Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 6 Part1 Aura Test: Do You Really Know Yourself

Chapter 6 Part1 Aura Test: Do You Really Know Yourself (4)
This is what I said, we need to abide by the laws of nature at all times, and only by understanding reason can we release passion correctly.Mountain climbing is the best metaphor for anything.If we don't know how far we are from the top of the mountain, we will make fatal mistakes when making choices.A senseless risk is always a worthless rash.There are countless fools on Wall Street and in financial institutions around the world.

One of the most typical examples is that when the stock market soared out of control, Buffett always stood still and watched the frantic influx of people calmly, and then quietly entered the market to clean up the mess at the moment of the market collapse , Acquisition of those "junk stocks" that have been degraded in a mess.How many people would naively think that the stock price will go up forever?They always feel that making money is up to their imagination, as long as they want to make money, the money will be placed on the shelf not far away waiting for them to reach for it, there is no need to pay any price, and even the money will fly into their arms by itself.

Therefore, the aura of overconfidence is often a trap that never returns.If you are feeling overwhelmed with confidence in something, you have to be extra careful, which means that you are likely to fall out of the game when you are laughing the most, and quit the game under the jeers of your opponent.

The Most Effective Life Principle: Being Sober Is More Important than Focusing on Others

It is important to pay attention to others. If we want to be a winner, we must compete with those who also want to be a winner.But in comparison, keeping yourself awake is a more important aura option.I'm here to tell you solemnly: Never try to dissect and play with others when you can't see yourself clearly!

A sober self is to keep a clear mind. You not only need to understand what you are doing, but also what you already have, what important things you still lack, what gaps you need to make up, and what deficiencies you need to fill. , and then you will know how to pursue, how to conquer and obtain those fertile lands.

A smart person, for his future, he should first locate his aura, and then determine his direction and goals.

★The positioning of our aura should be clear.

How should you position yourself?That's what I want to tell you most in this chapter.When you learn to locate, you can find the way.

You have to analyze what the current society is like, whether the environment is as ideal as you expect, and what are the characteristics of the platform I am stepping on, and then figure out what kind of people the society needs, what kind of thinking or ability you should have , and whether you already have it.

If you have such abilities, how can you find a suitable industry for you, or find something you can do; if the result is the opposite, the question becomes how we should adjust so that we can adapt well to the environment and realize life program conditions.

★Direction and Goal: You are going to paint a portrait of yourself.

"What do you want to get?" I often ask people who are suffering all day long. Their ambitions are great, but their aura is very scattered, they are absent-minded and unable to adjust firmly.The price of an unclear direction in life is that they took a lot of detours, wasted time and energy, even lost a lot of money, paid a heavy emotional price, and still got nothing.

At this time, you have to draw a portrait of yourself and position your ideals and life plans.What kind of person do you want to be, what kind of social status you want to achieve, and in which aspects you want to embody value.Let these important questions form logical images in your mind.If you want to be a painter, the painter is your goal, and then you have to think about how to become a painter; if your plan is to be the most famous lawyer in the United States, practicing law and opening a law firm is the direction of your efforts.When you have a direction and a goal, you have interest and enthusiasm, your thoughts will revolve around you, and your aura will become healthy and strong.

Remember, come up with a feasible plan to fight, and sooner or later you will get what you want.

What is certain is that for a person with a perfect aura, he needs both self-confidence and corresponding abilities.When you are sure that you can do this well, you have completed a process of self-awareness, and you don't have to pay too much attention to others.Perhaps, since then you have discovered that only you can successfully complete this matter.

"Only me, can't you?" That's when you can say it out loud with confidence.No one is stronger than you, and no one can do better than you!

◎Aura measurement: track your own color

What is certain is that the color of our aura is very different every day, and the changes in inner emotions determine what information they will convey to the outside world.In the morning, at noon, in the evening, you will see a completely different self from other times. "He" is sometimes golden, full of challenging desires; sometimes red, joyful and happy; sometimes black, who just wants to stay in the corner and caress the wound alone.

Haven't you had these kaleidoscopic moments?In decades of life, I often feel that my body is like a colorful treasure box, exuding various and ever-changing auras.I am not always sure what color it is, what is going on inside of me, whether it is positive or negative, but I try to control it so that I can adjust my emotions so that I can always bring out the best in me. One side is shown to the outside world.

There is no doubt that the color of the aura has two characteristics:

○Every time our emotions change, the aura will show the corresponding color.

○With proper training and adjustment, we can experience, observe and control the color of the aura.

Layton later told me what he had seen at Goldman Sachs.His immediate boss, that temperamental, iron-fisted guy, is in a mood, and how is the work status of the day, Layton can always tell at a glance, he knows when to stay away from that guy, and when the situation is not good. The data report will not suffer a "heavy punch" like a storm.

Black, gray, yellow and red, Layton divided four distinct color levels for his superiors.He prides himself on his own creations, and it's all because of the helpful inspiration he gets from his charisma lessons.

He said: "Black means that the person is elusive today. He doesn't know why he is worried. He must have been hit too hard. The whole person has been burned into a piece of black coal. I'd better be careful; gray means that he is in trouble. Thinking about some foreseeable bad problems, maybe trying to control not to get angry, this color means that he is too embarrassing, maybe the boss just gave him a brick; yellow and red are auspicious colors, the whole Goldman Sachs is cheering it on, he's getting lucky, it's a sign of good mood, it's like a bright flag on his face."

Layton observes other people's aura through color without fail, and can always find a suitable position for himself.He intelligently kept his distance from others, which served him well in his work, and made him all the more popular for it.

