Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 7 Part2 The Key to the Aura: The Subconscious Changes the Self

Chapter 7 Part2 The Key to the Aura: The Subconscious Changes the Self (1)
◎Open the door of aura
Nothing is more important than knowing and adjusting our heart, otherwise, no matter how much training skills we learn, it will be nothing but waste.Inner spiritual adjustment and outer aura training are twins, and this is my sincere suggestion to you.

The subconscious mind is the source of the aura
Psychologist Sigmund Freud first proposed the concept of the subconscious mind in his psychoanalytic theory, which is a powerful and mysterious force hidden deep under our general consciousness.It is not only the "right brain consciousness" that belongs to the control program in our body and the "cosmic consciousness" that radiates outward, but also the source of our aura.I call it "potential energy that has always existed but has been neglected". It is like a power stone that controls the whole body. Its power is hidden in our deep consciousness and affects our words and deeds all the time.

In the depths of your heart, the ubiquitous subconscious mind not only gathers information at the level of your genetic genes, but also includes the most important instincts and laws of the universe.All the best survival intelligence you've ever been given resides in your subconscious mind, and you have few wishes or plans you can't execute if you know how to tap and use this innate ability.Of course, the premise of achieving this ambitious goal is "you can do it" not just "you want to do it".

Everyone has a subconscious world, which is hidden in our body and exists in the form of an ultra-high space beyond the three-dimensional space.Inspired by the right power, once the human subconscious is activated, it will resonate with our surrounding environment, ideals and plans, as well as the aura of others, and a jaw-dropping miracle will appear immediately.There is a word called Extra-Sensory Perception, yes, it is extra-sensory perception, under the control of this energy, a brand new you will be omnipotent!

What we need to do now is to correctly understand and stimulate the subconscious mind to make it work from the inside out, prompting a positive chain reaction in our aura, and ultimately changing our lives.

Miracles are never accidental. The theory that the correct release of subconscious power in the body will stimulate a strong aura has always had scientific basis.In this regard, we have made countless scientific calculations and related research over the years, and now, the facts have proved this point again.Dr. Constantine of the University of Vienna made a preliminary estimate for us. He believed that there are about 500 billion brain nerve cells in human beings. , and then grow into branches, which are neurons, which combine with other brain cells and communicate with each other, which contributes to the development of the brain network, and opens a complex and sophisticated information circuit network in our brains to help us execute thinking. Features.

However, it is a pity that more than 95% of our neurons will be in a state of no use throughout our lives. They are like dreaming a good dream and have been sleeping secretly.If these dormant neurons can be awakened, please believe that everyone can become a superhuman mind and accomplish those feats that are usually unbelievable.

If we use an iceberg as an analogy, the part above the water belongs to the conscious range, which is our visible aura, which accounts for about 5% of a person's total consciousness; now you know, we have 95% % The power that is not stimulated is hidden under the iceberg, what a precious power it is.

Believe me, as long as you don't think about those negative things, but choose positive, positive, and constructive ideas, use the method I provide to go deep into your heart, open the source of the untapped aura, and let the potential By adding powerful kinetic energy to the aura, you can control your own destiny.

10 Characteristics of the Subconscious Mind

1. It is a scientific fact that the potential energy stored in our body is extremely huge, which can reach more than 3 times the power of conscious consciousness.

2. Impulsivity: The subconscious mind likes emotional information the most, and it is extremely emotional.

3. Immediateness and execution: Say "I want" to your desires aloud, although you may not hear its knock, but the subconscious mind's commands to the brain often go straight and are executed without compromise.

4. Visual sensitivity: It is easy to be stimulated by images and respond as quickly as possible.

5. It is difficult to notice it at ordinary times, and sometimes it needs to be developed through hypnosis, and the power will explode in an unconscious state.

6. When the body and mind are relaxed, we are most likely to access the subconscious mind.

7. Infectiousness: Some kind of imposed subconsciousness will be fixed, take root and grow, and become a person's conscious consciousness.

8. Dominance: All conscious consciousness is dominated by the subconscious, including our aura.

9. Endless possibilities: As long as you want, the subconscious mind can provide you with all energy support.

10. Ambivalence: Our actions are always in conflict with our subconscious desires.

Many people are forced by some kind of pressure from the outside world, and they are usually infected with this subconscious mind, which is closely related and inseparable from the pressure.When you feel that you may be afraid of the dark, you start to be allergic to the dark, and slowly you must become afraid of being alone at night.But the truth may be that you just watched a scary vampire movie, and those scary pictures stimulated you and made you feel strongly shocked for a while.This kind of externally imposed psychological suggestion penetrates into the subconscious mind, and it may form your fixed habits-you will be habitually afraid of the dark in the future, and you don’t want to stay alone in the dark; you will often call your husband or wife and ask him Why (she) is still working overtime, what time does it take to get home; you dare not stay in the living room, because you always imagine that a woman with long hair and disheveled face will emerge from the TV.

