Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 8 Part2 The Key to the Aura: The Subconscious Changes the Self

Chapter 8 Part2 The Key to the Aura: The Subconscious Changes the Self (2)
Let me tell you, the aura is not something you want, and dreams are not something you can pick up with your hands. If you want to make your brain smarter, more intelligent, more creative, more realistic and achievable, you must Send more relevant information to the inner subconscious mind.

You also need some necessary auxiliary means to make your subconscious saving function more efficient. For example, you need to repeatedly input some important information to strengthen memory.In life and work, you have to build a visible information database - keep books, newspaper clippings, notes, diaries and company financial bills, work plans in categories, and you even need to classify and manage your lovers in order to calmly get rid of Potential trouble, as John does - we don't approve of him applying his aura in these ways.

John has done too much homework on the savings function of the subconscious mind.The reason why his work is done so well, and the reason why his aura is calm, all depend on his storage of inner consciousness and common consciousness.He can tell what he needs to do in the morning in two days time, where he will go on a date at four o'clock in the afternoon, and then who he will be with for dinner and what topic to discuss.

"This is all learned from the improvement of the aura, Paul, I want to thank you again, because you reminded me. Now my life is extremely easy, I even feel seven or eight years younger, full of energy, everywhere It's a good life to be discovered. God, it's good to be alive!"

Obviously, he has developed his potential in this aspect to the extreme.In the past, his life was extremely cramped, like a room of only 30 square meters but filled with hundreds of tons of things, and there was no place for him as the master.He had no idea what he had written down, which ones were his positive habits, and which ones should be removed immediately like throwing out trash.Just a strengthening of memory and classification management helped him solve almost all the problems.Some problems seem to be difficult to solve, but the solution is as simple as that. As long as you open the "door" like John, face all kinds of chaos and disorder in the "room", and see what they have brought to your life. No matter how much trouble you have, you will have a strong motivation to change the status quo.

★The second step of subconscious development: train us to control the subconscious energy, so that it helps us to succeed instead of leading to failure.

As I said earlier, the subconscious mind has direct and powerful executive power. It does not distinguish between right and wrong, and is completely loyal to the desire of its master. It absorbs all positive and negative things, good and bad. It often skips consciousness and directly controls people's behavior, or in In the first place, before you are aware of it, your various states of mind are formed.If you can't control it, put a steering wheel on it, it can give you a positive aura, but it can also lead you to negativity and even destruction.

You have to train yourself to talk to your heart completely, effectively distinguish those beneficial subconscious minds from mischievous troublemakers, stimulate positive potentials that are helpful to success, and strictly control negative subconscious minds that may lead to failure, so that they are always in harmony. Will jump out and mess with your aura.

I call this process "subconscious splitting". Specifically, you have to discover the positive factors in the subconscious, and constantly input new information that is conducive to their growth and growth, so that these positive attitudes can dominate and become the inner most. The subconscious mind that dominates, even becomes the intuitive habits and extra senses that dominate your behavior.When you have this kind of benign super-sensory first reaction, you can always rejuvenate your fighting spirit faster than others, get rid of the downturn in life, and you can influence others more powerfully, and give full play to your leadership and charisma.

Control all negative and failure mentality information at all times, and don't let them enter our subconscious casually.When you ask yourself the three questions mentioned at the beginning of this book every day, you are actually performing the task of controlling your subconscious mind.

When we encounter negative potentials that are lurking in the process of interrogating our hearts, we can take two ways to control them:
1. Immediately suppress, don't let them pollute and control the thoughts of your brain, and become the main constituents of your inner aura and thinking mode.When we inadvertently imbibed some subconscious minds of negative failures in the past, like Lane's dark revelations from Argentinian hexagrams, they will try to knock open and enter your heart, waiting for your approval.Therefore, please never mention it, and take effective measures to actively forget it, and let it sink into the bottom of the subconscious forever.

2. Interrogate and reflect on the weaknesses of the aura, analyze and criticize the negative subconscious impulses of failure with a successful and positive attitude, strive to turn harm into benefit, and turn the worst hints and impulses into the best encouragement and help for us .

The third step of subconscious development: use the thinking energy released automatically by the subconscious to create our life, change the aura, solve practical problems, not just fantasy, and help you get creative inspiration, just like we can always use instinct Power works like a miracle in this world.

