Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 5 Part1 Aura Test: Do You Really Know Yourself

Chapter 5 Part1 Aura Test: Do You Really Know Yourself (3)
1. Because of his stable and pragmatic nature, his professional ability in the investment field is beyond doubt. Capital operation has always been his ideal, so he should still stay in the financial industry instead of investing in the art industry as he imagined A TV show or a modeling agent.

2. He should develop his own multi-angle thinking, avoid digging into a dead end, and reorganize his interpersonal relationship at the same time.The point is, he needs to find real friends.

3. He can intentionally train himself to carry out some flexible and responsive activities, improve his personality, and add freshness to his life.It is especially worth noting that he should take part in more non-official group activities, such as inviting some friends to watch a wonderful football game on weekends, so that others will forget that he is the stingy financial steward of those capital speculators in Goldman Sachs.

○Suggestion to him:

In conclusion, I told Layton that he should give full play to his professional and conscientious strengths in his work to compensate for his inflexible personality weaknesses.It is a good way to participate in more activities outside of work and leave work itself.For example, travel to Hawaii, explore Africa, and climb the Great Wall of China in Asia.Give yourself a relaxing holiday and enjoy the leisure rewards brought by abundant material income.He needs to be constantly on guard against his own rut and indifference.When discussing work with others and getting along with friends, the rhythm and speed of the conversation should be slowed down, leaving enough time for the other party to think about the problem and respond.This is important because it will help to improve his image of being arrogant and condescending, and changing the inherent arrogant image in the eyes of others.When he forgets his identity as an investment consultant and financial expert, a passionate life will come to him, and his aura can return to positive, so that he can feel the joy of life while enjoying the success of his career.

Before the personality examination, Layton was a little nervous, but he was not as natural as the "patient" Jefferson he brought, and he had doubts about the accuracy of the test.Finding and acknowledging your weaknesses is always difficult, for each of us, as difficult as winning a battle.Nobody wants to fight themselves because it's easy to get into a "Vietnam quagmire", but that's exactly why most people don't get really good.When Layton got the medical report I gave him, he told me that he had gained a lot.Because the accuracy rate of this report was [-]% in his opinion, every judgment convinced him.

"Paul, I'm sure I've gone through a baptism of the soul. It turns out that I have such a bad temper. In the eyes of my friends, I must be an annoying uninvited guest."

He was right, as many of Leighton's friends said of him, that he never talked about anything but money.He is mercenary, using business cards, cars and asset appraisal reports issued by accounting firms to judge a person's value.He only pays people who are likely to bring him monetary gain, and treats poor friends like a pile of garbage, even though he may be passionate inside.The pain of being misunderstood makes people sympathize, which shows that there is a big problem with his aura.

Then he decided to come to participate in the full course of the 28-day charm training, and experienced a "purgatory of rebirth" like Jefferson.He is determined to get rid of those bad habits that affect his positive factors, and eliminate the defects of his aura as much as possible.

Half a year later, when I saw him again, he wrote an article about his experience and published it on the "Washington Post", appealing to those who soak in red wine every day to come to the charm course for themselves. field detection.

He said: "Maybe you're already good, but this will make you even better! You'll be surprised how good you can be!"

This is a dialogue with the soul, it will help you overcome the weakness of character.As long as you can convince yourself to take off the disguise of the secular world, say goodbye to the tying and impact of the utilitarian city, the computer and the boring files, you can dissect your personality and psychological characteristics in front of a clean mirror, and find yourself The true shape and nature of the aura, and then find the right direction.

Remember that each of our personalities is a uniquely constructed world with enormous energies within it.The gradual release of energy constitutes our most basic aura, just like the engine of an airplane, which can not only throw us from the clouds to the ground below [-] meters, smashing us to pieces, but also help you fly to the pinnacle of success !

So when you decide to test and adjust your aura, start by getting to know your personality.Only by discovering those ugly weaknesses can we create a positive and healthy attitude.Hold on to the sails of fate so that you will not run aground on the rocks in the turbulent sea.

Bad aura self-examination: ask yourself "why I can't"

People are used to casually saying: "I can do it! I'm fine!" Even if they feel uneasy, they will brag to the sky. In short, they will never tolerate the situation of being underestimated.This is a great virtue, and we all know how important confidence is, but if you don't know how to remove the stones from your feet before you release your confidence, you are bound to fall hard.

"Why can't I?" How many people questioned their hearts in front of the window in the middle of the night?
This is not a major issue that will affect life, but it is a universal philosophy that can cleanse the soul.It is the motto of our charismatic training courses, and it is also the secret magic weapon for every outstanding person and industry elite to release a strong aura steadily.

Only when you dare to look at yourself in the mirror and know why you can't, can you find the decisive wisdom of "I can".

When you are faced with a god-given opportunity for promotion, maybe there is a big client and a business that is extremely important to the company that you need to fight for. Do you know how to compete in front of a powerful opponent?What advantages do you have that the other party cannot match, and what disadvantages do you have that you cannot compete with?You need to ask yourself and conduct a comprehensive test on yourself.

Donny Deutsch, the chairman of Deutsch Company, has established a top media company in the United States with assets of more than 10 billion US dollars. In his book, he has recommended this question to people more than once-"Why would I Succeed? Because I always ask myself why I can't."

Once you know how to ask yourself and actively seek answers, your aura will be upgraded and the kingdom of opportunity will open to you.

