Chapter 327 He Was...Meng Ke! ?

The cold wind was blowing, and more than ten minutes had passed, and most of the puppets had been wiped out. At this moment, the ground was full of that kind of mushy sticky stuff, and there were bursts of stench.

The man's eyes sparkled coldly, and a storm was brewing on his handsome face under the mask.

However, there was a sinister sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" He clapped his hands, the crisp sound was especially obvious in the silent night.

As the sound fell, many puppets appeared under the dim street lamps.

They are like ghosts. Although their movements are stiff, they are very fast, and a lot of them pop up all at once.

It's just that this time they have an extra leader.

The man looked at his most satisfying masterpiece, and when he raised his hand, the white jade bone fan gleamed with blue light, which was very strange.

Xiao Mengyao looked coldly at the extra puppets on the opposite side, frowning slightly, how many are there?
No matter how much, it will not be a good result for them.

Tang Mo straightened up, obviously seeing the new puppets.

Depend on!Bullying the few with the more is indeed a common trick of the night ghosts.

But, their reinforcements should be arriving soon, I hope Qinglin can speed up...

"This is a 'gift' from me, I hope you will like it." The man said to Xiao Mengyao, with a cold voice that seemed to be smiling.

Will he be so kind?
However, she accepted it!
"Lu Zixuan, you better not let me down with your 'gift'!" Xiao Mengyao said, a little arrogant and disdainful!
Although the person opposite was wearing a mask, she was quite familiar with his voice.

Knowing her identity, Lu Zixuan didn't want to hide anymore. He took off the mask, and a handsome face appeared immediately.

In fact, he is really good-looking, but he is too gloomy and cold, which makes people not want to see him, and he doesn't want to see more.

"Yaoyao, you will definitely like this 'gift'." Because, that is what she has been looking for.

"Oh, then I have to take a good look at this 'gift'!" Her voice became cold, and there was an imperceptibly cold aura, and her sparkling eyes, like a pool of cold water, swept across the face, freezing everything temperature.

"Get back in the car, don't come out!"

As she said, she stuffed Tang Mo into the car, and then slammed the door shut.

The action in one go, almost only takes a few seconds to complete.

Tang Mo was in a daze, before he could react, he was in the car, and there was no sign of her outside the car.

Panicked, his eyes were looking for her at a high speed.

Soon, he found her.

At this moment, she is surrounded by those puppets, her figure is too weak, if you don't look carefully, you can't see her at all...

Surrounded by puppets, Xiao Mengyao was calm, calm, and indifferent, like a statue.

It seemed that at this moment she was just standing on the road, and those surrounding her were nothing but people, not puppets, but air.

Gorgeously ignored by her.

"Yaoyao, 'play' well, 'play' to your heart's content, he will always 'play' with you." Lu Zixuan spoke gloomily, with a sneer of interest, reaching his eyes.

It was cold and eerie.

Xiao Mengyao received his 'kindness' again, and fixed her eyes on those puppets, but... she seemed to see a familiar face?

Heart, "thump", the beating was half a beat slow.

He was...Meng Ke! ?

He was actually turned into a puppet by Lu Zixuan? !
How could it be, how could he do this!
"Lu Zixuan, do you still have a heart?" She really wanted to know, what kind of mentality did he use to turn a brother who was born and died into a walking dead?

Can't even death make him peaceful?
"Yaoyao, of course I have a heart, and it's a warm, lively, beating heart!"

In his heart, she still lived!

"You have a heart, how could you do that to him?!" Xiao Mengyao said angrily in a low voice, how could he treat Meng Ke like that!

(End of this chapter)

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