Chapter 332 Let's Make a Breakup Today

Meng Ke became what he is now because of her.

"Take him away, and I'll take care of the aftermath." The embarrassment did not disturb Xiao Mengyao's calmness.

The current situation does not allow her to think about memories and feel guilty.

"You should take Xiao Ke and leave, I will stay here." Gao Tianyu really settled down.

He is a big man, how could he let a little girl take risks.

"No, you guys go, I'll stay!" Xiao Mengyao insisted, she knew very well the strength of a few of them, now she is the only one who can hold back those puppets.

Because now she can be regarded as a rare master, of course it is due to the internal strength he gave.

"No, let's go together, let's stay and stay together!" Gao Tianyu didn't back down, no matter what he said tonight, he would not leave her alone.

In the worst case, I will have a fight with Lu Zixuan.

How can a man be a man who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

Xiao Mengyao looked at it, and there seemed to be a thin layer of fog in her calm eyes, which covered up all her thoughts, making it difficult for people to see through or understand.

Forget it, it's not too late to leave after these puppets are dealt with.

She didn't believe that Lu Zixuan had too many puppets to kill.

"Little Yaoyao, you go back into the car first, and leave the outside to me." Tang Mo approached them with his weapon in hand.

Xiao Mengyao didn't say a word, and slowly got up with the broken soul, "Take him there first, and I will come later."

After she finished speaking, she strolled towards Lu Zixuan.

The domineering aura exudes coldness, and every step is frosty.

At this moment, she is a king who rides the wind and waves, noble and arrogant, domineering.

But her coldness is like Shura in hell, making people afraid to approach her.

Lu Zixuan stared at her, and some images flashed in his mind. In his subconscious, he was stupid~stupid~wants~to move again, looking for an opportunity to break out of the bondage.

Close your eyes, shake your head, stabilize your mind, and don't give him a chance.

"Yaoyao, do you really want to come back to me?" Lu Zixuan asked her with a sinister sneer.

Hehe, he thought it was beautiful.

Unfortunately, he will be disappointed.

Xiao Mengyao didn't say a word, she didn't stop, she was still walking towards Lu Zixuan...

Lu Zixuan felt the danger from her, waved the white jade bone fan in his hand, and immediately many puppets stood in front of Xiao Mengyao.

Xiao Mengyao swung her sword, and the strong sword energy slashed across her puppet, causing a deep bloodstain to appear on her neck, and then an even weirder scene began.

The heads of those puppets fell one by one, and the wounds were so neat,
Lu Zixuan was a little shocked, when did she become so strong, she could easily destroy those puppets with just sword energy.

As she approached, Lu Zixuan felt a little bad feeling in his heart.

In her current state, she was already on the same level as him, and might even surpass him.

If he fights against her, he may not be able to please her.

"Lu Zixuan, let's make a break today!" Xiao Mengyao said coldly, raising her hand, pointing at Lu Zixuan.

what did she say?It's impossible!

Between them, there was never the word 'broken', because he preferred to be entangled with her.

"Yaoyao, don't forget, I am your fiancé, what, you want to murder your fiancé?" Lu Zixuan smiled instead of anger.

"Sorry, that engagement has nothing to do with me, I'm not Xiao Mengyao, so you're not my fiance!"

This is a fact, a marriage contract without her consent is like nothingness.

"You finally admit that you are not Xiao Mengyao..." Lu Zixuan said, his expression unchanged, "So what if you are not? You live as Xiao Mengyao, so you are still my fiancée."

"Don't be self-righteous, the engagement has long since disappeared with her death, and now you and I are just enemies and rivals!"

She thought that for a vicious person like Lu Zixuan, even if the original owner was still alive, he would definitely not want to be with him.

(End of this chapter)

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