You have to know that our subconscious contains some information that connects perception and cognition intentionally or unconsciously. It is not noticed by us, but it really exists; it can automatically arrange and classify, store in memory, and generate some information. Powerful new ideas.Therefore, through hard and effective training, you can successfully send positive instructions to it, transform your hard-to-achieve dreams and problems into clear instructions, and transmit them to your subconscious mind. Then you have to relax and completely Jump in and wait for it to give you the best answer.

When I'm working, I often give myself this directive over and over again: How can I help a new client?Is there anything important that I haven't considered?How can more people in Los Angeles experience the beneficial rewards of aura enhancement through conversations with strangers?When an inexperienced person comes to our training institution, how should I help him take the first step to change himself?Through conscious digging, I realize my shortcomings as quickly as possible, and stimulate real positive factors to improve my work.This is one of the reasons why our team's morale has always been high throughout the years!

Repetitive thinking and strong signals will stimulate the awakening of the subconscious mind, so many people ponder a certain question, but it has no effect at the time, but the answer appears in their sleep at night.It is the potential that solves the problem for them, and plays the role of inner power in the unconscious.Or when waking up in the morning, taking a shower in the bathroom, or walking in the downtown area of ​​Chinatown, we will suddenly pop out an answer or inspiration from our brain.Therefore, we should have paper and pens at all times, write down these sudden inspirations, and let them bloom and bear fruit in the soil of thinking, instead of just shining for a moment and then disappearing with the wind, becoming a passer-by in the brain.

Mr. Koch, a Hollywood screenwriter, does just that.He keeps a notebook at all times, thinks about problems anywhere, and once inspiration erupts from his subconscious, he immediately takes out the notebook and writes it down—no matter what he was doing at the time, and then goes back to deep thinking and precise re-creation.He builds beautiful story feeds on the road, making the most of those sparks of thought and time that seems to be more fun than work, and that makes him a prolific film writer.

★The fourth step of subconscious development: You need to constantly expand imagination, self-confirmation and self-suggestion.

I want all of us to remember that although success does not come easily, we still need to assume that we will succeed and never fail.When you want to make money, you have to tell your heart, "I am rich, and I will definitely be rich to achieve my profit goal", and build a bright prospect for effective management of this business.Believe me, you will move forward bravely according to this route, and adapt to this rhythm as soon as possible, because you have finished talking and communicating with your subconscious mind, and your inner strength is completely in the right camp, supporting you with passion.

When you want to improve your sales performance in IBM, you tell yourself: My computer sales performance in the next quarter will continue to improve, and it will definitely continue to improve. As long as I follow the correct thinking, customers will pay attention. to my product.What are those competitors?Their thinking is actually nothing new, I just need to focus a little bit, I can beat them, and I can make a better sales plan than theirs!
On the premise of maintaining concentration, through your repeated practice and input, when your subconscious mind successfully accepts instructions, all your thoughts and actions will cooperate with such an idea and move towards your goal until you achieve greatness target.In the process, you will respect the excellence of the other party and develop a strong sense of catching up with him. The idea of ​​competing with him will always encourage you to move forward.

In the United States, a lot of people are trying this method, and some people finally tell me: "Paul, I don't see a significant effect, why?" Holding utilitarian needs, I haven't fully entered the interior of my own aura and found the real subconscious.They seem to have gone through the wrong door, forcing unwanted desires into their subconscious mind in order to complete a dubious experiment.There are also some people who are impetuous, their efforts are too little, their repetitions are not enough, they just taste it, they only try it once or twice, and then yell that it doesn't work, they are wronged like those who rush in when the stock market is soaring and want to make money. Put the speculators.Do you often see such people in your life?Doing half-heartedly, having difficulty sustaining attention, making a determined attempt, and finally blaming it for a "hoax", as if it wasn't him who screwed up his ideals, but anyone on this planet who had nothing to do with him things.

The key to the development of our subconscious mind is that you have to keep repeating until you open the door of your mind and confirm the goal with your subconscious mind.In this way, your ideals will eventually come true, and you will not end up blaming objective factors for bad results.

★The fifth step of subconscious development: Please believe in the magical power of the law of attraction.

Rhonda Byrne has told us a universal law about the aura in his "Secret": things with the same vibration frequency will attract and resonate with each other.When your ideal resonates with the surrounding environment, it happens that your heart also calls for positive power, and you will burst out with extremely powerful aura and energy.

