Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 4 Part1 Aura Test: Do You Really Know Yourself

Chapter 4 Part1 Aura Test: Do You Really Know Yourself (2)
"Alan, what do you want to achieve?" "I want to have a normal social life, a life full of fun, no longer be regarded as an investment tool that can only be used by friends, and no longer be regarded as a one-night stand with money The scourge." "It's easy, Alan, you just need to confirm yourself and bring home the soul that flew out of orbit."

We need to get rid of all the hypocrisy in our hearts and find our pure self-"Who am I?" Just like in a famous movie, have you ever asked yourself aloud?Who am I and why did I come into this world?Is what I'm doing in line with my inner expectations?This is the positioning of the self-aura, and nothing is more important than it.If you don't know what kind of person you are and what kind of dream you have to survive in this world, everything you do will lose its healthy color and become meaningless!
Allen tried to ask himself a question every day, before he entered the world of capital.The work required perseverance, and nothing could interrupt his sacred ritual at eight o'clock in the morning.He needs to write down his daily answers and compile them into a booklet, which he has to read every night before going to bed, interrogate his heart again, and draw a spiritual portrait for himself, no matter how ugly that "I" is.

Half a month later, he emailed me.He said it was a mental torture, which made him discover his past stupidity, incompetence and countless shortcomings.

It was difficult for him but he successfully recovered his ideal, even though it had been buried deep in his heart for a long time, and it was covered with moss.His previous ideal was to be a competent financial scholar, researching how to make people's lives better, and let wealth provide assistance for people's food, clothing, housing and transportation.But now he has become a prisoner of money, manipulating the market for speculators, and plundering tens of millions of shareholders who have no power to fight back.

Allen soon quit his job at JP Morgan to join a charity where he ran a large charitable fund that helped starving children around the world.He was happy again, full of energy for selfless work every day.Not long ago, when we met again in Washington, I was amazed at his scrappy state of life.

"I'm happy now, Paul. Every money that goes out of me has its final destination. Some will go to poor villages and towns in East Africa, some will go to small villages in southern Asia, and some will use For medical assistance, it is specially given to those poor patients who need the help of professional doctors."

It can be seen that Alan's mental state is completely different, his whole body is full of kindness and cheerful light.This is exactly the result of a person's repeated introspection and finding a spiritual outlet. Even without long-term aura training, he can reconstruct his spiritual world and radiate a strong attraction!

If you are feeling the same confusion about your own life, dear reader, what are you waiting for?You only need to spend half an hour every day to open the door to correct the inner "I" and reshape the positive aura. It is no more difficult than swiping a credit card once when we go to the supermarket, as long as you start now.

◎Discover the weaknesses in your personality
Am I the biggest idiot in the world and why can't I?
What weaknesses do I have that affect my aura improvement?The cunning and stubborn inertia is wandering in my body, why am I powerless to it?
What is it that keeps people away from me, so that I am always overwhelmed by the crowd, overshadowed by others, and have no chance of winning?
When you feel the distress mentioned above, it means that you have taken the correct first step in positioning your aura.Next, you will completely dissect yourself, bask every dusty corner of your heart in the sun, and let those bad elements who make troubles in your life have no escape, all floating in the air.

Look, that's laziness, it makes me avoid any meaningful work, pushes important things over and over again, and the ideal that should be done right away always turns into a casual "let's talk about it tomorrow" in my mouth.

This is negative world-weariness. Under its control, I have lost any interest in life. I always feel that life is just a tragedy that will lead to death sooner or later. Do it, just eat and die like this.

There are also jealousy and stinginess. Under their control, I became narrow-minded and preoccupied, appearing in front of people like a sharp knife, cutting the skin of others from time to time.There is nothing I am willing to give up.I have a strong desire to have all the benefits, no matter who I am, I keep my eyes wide open, fighting for every inch of land, and fighting to the death, so that people around me gradually leave me, and I don’t even have a friend to complain about!

These spiritual "monsters" in strange costumes, they all jumped out, twisting their waists in the sun, shouting, making noise, clamoring, challenging you, and you can completely catch them all and kick them out of your life The world, close the door to them forever.

Only those who dare to face their true selves, only they can do this.Self-affirmation is always accompanied by some degree of self-denial.Only by finding the factors that affect and destroy our positive aura, can you understand what you should do, how to fill in the gaps, and rebuild your aura like repairing a house.

Paul's 14 Personality Tests

In the training center, we provide 14 testing standards for those who want to discover personality weaknesses—like 14 precise scalpels, dissecting and testing every corner of our spiritual world.

1. Psychoticism: Are you impulsive without warning and out of control?
2. Introversion vs. extroversion: Which is your personality most of the time, or is it typical of a dual personality?
3. Emotional stability: Can you control your emotions well and always think about problems calmly?
4. Concealment: know how to conceal the true heart, the expression has been well controlled?

5. Body sensation: Is your body tense or relaxed?

6. Feeling of compulsion: Do you feel oppressed by the outside world or yourself?

7. Interpersonal sensitivity: Do you always care about what others think of you?
8. Feeling of depression: Do you feel depressed about the current situation or the future, and form a long-term mental illness?

9. Anxiety: Worried about certain things, even sweating suddenly, and you can't find a way to relieve it?

10. Enemy: Do you have enemies in your world or easily create enemies for yourself?
11. Feelings of Fear: Are there things that often scare you?
12. Paranoid Tendency: Do you insist on something so desperately that eighteen California donkeys can't hold you back?

