Chapter 328 Hidden Memories

"I'm very good to him. Look, isn't he in good condition? It's well preserved, without any damage." Lu Zixuan looked at Meng Ke, a bit like looking at a work of art.

He is perfect, no, it should be very perfect.

Meng Ke was the most perfect puppet he made.

Because Meng Ke was not completely dead at that time, and some of his nerves were still alive, so he was not a dead body like other puppets. He might still have memories and thoughts.

Only then did Xiao Mengyao realize that the current Lu Zixuan has gone crazy to the point of pervert.

She doesn't want to talk to him anymore.

Turning his head to the side, his eyes fixed on the pale-faced man.

Meng Ke, her good friend, the one who sacrificed for her.

She will not let him die in peace, she will take him away, dead or alive.

"Meng Ke, I'll take you out of here!" She swung her sword and killed Meng Ke all the way.

Because of the internal force that Fu Boyan passed on to her in her body, her current ability far surpassed that of when she was a killer before. It is so easy for her to kill a few puppets.

She killed every step, and when she approached Meng Ke, many puppets had already fallen on the ground.

"Meng Ke..." She stopped and stopped in front of Meng Ke.

Meng Ke raised her head stiffly and glanced at her, without any change, her eyes were empty, as still as stagnant water, as if they were strangers than strangers.

"Meng Ke, it's me!" She spoke again, her eyes fixed on him, hoping that he would recognize her.

But...but not only did Meng Ke fail to recognize her, but even attacked her.

The clenched fist swung towards her without warning, Xiao Mengyao dodged quickly.

"Meng Ke, wake up!"

She thought he was still alive?

"Yaoyao, I forgot to tell you. He is dead, and his memory is also dead. Now he only obeys my orders." Lu Zixuan still sneered, and kindly reminded Xiao Mengyao.

Xiao Mengyao doesn't dump him, at this moment she really hates him to the extreme.

A cold-blooded and heartless person, she will kill him sooner or later to avenge Meng Ke.

However, the most important thing right now is to take Meng Ke away, even if it is a corpse.

"Meng Ke, I know, you still remember mine, right?"

She met Meng Ke's empty eyes, wanting to read his heart, his thoughts...

Tens of seconds later, Meng Ke's stiff expressionless face seemed to have undergone a small change.

His brows were furrowed, and a look of pain appeared.

The hidden memory was pulled out by Xiao Mengyao's mind-reading technique, and he had a splitting headache.

His empty and dim eyes trembled suddenly, he remembered many things, but now he is a corpse, even if he has thoughts and memories, he can't express anything, because many of his nerves and cells are dead.

He seemed to say something to her, but his lips were pursed into a slit, and he couldn't move or make a sound.

The facial nerve was paralyzed.

Xiao Mengyao saw all his changes.

"Meng Ke, I know you have a memory, and you haven't forgotten me, right?" She asked him, a little cautiously. In fact, she was not very sure about this question, after all, he was already dead.

Meng Ke couldn't speak, and didn't know how to answer, so she could only wink at her bluntly and laboriously.

He really wanted to say to her: 'Little sister, I remember you. '

However, he could only say in his heart that she couldn't hear it.

However, Xiao Mengyao knew the silent words in his heart.

"Just remember me, come with me, I don't think you want to stay with him."

She said, with a twinkle of excitement in her eyes.

'Okay, I'll go with you. 'Meng Ke told her in his heart that he thought she could know what was on his mind.

Xiao Mengyao nodded, her friend can finally return to her side, no matter what happens now, she promises to protect him in the future.

"Hehe, it's so touching..." Lu Zixuan clapped his hands, and the sinister voice made people feel uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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