Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 9 Part2 The Key to the Aura: The Subconscious Changes the Self

Chapter 9 Part2 The Key to the Aura: The Subconscious Changes the Self (3)
Thus, the problem-solving terminal program starts, which will summarize and utilize all the knowledge and information to help you tide over the difficulties and show your charm.Although the time may be long or short, it may take a long process, but in the end, you will get enough rewards!
The difference between the aura and the subconscious mind

We have been convinced of the principle that a person's aura is usually changeable and always changing.Positivity can be turned into negativity, and the aura of failure can be reversed.For example, through good image design and training, we can control our aura to a certain extent.But the inner subconscious is uncontrollable, it is like the beating of the heart, the operation of the digestive system, the circulation of blood and breathing.They cannot be changed and cannot be interfered with. They are all functioning autonomously of the subconscious mind.

As the source of the aura, the subconscious mind cannot reason or argue with our external aura.It is like a piece of good soil, and behavioral awareness is like a seed.Wrong desires, once aroused, can only bear the fruit of disaster here.This is an understanding we have repeated many times. The subconscious mind cannot distinguish between good and bad, but the aura can.Just like when you think something is true, some expected or hated result has happened, although it may be false, the subconscious will accept it as a fact that already exists.

Psychologists have done numerous experiments showing us the difference between the two:

We can feel whether our aura is good or bad at any time, and we can make timely adjustments. This is the controllability of the aura.But the subconscious mind is different. Experiments show that when a person is in a hypnotic state, the subconscious mind will accept all instructions and hints, even if the hints are wrong to the extreme, and once accepted, people will respond accordingly.A hypnotherapist conducted a bold experiment. Under hypnosis, he suggested to the experimenter that he was a certain person, a cat or a dog, and the experimenter could respond accordingly. He imitated the strange voice of that person, and the reaction of the whole body surprised people.This is the same effect as psychological suggestion.

In New York, I once personally visited the process of an experiment.Skilled hypnotherapists hinted to the subjects after they fell into a dormant state: your back is going to itch, your nose is bleeding!Hey, you are freezing now, the temperature is below zero degrees Celsius, what a cold day...We were surprised to find that the responses of the subjects were all related to what the doctor suggested.For example, he would reach out to scratch his back violently, cover his nose with his hand like pulling out a handkerchief to try to stop it from bleeding, he shivered in a ball, and even told us loudly: "I'm cold, very cold , sir, I need a cotton coat! Please give it to me immediately!"

The difference between the impersonal subconscious and the personal aura is so vast that it is difficult to imagine that they are actually one.Therefore, training our ability to make conscious choices, such as instilling the right thoughts into the deep memory bank of the subconscious mind, is extremely important for us to shape a good aura.Only by making the right choice can your heart be filled with happiness, and your aura always be positive and charming. In the handling of public relations, you will be in a high-end position that others cannot reach, and achieve the effect we hope to achieve.

The aura is the external manifestation of the subconscious mind. Our hearts display the color and shape of our aura through feedback of a series of instructions, speech and behavior.And deep down, our subconscious is working through intuition all the time.It is the storehouse of memory.Even if a person does not say anything and is always in a state of inactivity, the subconscious mind is always functioning, and may even be at its most active.

Therefore, when the subconscious mind observes things, it does not need to use the visual faculty, because it has superhuman vision and superhuman hearing.Our subconscious mind can leave the body and drift away to distant places to understand the world alone and even see through the universe.Can you believe it, the information it brings back is often true and accurate, which is a strange and powerful energy.The magical dream experience of human beings can prove this to us!
When your aura is successfully connected to your subconscious mind, you can read other people's minds and recognize their aura through subjective psychology.You don't need to communicate to understand others, and make judgments about the strengths and weaknesses of you and his aura, find the weaknesses of the other person, see your own weaknesses, and then find out where you need to improve.

Please believe that the development and use of your subconscious mind will deeply affect your aura.If you give it a wrong suggestion, it will accept it and produce the corresponding result.Everything that has happened in your life in the past, how your aura is, is based on your subconscious thoughts and decisions, and is the result of your inner beliefs.

When you find that you have been conveying some wrong ideas that have seriously damaged your aura in the past, and now you want to change them, you can repeat some powerful thoughts with positive meaning, and your subconscious mind will re-accept new thinking habits .Always remember that it is the base of your habit formation and the source of your aura.

