Chapter 303
As always, black is always so silent, yet bloody.

Ever since Xiao Mengyao didn't go back to Sakura Villa, those strange people didn't go there anymore, because they all ran to Angel's Dream.

There is no Tang Mo's robot legion guards here, but there is Kaidi in charge.

Outside Angel's Dream, a black luxury car was quietly parked there.

The pair of cold eyes in the car stared at the top floor of Angel Dream, and after a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, he drove away...

"I'm pretty sure he's dead. You can go ahead and do it. The more muddy the water is, the more interesting it is." Lu Zixuan was in the car, talking on the phone.

"Don't worry, we will do a good job, but we agreed, don't go back on your word!"

"Of course, I will do what I say, and we will have a great cooperation." Lu Zixuan had a cold face, but there was a strange sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, let's start the action here." On the other end of the phone, the man hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Putting away the phone, Lu Zixuan's sneer gradually changed, a little cheerful, as if something good was about to happen...

Early the next morning.

"Damn! They are really going to rebel!" Qinglin answered the phone, uncontrollably swearing.

"Brother Lin, what should we do? The road is raging now, and their target seems to be us. You should ask the boss to come out." On the phone, the man was asking Qing Lin for instructions.

Qinglin has a big head, if the boss can still come out of the mountain, those presumptuous jumping clowns will be wiped out sooner.



It's all caused by those dead 'ghosts' from the Night Ghost Society!
"Okay, I'll take care of this matter, you all should be careful recently..." Qinglin explained and hung up the phone.

Damn it, you dare to hit them with ideas, you are not small!

Looking at the mailbox full of notebooks, Qinglin slammed his fist on the table to vent...

In just half a day, many jewelry stores under the name of Angel Dream were robbed, and the other party came so blatantly.

For a time, they became "fat sheep" in the eyes of black and white.

Qinglin called many leaders of the black and white schools in K City, but those people actually started to make trouble, and they all wished to get rid of their relationship with them.

Hold!Qinglin really wanted to go berserk!

This group of 'wall grass'!
"What should we do now? It seems that they dared to be so presumptuous because they knew the boss was not there!" Mu Ze crossed his arms and looked sad.

Qinglin frowned, and it hurts too.

Although they have a lot of subordinates now, if they want to confront black and white, they must be the one who suffers.

Right now the boss is not here, neither is Tang Mo, and he can't decide too much. After all, he is just a subordinate, so he can only take one step at a time...

Although Qinglin didn't tell Xiao Mengyao what happened now, she still knew more or less.

She would never agree to what they wanted to do to Angel Dream.

She said, to keep everything about him!
Another day passed, and it was almost time for Tang Mo to come back...

Qinglin was looking forward to the stars and the moon, hoping that Tang Mo would come back quickly, but he only hoped for a call from Tang Mo.

A phone call that drives him crazy.

"What's going on, why did the plane break down on the road?!" Qing Lin asked bitterly.

Tang Mo was also very helpless, "Ghost knows, I also saw something. I originally wanted to come back early, but I never thought that the plane stopped in the middle of the flight and landed in a deserted ghost place. It seems that someone is there What a mess."

He didn't believe it, it was a coincidence.

"Okay then, you should be more careful." Qinglin said with a bitter face, it was obvious that everything was premeditated!
"I will, you must take good care of Xiao Yaoyao, I will try my best to find a way to hurry back..."

(End of this chapter)

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