So you ran into the bedroom early, closed the door tightly, and stared at the door. At this time, you were completely dominated by your subconscious, because you knew it was ridiculous, but you couldn't change your aura deformed by fear.Similarly, when a person's work is not going well, such as not convincing the client or taking a "black punch" from the boss, and returning to his seat in frustration, if his subconscious immediately produces If the anxiety of "I'm incompetent" is consolidated as a psychological suggestion, then he may become really incompetent from then on, and he will not dare to go to the client for a second negotiation, and he will not dare to ask the same question to the boss again. (Perhaps the boss deliberately set up obstacles for him just to exercise his will), then he will lose the opportunity to turn the situation around and become a mediocre person.

A mother was anxious about her child's lack of progress due to inexplicable irritability, and often beat and scolded her child. She usually liked to say to her child: "Are you blind, you can't see such things?" or "Are you deaf, You can’t even listen to what I say?” The mother made a fatal mistake here, in the process of beating the child’s body, she unconsciously injected the subconscious into his mind, and the imposed psychological suggestion quickly entered the child’s heart .

What we can foresee is that in the future, the child will definitely have psychological barriers in terms of vision or hearing, or he will not be able to hear the sound clearly, or he will not be able to see all the colors.His flaws were all given by his mother. Although he was responsible for not being able to become outstanding, the greater responsibility was his mother.She doesn't know how to protect the child's subconscious mind - the source of the ultimate aura that will affect a person's life.

The key to the aura: you must know the great power of suggestion
Years ago, Ryan had found a famous hexagram teacher in South America.That person is like the "God" hidden in the folk, the witch of the goshawk in South America. Among the local population, she has legendary powers, not only can predict the future, but also hit a hundred shots.Ryan found her in a quiet house in the mountains of Argentina and asked her to help figure out his future.

The divination master glanced at him, and then told him very calmly: "Sir, you will lose a lot of wealth, just next month, you have to be mentally prepared for this and accept this unchangeable reality."

Ryan was taken aback.He doesn't believe it, because he is by no means a person who likes financial management and investment. For decades, he has guarded his property with extreme caution, lest those hateful capitalists use various financial products to get it, so he even the least risky Funds never month?This sensational prophecy is too fast.I advised him not to pay attention to the divination master's prediction, because it was more like a curse-like psychological suggestion.

I know the power of suggestion, I know what it will cause, and if you believe it, you will definitely fall into the trap.So I am very worried, and I hope Ryan will not be fooled, and quickly forget about this nonsensical trip to South America.But he chose to call everyone in the family and tell them the unfortunate prophecy.

"Honey, keep our money safe, don't buy stocks, funds, and don't listen to the temptation of any investment consultant. Remember, don't buy insurance either."

"Honey, what's wrong with you?" His wife was puzzled, but followed his advice.

After returning to the United States, he went to a lawyer to consult on investment legal issues, and for the first time, he began to pay attention to stock market news and financial news.He studied Buffett and Peter Lynch, wanting to see when these investment masters lost a huge investment, and then he could learn from it, hoping to achieve a perfect defense.

I think Lane is totally on board, and I advise him not to believe it: "That's just a joke, my friend. You're going to decipher her cues, get out of her psychological grip on you, and don't do anything, like you used to be." Life is fine, and your money won’t go away.” Ryan repeatedly emphasized to me the unfathomable inscrutability of the divinator at this time, and told me her influence in South America, even the Argentine president and his wife I also asked her to divination.

"She's very powerful, isn't she? If she says someone is unlucky, that person must have a hard time. "

It could be seen that Ryan was convinced of this, and his fear was palpable.I regret that my friend, like everyone else, was defeated by the psychological weapon of suggestion.As I expected, and as the psychic had hoped for, Ryan lost $60 the following month.