Understanding some simple and effective color preference tests can help us measure our inner aura.Maybe you will find that the real you is not the one you usually imagined, and you have too many secrets that you can't even see.

Here, my conclusion is: your favorite color must represent the person you want to be but failed to become; the color you hate the most is often a certain bad aura that you are trying to get rid of in your heart.

○Gray: Cautious aura performance.A person with a gray temperament, he doesn't like to be emotional, he often hides his emotions and anger, has a calm personality, and has excellent self-control ability.He will not have a deep friendship or close relationship with you. Usually, he likes to keep a proper distance from everyone, even his wife and lovely children, and it is difficult to really get into his heart.

○Yellow: Positive, extroverted and noble aura performance.He has a detached mentality and doesn't care too much about rewards when doing things, especially short-term gains.Moreover, he doesn't worry about other people's comments and accusations, so his mood is very relaxed and happy.Regardless of work or life, he is full of energy, has a firm goal, and is not easily shaken. He is a reliable person.

○Blue: The aura of tranquility and rationality.He has a calm personality, broad-mindedness, rational thinking, good at controlling emotions, calm in situations, strong judgment, and extraordinary insight, but he is introverted and not easy to approach.It usually takes a lot of effort to conquer such a person, because he will not be easily deceived by sweet words.He can often easily see through the hearts of others, and see through even the most advanced deceptions of liars.Therefore, people with a blue aura are suitable for management work, and they have little risk of failure.

○Purple: romantic and sensual aura performance.Such a person is sentimental and introverted, but his heart is sensitive and meticulous.He is often able to control his inner worries and sadness, and will not show it easily.He is the kind of person who buries his grief deeply in his heart, and he doesn't want to tell the whole story to the person he loves the most. He just hopes that he will heal his wounds silently.Very responsible for life.They never allow themselves to hurt others, so they are compassionate and willing to help others as much as possible.It is absolutely trustworthy to treat friends with both sides, and they can become our lifelong best friends.But such people will be a little neurotic, and they are not rational in doing many things.They are suitable for artistic work, but they are prone to setbacks once they start business.

○Black: Melancholic aura expression.Black represents sadness and uncertainty. In your feelings, it seems that everything is always unsatisfactory, and you can never speak and act as you want, because there are thick walls blocking "me" everywhere. There is no way to get rid of it.Under the dominance of the extremely pessimistic black tone, if you do not change in time, your life path will become narrower and narrower.Because you always feel that the environment is too bad, but you don't want to reveal your true inner thoughts to the outside world.Therefore, people with a black aura often suffer from depression of varying degrees, and most of them have relatively mild symptoms. From the outside world, they seem to be just pessimists. In fact, this is the aura response in a sub-healthy state. , if it is not adjusted, it will become more and more serious, it is worthy of our vigilance!

○Red: strong aura performance.Insanely optimistic about everything, energetic and emotional.He is extroverted, lively, often speaks and does things without thinking, very aggressive and open.He is always mentally ready to attack and argue.He dared to take risks, always fought high, and always fought to the end.

○Green: A peaceful, natural and healthy aura.When you are in the green aura, you will not be easily disturbed, you will feel less restless or depressed, and you will be full of hope for life and maintain an optimistic mood.In a peaceful state, you want everything to be good, and you think that it is good enough and you don't have to complain.People with a green aura are often naturalists. They are not suitable for industries that are highly competitive and require aggressiveness, because they pay more attention to enjoying life, and it is easy to get rich and settle down.

○Brown: A strong aura of desire.This kind of aura is extremely sensitive to material things, and will never be satisfied with life and career.A person with a brown aura has very strong basic desires in terms of food, clothing, and housing. He dares to fight for fame and fortune, and with his own skills, most of them can be realized; however, as we expected , the aura of chasing fame and fortune often creates the motivation to commit crimes or make undue gains.As long as the goal can be achieved, some people will always take risks, and they will not hesitate to betray their friends and their team to achieve the goal.

Please look at the 8 colors below, I suggest you don't associate them with any real objects, you just consider them as a color, and then please arrange them in order from your favorite color to your least favorite color .Each color represents an important aura keyword.Please don't think too much, complete this test within 3 minutes, and then write your ranking on a piece of white paper.

1. Gray: Cautious

2. Blue: Reason

3. Green: Peaceful

4. Red: Firm

5. Yellow: Optimism

6. Purple: Romance

7. Black: Melancholy

8. Brown: Desire

Now let me dissect the secrets. In your list, the first and second colors usually represent the aura you want to have but don't have yet; the third and fourth in your list The color of the color indicates the kind of aura you currently have; the colors in the fifth and sixth places in your ranking indicate the part of the aura you are trying to cover up; the colors in the seventh and sixth places in your ranking The eighth color, in a way, represents an aura that you're not aware of or doesn't exist at all—either it doesn't exist, or it's deeply hidden.

For the test of the color of the aura, before the start of our aura improvement course, it is necessary to do an all-round inspection of your aura.This includes finding out our personality weaknesses, establishing an inner reflection system, knowing how to control emotions, and doing color-choice questions for different emotions to test the current aura.

In our three-in-one consulting system consisting of universities, public relations training centers, and community service agencies, we have designed a series of simple and easy courses, including these personality and aura color tests, which are collectively called "Aura training".We aim to make everyone full of charm, with a strong and unified aura, including approachable demeanor, firm will, insisting on the correct direction of life, and sticking to a smart and kind heart.Whether it is discovering others or judging our own aura, this great process will start with a series of real tests of ourselves.

(End of this chapter)

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