Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 3 Part1 Aura Test: Do You Really Know Yourself

Chapter 3 Part1 Aura Test: Do You Really Know Yourself (1)
◎Ask yourself 3 questions every day

who am i, what i want to do, what should i do

Now, a lot of people are talking about aura.But it's clear that people don't really understand what aura means to us in public relations.For a team, a company, or even a specific person, how can he make his aura positively affect his energy release?That's exactly what I'm going to talk about in this book.

First of all, when you urgently need to improve your aura and win the wonderful life you planned, the most important job is not to let everyone see your brand-new external image and give you sincere praise, but to discover your inner self. become a person who knows himself and can control his destiny.

For a considerable period of time, I sat in my New York office and spent almost every working day researching the "worse" experiences of the course participants.I find that more than 60% of people don't have a clear idea of ​​what they want or are doing.Although they complain at the top of their voices that their lives are a mess—maybe it's not that bad, but people want too much, and don't get anything decent in return for their hardest efforts.

The two 'Is', the outer and the inner, are separated. It's confusing, isn't it?Even if they strictly follow the established procedures, trying to find an appropriate position in his public relations with others.However, the scene is always out of control: you are driving a car crazily on the foggy highway, turning the steering wheel to your heart's content, but you don't know where the 003 car is driving, and you don't know what is ahead. The destination I want to go to is still a dangerous cliff.This can make us feel lost in ourselves the further we go.Where have I arrived, and how far is it from the harbor of my dreams?Is it even possible for me to realize this wonderful plan?
You start to lose control of your inner "I" and feel strange to yourself.As Philip Kessler, the author of "Marketing Management", once told us: What is the most successful business?Sell ​​the number one product in the world - not a car, but yourself.Before you can successfully sell yourself to others, you have to sell yourself [-]% to yourself.

That's right, my greatest wish is to invite readers all over the world to see others and themselves clearly from these so-called "self-summarization and self-examination", and always firmly grasp the most important issues in life. "My current aura?" "How can I adjust myself so that I can exude a star-like aura?" "How can I achieve the goals of the company and at the same time show my self-worth?" Honey, this is not a problem!When you can picture yourself clearly, you already have an incredibly healthy aura and positive drive.

Just like the young and handsome American Layton who finally saw his feet clearly and stood outside the dangerous line, he was lucky to attend our course when he needed to open his eyes most, and got a recharged and refreshed mind. Chance to cheer up.He accompanied his friend Jefferson to our training center, but then he found that his problems were bigger.

After getting rid of the confusion he once faced, he said: "Jefferson is like a child who dare not face the world, he has no friends, and I seem to be stuck in the endless quagmire of interpersonal relationships and lose myself. I follow my desires. , but I didn’t get what I wanted. I thought, something must have gone wrong that made me deviate from my heart but I couldn’t find the reason.”

He has a well-paid but tiresome job at Goldman Sachs, and he deals with speculators of different colors all over the world every day.The customer's goal is to make money, and he rides the arrow of money to swim in the vast digital information.Until one day, he thought he had lost too many important things.

"Who am I?" He began to question.

"This is not the life I want. I seem to have been abandoned by my ideals, and I don't have any confidence in the future."

"My life plan has not been realized, not at all. Although I stepped into the upper class, rich in clothes and fine food, and discussed the most fashionable elite topics, I had to suffer from the emptiness and powerlessness in my heart. There is no sense of accomplishment!"

It's a strange feeling.Sometimes you are obviously very "successful", drive an expensive car, and live in a house with a few hundred square meters, but you are depressed every day and lose your mind.

do you know?This state of schizophrenia occurs when our inner subconscious comes into conflict with our outer aura.The aura is always integrated with us. It is not a mirror that we carry around. We can take it out at any second to see if there is any flaw on its surface. Do we need to wipe it with a clean rag and coat it with a thick coating? of gold.The aura is hidden deep in our bodies, always confessing sincerely to those who observe you, but the interrogation of you disappears and is difficult to find.Therefore, it is very difficult for a person to fully recognize himself.The eyes grow on one's own body, but they are used to observe the outside world and feel the aura of others.It often becomes a blind spot that cannot be judged by itself.If this were not the case, the inscription "Know thyself" would not have been inscribed on the pillars of the Temple of Apollo.The ancient Europeans' false gods reminded the world of the importance of self-awareness and self-examination, so as to avoid loss of self-awareness.

It is precisely because of the extreme difficulty that it becomes even more valuable and urgent to know oneself.

No matter how highly others think of you, you must have the courage to say to yourself at all times: "I am a person who doesn't know, I think I am drifting away from my original intention, and I urgently need to make positive changes." At Burson-Marsteller's charismatic training sessions, everyone in Washington, New York, Los Angeles, and Tokyo hears this advice.We are used to showing off our erudition and ambition to the world, but we don't have time to look back and do a dynamic image scan for ourselves.

If one day, you have the courage to do this, I believe you must be overwhelmed with surprise, because what you see will be a completely strange self.It stands in front of you with a hideous face, even a devil's appearance, and is leading you into the abyss of destruction with great devotion.

In the summer of 2009, I asked Allen: "Who am I, what do I want to do, and how can I do it well? Do you often think about such questions?" Allen's exaggerated expression seemed to swallow an elephant. He never No such self-inquiry was designed.

Then I took out a white question board for him and wrote three questions on it:
who am I?
Can you see your role clearly?