This is not only an encouragement to our own benign aura, but also a boost to our life.When those American small and medium-sized business owners who are in dire straits come to me with many questions, I always suggest that they put the current corporate crisis aside and get rid of their unearned money. Have a spiritual conversation!Don't we even have the courage to talk honestly with our hearts?

"The customer stopped contacting you after only one meeting, and the money that was about to arrive ran away. You were angry because of this, but have you ever reflected on the color of your tie being too bright? Maybe it ruined your big business, and It’s not the financial structure of any company.”

"Maybe the reason why excellent employees always quit jobs is not that you offer too low salary, but that you lack trustworthy leadership. People who see no hope on your ship will jump ashore decisively once they have the opportunity, and run to other places. Good boat, leave you here alone to blame yourself! Why do you always complain that the staff can't give good advice?"

"You went from a salesperson to a middle manager with a promising future, but you were fired shortly after being promoted. Oh, it's a pity, but the real reason may not be that you are not someone. Are you on the wrong side? You lost the team, but you are not loyal enough to the company, which is your biggest flaw."

Countless losers have all kinds of excuses to defend themselves, but they have never really thought about their own problems: Why am I not doing as well as that fat man?What's so great about him?In fact, besides being bloated than you and walking like a Donald Duck, he must have some qualities that you can't surpass in the short term.Only a sober and wise self-examination will help you uncover your deeply hidden weaknesses.Correct them in time, and you still have a chance after failure, otherwise you can only continue to complain until no one cares about your weak voice.

◎Aura positioning: Will miracles happen?

Before drawing a sketch of a true image from the heart, you need to have enough self-knowledge to clearly position the gap between your hard power and the aura of those truly strong.You must maintain a clear mind and accurate self-judgment in order to objectively locate your current aura.

The aura trap that is difficult to detect: success "as I imagine"

Even if the market potential described to you by the client is indeed true, and countless money is piled there, waiting for you to drool and pounce on it, but do you have the corresponding actual development capabilities?Many people fail miserably because they take unprepared risks, being too optimistic to see their own strength, forcing themselves to do certain things, and the result is a complete failure.

Wall Street is full of such distraught losers who wear "I need a job" signs around their necks and wander helplessly through the bustling streets, hoping pitifully for a banker to give them a job to support their families. Work.

Now they make such a request: "As long as you can fill your stomach, I don't expect too much, and I don't want to become a billionaire as soon as I close my eyes. I have learned to be pragmatic."

You have to know, from "I need" to "achieveable needs" to "successful realization" of the great idea, this is the goal of almost all entrepreneurs' hard work, dedication and struggle, but how many people do it for this "thrilling day"? "Jump" paid a huge investment, and finally stepped into the abyss of no return?

A failed California youth sat in my office and still kept explaining his dream: "If everyone consumes one box..." "If every 10 people buy one box..." "If every terminal sells one box a day box..." "If one box is sold every two days..." Yes, then he will be the richest supplier of high-end cosmetics in the United States, and all French perfumes sold in the United States will come from his sales warehouse.But unfortunately, he still has nothing after trying. The reason is not that he didn't work hard enough, but that he didn't conduct a real survey of terminal consumption behavior in cities across the United States first, and let the ruthless and real data tell himself: Is the market really his? As expected.

"Success does not follow your imagination. Having a desire does not mean that it can be realized, and the aura does not radiate to any corner of the world. The most important thing is not when you seize the opportunity, but to see clearly how far you are from the opportunity. How far is it, and is the risk worth bearing? Whether a successful entrepreneur or a pioneer who is eager to try, when faced with a bright market prospect, they must have a clear understanding and systematic thinking: how much is this cake? Can it be mine? How will I get it..."

Ryan and I had an interesting hike last fall to a hill near Los Angeles.But we walked too slowly at the beginning, and when we reached the middle of the mountain, it was already [-] pm, and we discussed whether to continue up or go home.Ryan looked at the people above and said with a smile, "Paul, if we go fast enough, we can reach the top of the mountain at five o'clock, and then go home for dinner at seven o'clock."

He was optimistic and eager to try it because it was a bold attempt.The adventurous nature of Americans played a role in Ryan at this time, and he was eager to take a late night mountaineering trip.But I thought first of an unacceptable danger, because a week ago on this hill at [-] o'clock in the evening, a murderer was still at large.If we couldn't climb up and back as fast as we could, we'd be walking wearily up the mountain around eight o'clock, and it happened to be halfway up the mountain where the murder happened.

At this time, our physical strength is already insufficient, and maintaining the fastest speed is just a beautiful imagination, and we will definitely fall into the most troublesome situation at that time.

So I shook my head and said, "No, Ryan, we're going home now, this mountain will be conquered sooner or later, but not today."

"Paul, that's not your style! Aren't you the most passionate of all time, isn't my proposal a great act of courage?"

I said, "Yes, Ryan, your idea is very good, and I would support your proposal in another safe place, but not here. We need to think rationally about feasibility, soberly calculate the chips we have, and It’s not like taking it for granted that you can do whatever you want.”

Ryan felt very sorry, and followed me down the mountain depressed all the way.But the news the next morning told him I was right.At ten o'clock that night, the Los Angeles police arrested the murderer at the hotel under the mountain.An hour and a half earlier, witnesses spotted him at the foot of the mountain and immediately notified the police.Ryan broke out in a cold sweat and immediately called me to congratulate me.

"Paul, you're right again."

(End of this chapter)

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