You know, our thoughts and thoughts are energetic, and the frequency and vibration of brain waves affect everything else, positive or negative.The human brain is the strongest "magnet" in the world. Under proper stimulation and motivation, it will definitely emit a stronger suction force than anything else, calling out to the entire universe, and attracting the vibrations with the same vibration frequency as your thinking. Stuff attracts you, brings them together around you, and makes you incredibly powerful.

When you trust your inner attraction, magic happens!There is nothing more powerful than our inner desires, when you have a strong desire for something, it will appear at the right time.So, no matter whether things will succeed or doomed to fail, please engrave the belief of "believe" on your whole body now!Because it at least allows you to do things the best!
Unleash the power of the subconscious mind

When we want to activate the potential of the body, we need to use the subconscious mind.This is the universally recognized aura law, here I tell you:

1. The subconscious mind always composes real things according to the picture in our mind.Because our subconscious mind cannot tell whether something is true or false, whether a desire is positive or negative, once accepted by it, it will definitely become a fact and become a plan that is about to be implemented.So as long as you have a clear picture entering your subconscious mind, your heart will immediately try its best to turn this picture into a fact.See, you need to give the subconscious mind a positive picture, and then it will materialize and unleash a powerful force.

2. Everything in our current life and all the auras we show to the outside world are to some extent a true reflection of our hearts.All kinds of thoughts and concepts in your heart make you who you are now.Whether you are succeeding or failing, making a breakthrough or being lost, if your future is going to be different, you must change your subconscious mind now.Take the right approach and start now without any hesitation.

I found that most people only live in their own external world, ignoring the stimulation of the subconscious mind, and not realizing the positive effect of inner development on the improvement of the aura. Only those who have been enlightened and properly trained will pay great attention to the inner world. And be able to find the right channel to have an effective dialogue with the heart.

When you are ready to stimulate your own aura, please understand this truth first: the only creativity in our life is generated in your inner world, whether it is conscious or unconscious.Our conscious and subconscious minds interact.In order to change the external conditions and establish a unique aura and excellent personality charm, you must first change your internal world.

Many of the people who come to our courses are just blindly changing the conditions and circumstances around them.Instead of figuring out why their lives produce confusion, deprivation, and other limitations to positive aspirations, they don't know to look to their inner world for the reasons.When they complain about their bosses, co-workers, and family members, they don't realize that it's all because of them that they've gotten into this incomprehensible situation.

Dear reader, please take my advice to heart:
You are living in a wonderful and rich world.Your subconscious mind is very sensitive to your thoughts and desires.Usually, your thoughts will first produce an ideal "model", and then the infinite wisdom and vitality in your heart will cast it. You should learn and be able to operate and use the psychological laws that stimulate your potential.

We all have a source of heart and aura, it sits in the heart, when you know how to use it, your habitual thinking will successfully penetrate into your subconscious layer, and combine with the driving force that creates everything, for you Make incredible changes.It can be good, it can be bad, but usually it is neither good nor bad, making you a mediocre human being.

More importantly, our subconscious mind is the birthplace of our emotions and the fundamental reason why the law of aura works.If you think only good things, all the good things in the world will come to you; if you think bad things, all the bad bad things you can imagine will come to you.

This is how our inner potential works and is the theory behind the formation of the aura.

As I told Mr. Allen the Lost at JP Morgan: "Once your subconscious mind takes in an idea, it executes it, whether it's good or bad. Our subconscious mind executes both good ideas and bad ones. Thoughts. If you use this rule passively, you will always be wallowing in the pain of work, not knowing what value you have in your career, and it will keep you depressed, defeated, and unhappy. If your habitual way of thinking is constructive, start to move towards the pure ideal in your heart, and adjust the current state of life, then you will experience health, success and all good things. Alan, why don't you make a choice now? "

Alan regained his peace of mind. He followed his inner choice, found the "right command", successfully adjusted his career, restored a good and healthy aura, and became a well-received person by himself and his friends again. people.

Let the subconscious mind execute our positive thoughts immediately, which is the purpose of stimulating potential.Although this is not easy, when you do this, the subconscious mind in your heart will make use of all the previous experience and stored bits and pieces of knowledge, and under the guidance of a strong aura, infinite power and wisdom will emerge.

(End of this chapter)

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