Sure enough, he was caught, but the process was full of drama.This person who has never taken risks in the financial market and has not done any venture capital investment for decades, but because of a joke made by Gua Shi, under psychological pressure, although he repeatedly told his wife not to pay attention to those investment news, he himself But the line of defense collapsed, and in the end, he really took out a sum of money and bought two stocks involuntarily.He strongly wanted to verify whether the divination master was a liar, and he also wanted to prove that he would not lose a penny even if he really invested.Unfortunately, he bought two junk stocks, and his amateur investment experience didn't help him at this time.When he sat in front of me with a gray face, I believe he still didn't know why the prophecy came true, and he became a downright unlucky guy, a living irony that once again "validated" the legendary ability of the divinator Realistic works.

Many people have heard similar stories, fearing that something happened.It's a mysterious power, isn't it?We are always unable to get rid of the great power of psychological suggestion.Sometimes it's positive and allows us to accomplish anything, like catching a child who falls from the 10th floor in an emergency (already many mothers have spoken out for us in the headlines of the world).But sometimes it is destructive, pushing us into a bottomless abyss, such as thinking that he will be unlucky, then he will probably fall.But as far as these magical forces are concerned, they are neither evil nor uncontrollable.It's just that Ryan himself allowed a powerful negative suggestion to enter his subconscious, and he beat himself up.At the moment when his subconscious mind was opened, he believed in the power of the South American divination master, so he believed in her prophecy, accepted it inadvertently, and finally directed an unfortunate result for his life.

We can go back to this story again to understand how a person can make the subconscious work and make his originally positive and optimistic aura become negative.One of the biggest characteristics of the subconscious mind is blind belief. No matter whether what you believe is right or wrong, whether the received signal is aggressive or destructive, the subconscious mind will immediately accept and follow it.When Ryan went to see the Argentine female hexagram master, he was already in a state of being extremely susceptible to hints.He goes with the intention of seeking hints, though in order to obtain a positive result.Therefore, when the divination master gave him a negative hint, he immediately accepted it completely.

Then, Lane was terrified, and he kept thinking about the impending loss of property - he didn't even know how much money he would lose, was it all?Am I going to be on the streets begging for pity like bankrupt financial lunatics?He told everyone about it, consulted lawyers, researched stocks.In the end, his psychological defense collapsed, and he took extreme measures: "I want to prove to myself that this is just a ridiculous joke, and I will not go bankrupt. Only by buying a few stocks for her to see, can I defeat her."

In trying to defeat the hint, he failed.

The female divinator who predicted that he would lose a large sum of money actually had no power except a few pieces of white cloth to wrap his head and some ordinary wooden furniture.She just set up a small incense burner, burned a few sticks of incense, and then placed herself in a condescending atmosphere, taking advantage of people's pious attitude and the opportunity of the opening of the subconscious window, and successfully injected her psychological hints .This suggestion has no power in itself.If Ryan knew the laws of his brain's operation, he would be able to completely resist such negative hints. In this way, the words of the female divinator would be nothing more than a pediatric trick and a fleeting moment to laugh at.

Ryan could have rejected negative cues to hurt himself. He was able to continue his wonderful life under the leadership of positive cues. However, because he did not know enough about the subconscious mind, he let the cues from the outside beat him.For me, my friends and collaborators at work went through a positive-to-negative aura, and it took two months for Ryan's positive aura to wake up.

In the depths of our minds, suggestion itself has no influence.If these psychological suggestions have any power, I think you must have given it to yourself.The subconscious mind, positive or negative, is always waiting for an opportunity to be recognized by the master. When you identify with it spiritually and accept its suggestions willingly, these thoughts become your own and immediately have a huge effect.

◎Talk to our subconscious mind
If you can accurately locate our inner needs, know what is in the subconscious basket, and then exchange ideas with it to form a unified force connecting the inside and the outside, your aura will soon reach its strongest.Through a series of correct methods, we can actively guide the benign effects of the subconscious mind and stimulate the potential healthy aura in our hearts.

How to develop the subconscious mind. .
The subconscious mind is a magical power at the source of our aura, how to train, develop and utilize it?I offer the following points for you to implement according to your own situation:

★The first step of subconscious development: open the unlimited savings and memory of the subconscious.

We want to build a tall building, can we do it with only blueprints?The infrastructure materials consumed by the great Manhattan buildings are astonishing, and it cannot be completed with a single drawing.If you don’t stock up on various building materials and decoration materials, as well as design knowledge and construction skills, rent all kinds of construction machinery, and have command and management skills, even the most beautiful drawings are just a piece of worthless blank paper.For a person who pursues success and excellent aura, it is necessary to open up the infinite space of the subconscious mind and reserve a large amount of necessary basic knowledge and professional skills in order to have sufficient energy supply when the aura needs to be stimulated and the goal achieved.

(End of this chapter)

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