Chapter 331 Is He Really Xiao Ke?

How is this possible?Meng Ke obviously has his own thoughts, how could he be controlled by Lu Zixuan? !
"Meng Ke, wake up!" She wanted to wake him up, not wanting him to become a puppet, a killing machine, who obeyed others' orders.

However, Meng Ke didn't pay attention to him at all, his empty eyes became sharp, like eagle's eyes, staring at his prey.

As long as the time is up, he will rush over and kill her without hesitation.

"Meng Ke, wake up quickly!" Xiao Mengyao didn't want to give up on her friend, she was still insisting.

"Yaoyao, it's useless, he doesn't have any thoughts anymore." Lu Zixuan said calmly, shaking the white jade bone fan, Meng Ke moved.

Although the movement is stiff, but the speed is extremely fast.

When he waved his hand, the breath of death spread instantly.

Xiao Mengyao was faster and dodged Meng Ke's attack, but she just dodged blindly and didn't fight back, she didn't want to hurt him.

"Xiao Yaoyao, it's dangerous, come here quickly." Tang Mo had just finished his work when he looked up and saw the scene of Meng Ke and Xiao Mengyao's entanglement, and his heart immediately hung up.

Picking up an assembled gun, he rushed over without even thinking about it.

At the same time, the gun in his hand fired again and again, and the transparent 'needle' flew across the night sky with a cold light.

But the result made Tang Mo not understand.

Seeing that those 'needles' were about to pierce Meng Ke, they were all knocked down by Xiao Mengyao in the end.

"Little Yaoyao, what are you doing?" Tang Mo howled in confusion.

How does she help the enemy?

Although Meng Ke once saved her, but now Meng Ke is a puppet who kills without blinking an eye.

She is their opponent, even causing unimaginable danger to her at any time.

"Xiao Yaoyao, get out of the way, or you will be hurt." Tang Mo became serious again.

"Tang Mo, don't hurt him, he didn't do it voluntarily, he is being controlled."

Xiao Mengyao explained to Tang Mo while dodging Meng Ke's attack.

At this time, Gao Tianyu also discovered Meng Ke.

In just a few seconds, time seemed to stand still, and his eyes only fell on that very familiar yet very strange figure.

That was his brother, his Xiao Ke.

Why is he so strange at this time? !
"Xiao Ke!" Gao Tianyu called out, and the person rushed over like an arrow and stopped in front of Meng Ke.

Why is his face so pale, as if his blood has been drained, and why his eyes are so hollow, as if he has lost his soul.

Is he really Xiao Ke?

What happened to him?Could it be that he has also become a puppet! ?
No, definitely not.

"Xiao Ke, hold out your hand!" Gao Tianyu grabbed Meng Ke's cold and stiff wrist, and his heart suddenly became half cold.

Why is Xiao Ke's hand so cold, it's still hard, like a dead person.

Could it be that he...

Gao Tianyu didn't dare to think about it anymore, because he felt uncomfortable and didn't want to accept that fact.


Xiao Mengyao exclaimed, pulled Gao Tianyu past her, and turned around quickly, only to avoid Meng Ke's fist.

Gao Tianyu was startled, if this punch hit him, he would definitely die.

Fortunately, he escaped.

"Xiao Ke, look clearly, I'm the eldest brother!" Regardless of the danger, Gao Tianyu approached Meng Ke again.

Meng Ke looked up and glanced at him, a little familiar.

The head began to crack like pain again.

On the face, the color of pain slowly spread...

On the one hand, Lu Zixuan's complexion was also not good, it became more gloomy and darker.

Why is he out of control again!

How could this be? !

Meng Ke began to struggle, holding his head, his body fell limply as if he had no bones.

Holding my head with my hands, the pain is still so obvious.

"Xiao Ke..." Gao Tianyu squatted down, seeing him so uncomfortable, his heart felt as if he was being cut into pieces.

"Meng Ke!" Xiao Mengyao also possessed her body, feeling equally uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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