Mu Ze came over, he locked himself in the same room with Qing Lin and discussed something.

Xiao Mengyao sat alone in the living room in a daze.

Here, there are many memories with him.

I don't know how he is now?Has the poison been cured?Has the body recovered...

Thinking about it, her heart ached.

Holding the mobile phone in her hand, at this moment, she really misses him, misses him so much, as if seeing him.

But...he's not here...

After more than an hour, Qinglin and Muze finally came out.

From a distance, Mu Ze looked at the thin figure on the sofa, his eyes paused.

"You haven't seen it yet, she is the little boss's wife, the boss's treasure." Qinglin glanced at Muze and said with a slight smile.

Mu Ze withdrew his gaze, "The last time the Night Slayer was held was for her!"

Speaking of this, Mu Ze lowered his tone a little.

"That's right, but in the end they are the ones to blame." Qing Lin shrugged, showing no pity for Ye Guihui's end.

Who asked them to provoke the boss again and again, and to use such despicable methods against the little boss lady.

If it wasn't for the Night Ghost Club, how could the boss...

The more Qinglin thinks about it, the more angry he becomes. If the Night Ghost Society has not been destroyed, he must destroy the Night Ghost again? Come out!
Hearing their voices, Xiao Mengyao recovered from her daze.

Turning his head, raising his eyes, his eyes fell on the man next to Qinglin.

He should be Mu Ze, as expected, he is one of his subordinates, handsome, calm, and wild.

Slightly carried a bit of his breath.

"Why is the proprietress looking at me like this?" Mu Ze felt that she was almost seen through, his eyes dodged for a while, and he asked with a faint smile.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Xiao Mengyao became a little confused.

It was obviously the first time they met, but for some reason, they felt a little familiar with him?

Where did they seem to have met before, and his voice was really familiar? !
"Boss, what's wrong with me?!" Mu Ze asked again, he hated the feeling of being stared at, especially those eyes that seemed to be able to see through each other.

Xiao Mengyao smiled lightly to hide her confusion, "No."

"Really?" Mu Ze asked, she is really interesting!
"The little proprietress said she didn't have it, so don't ask." As soon as Qing Lin opened his mouth, he protected Xiao Mengyao.

Mu Ze curled his lips, stopped talking about that topic, and asked something else, "Where do I live?"

"Well, you can do whatever you want. I might move to Sakura Villa for a few days. If Tang Mo isn't here, I have to protect the little proprietress."

Qinglin said generously.

"There is something going on here now, so I won't go back to Cherry Blossom Villa, let's live here for now." Xiao Mengyao said indifferently, now is an extraordinary period, so I can live wherever is convenient.

Qinglin did not object to her decision, because he was very aware of the current situation.

Special period, special treatment, in fact, this place is no worse than Sakura Villa...

With Mu Ze's help, Aobashi still has not been at ease, because of the "throwing a brick to attract jade" incident one day, Angel Dream began to be in constant trouble, and the black and white are also around the corner, as if they are promoting some conspiracy.

(End of this chapter)

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