Chapter 310 Missing Floods Again
Damn, Aobashi is short-circuited in the brain!
The more Tang Mo thought about it, the more he couldn't sit still. This matter was too big, and it was directly related to the comfort of Xiao Yaoyao and the baby in her stomach.

Damn, he couldn't wait for the plane to pick them up, so he called one of his buddies in North America and sent a helicopter over...

In Angel's Dream, after the press conference, Qinglin felt smoke coming from his throat.

Those reporters are too fucking capable of asking.

On the top floor of Angel Dream, Xiao Mengyao and Mu Ze are waiting for Qing Lin to come up.

Suddenly, Xiao Mengyao's phone vibrated, it was Tang Mo's call.

She answered the phone, "Hello, what's the matter? Are you back?"

she asked, in a concerned tone.

"Xiao Yaoyao, why did you hold the press conference without telling me, do you know how dangerous it is!" Tang Mo said, a little reproachful, but more concerned.

She was setting herself on fire. Although the chaotic situation of Angel's Dream had been stabilized, she had to face many unknown dangers.

"I know there is danger, don't worry, I will protect myself." Xiao Mengyao was not angry because of what she just said, but was talking to Tang Mo calmly.

"Xiao Yaoyao, I'm sorry I was too anxious just now." Tang Mo apologized, "I'm trying to find a way to go back, you are in a very dangerous situation now, those who are staring at the angel's dream may look for you at any time trouble……"

"I know, I will protect myself." Xiao Mengyao interrupted Tang Mo's words, because she knew that he would definitely emphasize her safety.

Tang Mo, who was in the helicopter right now, felt helpless, Xiao Yaoyao had really changed.

"Xiao Yaoyao, you can ask Qinglin to find the boss later, he is very powerful in K City, and he does not earn fame and fortune, let him come to protect you, otherwise I am not at ease!"

"Okay, I get it, you should also pay attention to safety, then I will hang up." After Xiao Mengyao finished speaking, she hung up the phone quickly, because she saw Qinglin.

"It's Tang Mo." Qing Lin asked in a hoarse voice as soon as he arrived.

Xiao Mengyao nodded as a response to him.

Now, she was a little curious about Boss Gao. She remembered that when Meng Ke had an accident, he also mentioned Boss Gao to her.

"Do you know Boss Gao?" Xiao Mengyao raised her eyes, turned her head, and asked Qing Lin who was drinking water.

"Yeah, I know..." Qinglin nodded and said vaguely with water in his mouth.

Boss Gao has a lot of influence, and he doesn't like to fight for fame and fortune. Although he is a gangster, he seldom does anything outrageous.

I heard that there is still a bar opened now, and the life is very low-key.

"It's good to know him, I'm going to meet him." Xiao Mengyao said, her eyes flickering.

Listening to what Tang Mo said just now, if Boss Gao can help them, then the position of Angel Dream will be more stable, and it will also make those who want to pay attention to Angel Dream timid.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." Qinglin understood her thoughts in seconds, and got up with tired legs to make arrangements...

The sky outside was gradually getting dark, Xiao Mengyao was sitting in the car, looking at the dimly lit night scene, feeling empty in her heart.

Missing flooded again.

Katie moved forward at the most usual speed, and after an hour and a half, they arrived at the 'One Line Leading' bar.

After getting off the car, Qinglin led her into the bar.

Because it was late at night, there were a lot of people in the bar.

The lights flickered, the smell of wine filled the air, Xiao Mengyao's ears hurt from the DJ's shock.

This is the first time she has come to this kind of place, although it looks very new, but she doesn't like it very much.

It was just too loud.

Qinglin led her across the dance floor, through a corridor, and finally entered a luxurious private room.

Without the deafening music, Xiao Mengyao feels that the world is quiet, which is really good.

(End of this chapter)

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