★Family role: Your position in the eyes of your parents, your image in the eyes of your children, your wife's inner status, and the true evaluation of you by your relatives and friends.

★Social role: Do you often donate to charity?Do you participate in various public welfare activities and community activities?Are you on good terms with your neighbors?
★Job role: Do you know what your boss, colleagues and subordinates think of you?What is your significance to the company and what is your role in the team's development goals?
Of course, the most important thing is your position on the ideal coordinates of life: is your life trajectory going up or down, struggling or breaking through?
What i want to do
What are my goals and ideals?The height of life I want to achieve, the wish I want to realize the most, no matter how big or small, ordinary or great, do I know it clearly every day, and keep moving in the right direction?
What mistakes have I made over the years?Have I been corrected one by one, have I drifted with the flow of psychology and behavior?In order to stick to my goals and my own values, have I had a fierce and irreversible quarrel with my boss or colleagues?

In the end, did I choose to compromise, endure or persist in the end?
what should I do?
What am I doing, what action am I taking, about these matters that affect my life so much?

If I use my inner ideal as the criterion, is my current behavior wrong or right? Is there any trouble that I cannot solve?What is the trouble I am facing, is everything going well or am I experiencing setbacks?

So, what is my way out?
I solemnly warn Alan and dear you that at any time, knowing and answering these three questions will always help us see our way through the fog.It's like an identity confirmation that suddenly woke us up from a dream: "Hey, Gao Yuan, you've slept for too long, it's time to open your eyes and stop thinking about it, okay? Look, all your homework has been wasted !"

It helps you clearly see your own life coordinates and current operating status, and plays three extremely important roles in our lives:

★Self-correction: Break the inertial sleep and utilitarian aura, step on the brakes in time and adjust the direction before the passionate train derails.

★Clarify and emphasize the goal: adjust the aura, correct the mistakes that have occurred, strengthen the confidence of the inner "I", stimulate the self-consciousness and positive psychological hints, and reactivate the aura that is beneficial to our life, not just like this Go down decadent.

★Start monitoring yourself without hesitation, regard "I" as a formal company rather than a pocket organization, and formulate a good long-term system: when you realize these problems, we will consciously provide ourselves with supervision and control the direction of progress .The wrong aura can be corrected in the first time, so as not to get lost.

Some SMBs that have been successful in the US and Canada have done just that with my advice.They will ask employees to ask themselves relevant questions three times a day, and must give a clear answer after the inquiry, so that they can always maintain their fighting spirit throughout the day and face all the work with high spirits.

My old friend Kerry spent a long time in China, and then he returned to Washington and opened an electrical appliance marketing company to provide marketing services for Asian electrical appliances trying to break into the US market. Among their customers are Haier, Big Asian brands like Hisense and Panasonic.It was nine o'clock in the morning when I visited him.It's time to go to work, as he told me earlier on the phone, they're doing this sacred "talk to the heart" ritual where everyone spends 5 minutes face to face with the heart, the two "Is" Facing each other nakedly, reporting various data to each other.

It is as much an examination of the past as it is an inspiration for today and a vision for the future.

"Paul Gao, it works great, it's more meaningful than a weekend service!"

Kerry told his employees that when you wake up in the morning, if you find a blurry face in the mirror, it is a kind of gray and colorless decadence, which indicates that you will get nothing today. Have a day of doing nothing.Happy things will become meaningless to you; disappointing encounters will aggravate the blow to your soul, and you will sink even more and lose your achievements!People have no ability to introspect, just like their eyes are covered with a layer of black cloth, even if they have the ambition to buy the United States, so what?It will be difficult for you to achieve your goals in life and work, and you will have no aura even if you are well-educated.

Based on all the above facts, I am here to tell you that the aura first radiates and works internally, and the foundation of our aura is the confidence and clarity of mind.

Finding the Answers: Alan's Confusion and Release

What was Alan with an exaggerated expression thinking at that moment?He may have never heard that people can talk to themselves so closely and recognize their own aura during the conversation.Perhaps he felt that people should try to escape from their real self as much as possible, and live as if they had "realized their ideals".He is the [-]th consultant who came to our training institution in New York, and his story is an inspiration for all of us.As a senior employee of JP Morgan Chase, now, he came here with heavy steps, eager to find out what he was doing and whether his life was worth admiring.

Just like Huo Jin, an investment veteran, Allen is also lost in the damn capital market—the biggest tragedy of this era is that money is ruthlessly destroying the source of people's original aura, making us no longer just for happiness Instead, their lives are manipulated by money, and they use their own desires to satisfy the nature of money.Alan travels back and forth between Shanghai and New York once a month, facing countless electronic bills and digital changes every day.He is a trader of world-class financial capital, and it is even rumored in the industry that he participated in the collapse of the famous Bank of Merrill Lynch.However, one day he suddenly felt that he had become a prisoner of money, and he saw the color of death on his face in the morning mirror.

Once at a friend gathering, old friends taunted him mercilessly: "Alan, your complexion is incompatible with the atmosphere here, do you need to go home and have a rest?" He sat in a very conspicuous place, holding a Red wine, with an expectant expression.He wants to chat with friends, have a good date with a sexy woman, or even talk about a boring movie that just came out in Hollywood.But no one or very few people want to approach him, and people keep him at a respectful distance.On his body, gathered a cold and cold metallic temperament.He is a man who lives by the rules, loses his enthusiasm and romantic life color, and becomes less like a good friend and a qualified lover.Until he found me, hoping to reinvent himself.

(End of this chapter)

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