13. Mental factors: When problems come, do you often feel nervous or are you in a normal mood?Do you lose sleep under stress?
14. Sleep, diet, etc.: Is the life pattern normal?Staying up late at work for long periods of time or traveling reluctantly?
We took a scoring method to conduct an overall personality test on the participants.The minimum score for each item is 1 point, and the maximum score is 10 points.

A score higher than 7 indicates that the red line of danger has been exceeded, which means that related problems are having a very bad impact on life.His desires are too strong, he is full of destructiveness to the rules, his aura is extremely sick, and his mentality is extremely selfish. If he does not adjust in time, it will not only cause irreparable obstacles to his career, but also damage his physical and mental health.

All the criteria are in the range of 4 to 6 points, which shows that this is a person with strong self-control ability, all indicators are very stable, with meticulous thinking ability and peaceful and healthy aura.Such a person is never impulsive, he is good at thinking, has a regular life, is approachable, and handles interpersonal relationships properly; there will always be a large group of friends around him, no matter whether he is rich or poor; he is generous and can always help his friends in time, and is a subordinate 015 A good leader in his eyes and a capable general under his boss.Overall, his character is close to perfection, but because of this, he is a perfectionist who seems to have no flaws. His biggest weakness may be that he is too demanding in life and is easy to be ignored. Stumbling - especially for his own mistakes.Such people are exactly what we strive for, if the standards can be relaxed a little.

A person whose values ​​are lower than 3 points, his aura is extremely weak.Because he has no desires, and he has never made a grand life plan.All in all, a person who has no pressure and goals in life, he doesn't care about anything.Friends, money, life ideals, even family and emotions are indifferent symbols in his eyes, which can be kicked away at any time, as long as they block his "playing around in this life".

Misanthropists like this are all around us, like a guy in Philly who has been home alone for 8 years after losing his job, stood in front of me when his parents forced him to come to New York and wanted me to help their son regain his confidence It is simply a "corpse" without breathing and heartbeat.Without desire, this is the biggest flaw in life.A blow from unemployment made him completely lose interest in the world.From his point of view, work is an adventure because being unemployed hurts him.Severe inferiority complex made him shrink back at home, not wanting to see his friends' eyes, not answering his girlfriend's consoling phone calls.Over time, he built a solitary personal world, living in an imaginary castle of comfort.

After seeing the value of his personality test, we formulated two aura training programs for him:

First, try to be a community volunteer and change your view of work.You can go to churches, orphanages, or do some work for charities within your ability, so that he can experience the value system other than money or salary.Volunteers will not look at the face of the boss or the eyes of colleagues every day, and they will not be in danger of being fired.This is the first and least risky way to reintegrate him into an active life.

Second, don't force him to make friends right away, but encourage him to watch some works of art that reflect friendship or love, preferably light comedies with a strong sense of life.When he can laugh out loud (maybe he has always had a strong desire to express emotions in his heart), it will mean that he begins to reactivate the aura of life, and he will have the urge to share happiness with friends and lovers!

They brought their son back to Philadelphia and helped him start a new life.From the later feedback, I know that things did not go well at first, and the young man was very resistant. Even a simple volunteer job made him full of fear and anxiety.He will think: Am I going to meet a boss who is like an ice cube?Will my colleagues turn a deaf ear to my pleas for help?He had had enough of this cold treatment before, and now he seems to feel that "I have the right not to let you see me actively living".The parents were very patient and did not force him to go, but took him to visit the orphanage and let him see how the volunteers work.What shocked him the most was not the volunteers who provided free services, but the orphans and elderly people who were about to die in the orphanage.These unfortunate people who were abandoned by the cruel fate were all smiling and greeted him and asked him about his life.

A kid came up and told him a joke, grinning like he was the happiest kid in the world.

An old man over ninety told him in English with an Irish accent how he lost his job.

Infected by these people, he quickly accepted the job and had his first friend after living alone for 8 years: the kid in the orphanage who told the best jokes.

When I heard his voice on the phone, I felt the irrepressible vitality inside him.He has seen his own frailty these eight years and is trying to make up for lost time with his most positive desire for life.

"I know how to live now. There will never be a more despicable day than the past. From today on, no matter what happens, I will never give up on myself!"

When Layton was depressed at Goldman Sachs and felt that his work had not brought him the rewards he imagined, I gave him a personality test aimed at finding a breakthrough for adjustment.In the end, I found that Leiden has 10 standard values ​​that are all within a reasonable range, which is very good, but the values ​​of 4, 9, 13 and 14 are all high.When answering these four questions, he also hesitated and resisted, indicating that he was also aware of related problems.

Combining his occupation, his status in the past six months and the test results, we have come to the characteristics of Leiden's aura: he has a calm personality, and his emotions never fluctuate in the process of life and work.As an investment consultant, Leighton is excellent. He is shrewd and capable, like a calculating machine that never makes mistakes. This is exactly the career aura he needs.But at the same time, he has poor flexibility in dealing with things. Although he is good at patience, he reacts slowly when encountering problems and lacks the courage to make breakthroughs in the future.When he restrained his impulse and passion better, he also lost the opportunity to expand his life space.He is the best business partner, has a sufficient network of people, and is a subordinate who is easily recognized by the boss, but he is not a friend with fun.He is suitable for some fixed work that requires carefulness, prudence and patience. All his strength is devoted to this one thing, and he does it extremely well.But he loses his luster quickly in social situations, and no one is impressed with him except when talking about how to profit from financial instruments.

The important thing is that Leighton doesn't know what to do, he has been kidnapped by himself.

○ My adjustment plan for Leiden:

(End of this chapter)

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