Even if you are currently trapped in fear of life, worry about work and some unreasonable thoughts, your aura is scattered and lifeless, and you have lost confidence in reality, it is not difficult to change.Our subconscious mind is omnipotent, please issue orders to it immediately, let it accept the idea of ​​freedom, happiness and health, and soon you will have the aura of freedom, happiness and health!
Talk to your subconscious mind to improve your aura

When you start to pay attention to the function of the inner mind, you will find that under the cover of our thoughts, the subconscious drives its work by accepting 8 kinds of stimuli from the outside world, and finally sends out the generated signals to form a person's ultimate aura .I call it "the subconscious's conversation with the outside world."

The 8 major conversation styles are:

1. Desires: Desires for gain, including money, career, fulfillment, and sexual needs

2. Music: Stimulation and resonance of vocal music

3. Emotion: family, friendship and love
4. Exchange: material and emotional exchange
5. Stress: the torment, suffering, and confusion of being forced or having to do something

6. Suggestions: various psychological hints imposed by the self and the outside world

7. Fear: fear and worry
8. Neurostimulation: various stimuli of matter and information
The key to unlocking the subconscious mind is like a functional implant, which has the function of "detailing and believing it".When unconditional trust and executive power are combined with conscious thinking, people's inner potential is immediately aroused by it, transforming it into spiritual equivalent power, and starting a series of chain reactions.

Scientists have discovered that confidence, love, and sex are the three most powerful of all positive emotions that stimulate us.When they are integrated, they can achieve the effect of "manifesting" our thoughts immediately, and at the same time reach the subconscious, play a role in our heart, and manifest in the aura, and then feed back to the people around us.

When talking with the subconscious mind, how can we play its great role and increase the original aura?The following suggestions may help you.

1. Let good memories be stored in a certain order
Now, start by distinguishing between temporary memory and long-term memory.When a customer asks you to write down certain numbers or data on the phone, the string of numbers you forcibly memorized may soon be forgotten, because this memory is a temporary memory.When good things happen in front of your eyes and can provide you with beneficial incentives, whether it is a piece of business information or a moment in life, you should convert them from temporary memory to long-term memory and store them in order.For example, you need to keep cards by your side to write down important information, not just use your ears as a memory tool.You'll also need to create a photo album or family journal to keep those happy moments forever.Trust me, you'll need them when you're feeling down.

2. Try to avoid emotional thinking and impulsive potential

The conversation between the subconscious mind and the outside world often has an instinctive reaction without thinking.Such as ecstasy, anger, sadness, if not restrained, it will burst out.A person who can't control his emotions, his conversation with the outside world is not restrained, and his aura will not be stable.Remember, don't let your true inner world be exposed in the air.An emotional aura will not only hurt others, but will eventually eat back at yourself.A person who knows how to protect himself and vent negative energy in a timely manner can balance his inner world and allow the subconscious to form a benign interaction with the aura.

3. Let negative emotions become permanently deleted memories as quickly as possible
Negative emotions you form remain stored in memory until they are released, and sometimes stimulate us more strongly than positive emotions.It creates an aura of pain, loss, and pessimism.The strong can always press the unrecoverable delete button in time, of course, after learning the necessary lessons, they can completely remove negative emotions so that they will not affect their present and future.The weak are allowed to be dominated by it, unable to get rid of the control of these negative auras.Such people are always addicted to the past of failure, and it is difficult to get out of the shadows.Of course they also long for success, but they can only squat in the quagmire of failure with tears in their eyes, allowing gray emotions and factors that destroy health to take root and grow on their bodies.

4. Actively use instinct to stimulate potential "super energy"

Unleash pent-up strength, harness your inner instincts, and unleash an incredible burst of willpower when difficulties seem insurmountable.There are always some people who can do it and accomplish those miracles that make people dumbfounded.Yes, maybe everyone thinks you are finished, and it is impossible to get back up in this life.This is the impression of you from the outside world and the stimulation of your inner potential. Why can't you prove it to them with the best result and the biggest miracle?Everything has its positive meaning, the question is which side of things you are willing to see.

