Chapter 309 Power Change Conference (2)

Silently circled around her, feeling like it was admiring a work of art.

Dressing is ready, Qinglin is waiting outside.

Today, the first floor of Angel Dream is contracted by reporters from major media.

Time passed by, a red sun hung high in the sky, and the spacious space on the first floor was crowded with people.

Today is the big day for the press conference of Angel Dream's power change, and where is Angel Dream, the jeweler's leader.

Therefore, today's press conference has attracted much attention.

On the first floor, Mu Ze checked the time, they almost came as well...

Not long after, a group of people came out of the elevator on the first floor, Xiao Mengyao walked in the front, Qinglin followed her, and Momo was also there, but Momo is in an adult state at this moment.

As soon as they came, all the media reporters from all walks of life looked at them in unison, and then, as if they saw some peerless treasure, they rushed here like a lunatic.

Qinglin frowned, do you want to be so exaggerated!
However, they need to be prepared.

Before the group of lunatic reporters approached, the bodyguards immediately dispatched to clear the way for them.

Xiao Mengyao had a calm demeanor, a cold and indifferent smile fixed on her face.

They wandered past and finally stopped on the podium ahead...

A person hidden in the crowd, looking at the angel-like woman on the podium, the corners of his mouth curled into a charming arc.

I really didn't expect that they dared to use this trick to stabilize the overall situation. They really underestimated their IQ.

But if they do this, she will be in a lot of trouble in the future...

On the podium, after Qinglin finished his speech, a group of reporters immediately began to ask questions.

"Excuse me, what is your relationship with the boss of Angel Dream, why did he transfer Angel Dream to you?"

"I heard that the boss of Angel Dream had an accident. Is this true? Is this incident related to you?"

"Excuse me, are you and Angel Dream's original boss married?"


All of a sudden, all kinds of problems burst out from the audience, and Qing Lin felt a headache when faced with any problems, but Xiao Mengyao still looked indifferent.

It was as if she couldn't hear the questions and couldn't see the reporters.

After clearing up her appearance, she spoke into the microphone.

"You guys have a lot of questions. I don't need to answer them all. Here I will only answer a few of your questions." The clear and sweet voice was infinitely amplified by the microphone.

In the next second, the chaotic reporters immediately quieted down.

As if her voice was magical, no one wanted to interrupt her after hearing her voice.

"The boss of Angel Dream is my husband. He is not feeling well right now, so I will take over Angel Dream temporarily." She said calmly, without any sign of guilt.

This was what she said to the media, and the next words were for those who paid attention to Angel Dream.

"I don't know who made the rumor that something happened to my husband, but here I want to tell them that my husband is fine, he is just a little unwell, and I believe he will recover soon. Of course, before he comes back , I will guard everything about him, and will not let anyone take advantage of him!"

When she said this, a new round of questioning could be sent out from the audience.

Xiao Mengyao ignored the meaningless questions, her goal has been achieved, and now she can evacuate.

To be honest, it's really noisy and annoying.

Soon, Mu Ze and a dozen bodyguards send Xiao Mengyao away, while Qing Lin stays to deal with those annoying reporters who have more questions than [-] questions...

Soon, the news of Angel Dream's change of boss spread and became the focus for a while.

Tang Mo, who was far away abroad, saw it, his face turned black to coal.

They are really crazy, for example, dare to do extreme things, don't they know how much trouble this will cause Xiao Yaoyao? !

(End of this chapter)

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