5. For the long-term plan, repeat the memory to strengthen the effect of execution
We already know that if a piece of information repeatedly stimulates the subconscious mind, it will eventually be accepted by the subconscious mind, incorporated into our aura of doing things, and form executive power.A statistical result shows that when a piece of information is repeated 30 times, it will be accepted by the subconscious mind and recognized as an established fact.So what we're trying to do is not to reiterate the greatness of a plan, but to make sure that you've truly embraced it—making it the supreme ideal of your heart.

6. Seek more satisfaction, thus forcing yourself to constantly prove your worth

The value of a positive aura lies in continuous self-transcendence and self-improvement, "I can still be better, it must be like this".What is this achievement now?In the process of working hard, you will make your work and life models more efficient and perfect.This is why successful people can continue to succeed, while most losers can only continue to fail.The virtuous circle of the aura always corresponds to the vicious circle, they are also a pair of inseparable twin brothers who fight each other!

7. See every positive event as about yourself
Consciously feel the impact of a positive event and allow it to have an effect on your aura.When a friend succeeds, you should think, ah, this makes me happy, I should not only congratulate him, but also learn from him.This is your success too, isn't it?Because his story will provide you with a rare reference.Successful people never mind learning more from others, and only the aura of stupidity and inferiority will repel and envy the achievements of their peers.

8. Learn to use the path of least resistance and the simplest and quickest principles to think and execute
It is difficult to fully control the operation of potential energy, but we can at least reduce the resistance of inner thinking at the conscious level.When you can always habitually take the shortest path when thinking and doing things, you will find that your life becomes more and more efficient, just like seeing a delicious breakfast served in front of you when you wake up in the morning.

9. Don’t constantly use negative words about yourself
A client said to me, "What should I do? Whenever I want to do something, I stop myself from thinking about good things that can't happen to me because you just can't! I think , Is it because the opponent is too strong? I am not confident enough that I have the resources to prove that I can beat the opponent in the PR competition, and neither I nor my company can do it."

This is a common thinking dilemma for people in public relations operations. The difficulty of things may be beyond imagination, but the subconscious way of acceptance is "all comers are welcome".When you deny yourself, it will also deny itself, resulting in collective self-denial. Even if it is a strong team, its confidence will be shaken accordingly.It can be confusing, leaving each of your auras unconfident and unglamorous.

The most direct function of the words "go and no go" is to define a certain state: whether I am going forward or shrinking back.Such a final judgment will definitely have a decisive impact on your aura.

Therefore, even if you really can't do something, try to avoid saying "no" to yourself directly.We can change the way, such as: "I can complete this, but the preparation is not enough now, just wait two more days." "If I have a good opportunity and get full support from my superiors and colleagues, I will be able to finish it very well, so I will strive for the best conditions!"

◎ Concentrate
Attention is the direction and motivation of an aura, and it is also a key to unlock our potential.There is no doubt about it.We can carry out concentration training at any time. When condensing the energy of the aura, we must maintain a high degree of concentration, otherwise we will not be able to attract our own attention, nor will we be able to urge ourselves to effectively focus on one thing.This is the basic condition for a person to carry out cognitive activities such as perception, memory, and thinking.In the process of raising the auric field, attention is the door to open our hearts, and it is the only door.

Believe it, the wider the door opens, the more things you can get.And once the attention is distracted or unable to concentrate, the portal of the mind will be closed, and all useful information will not be able to enter. Make any positive change, just like when we deal with strangers, many people tend to have distracting thoughts, thinking too many irrelevant questions in a few seconds, such as what else do I need to do next, what if I can’t How to persuade the other party?Should I reconsider this decision?Then they didn't know what was going on, so they really failed in a daze.

The French biologist Georges Cuvier told us the reasons why good people are good from another angle.He said: "Genius, first of all, is attention." Instead of saying that those outstanding scientists are successful because of their own talents, it is better to put them on the list of concentration.

Concentration is the wings of our success, but also the wings of our aura stability.It makes our mental activities focus on a certain thing, selectively accept some useful information, thereby suppressing other unnecessary activities and invalid information, and concentrate all potential energy to achieve the best thinking effect.When a person has attention disorder when thinking and doing things, it is mainly manifested that he cannot direct his mental activities to a specific thing, or cannot concentrate all his energy.When the brain is thinking about A, it is also thinking about B or C.The reasons for this, however complex, can be addressed with adjustments and training.

The first stage
In the first stage of attention training, the following methods can be adopted.

1. Develop good sleep habits

(End of this chapter)

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