Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 10 Part2 The Key to the Aura: The Subconscious Changes the Self

Chapter 10 Part2 The Key to the Aura: The Subconscious Changes the Self (4)
Many people have a heavy workload, so they stay up late at night, just like a small animal that never needs sleep, spending their limited energy to their heart's content.He wakes up every night, even if there is no urgent work or entertainment, he will go to the bar or turn on the computer to surf the Internet, chat with friends who have been with him for many years, and pass the boring time in the middle of the night with you and me.He couldn't get up on time during the day, and even if he managed to get up, his mind was still groggy, and he couldn't keep up from morning to evening.Irregular work and rest will inevitably lead to inability to concentrate, resulting in depleted aura and low efficiency.

Therefore, the first step to concentrate is to work and rest on time, and get rid of the bad habit of always being out at night.

2. Learn to quickly decompress yourself
"There are no mandatory tasks in your life," I told Mrs. Stephen.As a housewife, her husband has too high demands on her. She is required to be perfect in everything and sets a very high standard for her, such as dressing, doing housework, and even driving posture, tone of voice and way of speaking. She was measured with a harsh ruler all the time, which put her under great pressure.When she came to complain, what I saw on her face was a heavy burden that was unbearable but had to be carried.

The result of self-pressurization is bound to be overwhelmed, the aura becomes tired, tense and irritable, and it is difficult to obtain a moment of tranquility psychologically.When the pressure is too great, people's attention will be distracted, and the subconscious will automatically help you avoid the things in front of you, putting you in a state of self-anesthesia.In this way, nothing can be done well without blame.

3. Do more effective relaxation training

Pick the right time, drop what you're doing, sit comfortably in a chair or lie down in bed, and send a strong message to all parts of your body asking them to rest.Let the subconscious mind relax, the aura converges, and the annoying work is thrown aside.Now, it's time to rest, completely ignore the boss's urging and the customer's complaints.

Relaxation training should start with the left foot first. We first make the muscles of the foot tense, then relax, and at the same time imply it to rest, and then order the ankle, calf, knee, thigh to rest the trunk.After that, go from the right foot to the torso, and then relax from the left and right hands to the torso.At this time, relax from the torso to the neck, head, and face.We need repeated practice to master this relaxation training technique.And once you master this technique, it will bring you to a state of relaxation and calm in just a few minutes.When you get up and sit down at your desk or in front of a client, you feel refreshed, like a magic bullet.

4. Special training for concentration
Rigorously train yourself to focus, you can use some math games.I am here to introduce you to a small game used in psychology to exercise attention: In a table with 25 small squares, we shuffle the numbers from 1 to 25, fill in them, and then Count from 1 to 25 as fast as you can, be sure to point out as you read, and count the time at the same time, making a score sheet for yourself.

Studies have shown that children aged 7 to 8 look for the numbers on each chart in sequence for 30 to 50 seconds, and the average value is 40 to 42 seconds; the time for normal adults to look at a chart is 25 seconds. Seconds to 30 seconds, some people can shorten it to more than ten seconds, which is the best result.The shorter the time, the more concentrated the attention.You can make a few more training sheets like this, and insist on training once a day, and your concentration level will definitely improve gradually.

second stage
In the second stage of attention enhancement, I suggest that people engage with the subconscious mind and engage in inner self-motivation.

1. Harness the power of positive goals

When you set yourself a goal of consciously improving your attention and focus, you will find that you have achieved half of the effect in the shortest possible time, because your potential is already eager to try, and your aura will follow. Significant positive changes have occurred, which is the great power of goals.

We have to set a goal, which is to remind ourselves from now on that I am better at focusing than in the past.No matter what I do, once I enter, I must be able to quickly and undisturbed, release all my energy on the matter, and not go halfway to other "rooms" to focus on other things.this is very important.For example, we can make a request to ourselves today: I want to read all the main content of a book with a high degree of concentration, and write an after-reading review.In the meantime, I'm going to refuse to be "conquered" by calls inviting me to other events.When you have such a training goal, your attention itself will be highly focused, and you will have a great possibility to eliminate those distractions that are usually difficult to beat.

If a person's energy is scattered aimlessly in a vast space, and there are things that should be done everywhere, but you can't find the first option that should be done, then you will always be a failure.When you can focus your energy at any time, you have the necessary qualities of a successful person.And to cultivate this quality, the first way is to set such a goal.To train attention, please focus on this goal first!Concentrate on doing the most worthwhile thing!This is the best gift you can give yourself.

2. Cultivate the habit of concentrating on one thing

On this basis, you can set yourself a lot of training subjects, training methods and training methods.In a very short period of time, it is even possible to find that you have the same admirable ability to focus your attention quickly as those great achievers through just a few days of self-training.

We can be sloppy when we are resting, but once we start doing something, we should quickly focus our attention. This is an excellent skill to gather energy and concentrate firepower.Concentrate on one thing, this is the simplest requirement, can you do it?When you're doing the dishes, just do the dishes and don't pay attention to how much ketchup is in the bottle next to you.If you cannot possess such qualities, it will be difficult for you to become a trustworthy person who can concentrate on doing things.

3. Protect confidence in concentration
Please don't get bad hints from yourself and others.If you think so yourself and nod reverently when someone criticizes you for being “inattentive and inattentive,” you may actually be suffering from “attention-distraction disorder,” even though that’s not the case.

You have to have enough self-confidence, even if some self-confidence is wrong.No matter how big a mistake you make because of inattention, you have to think of it as an "accident." "I can concentrate all my energy. I can do these things well. I just took a nap just now. Now, the fun begins!" Only a confident you can overcome bad psychological hints. When you have the right When you have focused self-confidence, you can bridge the gap with those who are really good at very little cost.At least, you won't lose to them in terms of aura.Cutting out distractions, you can definitely achieve a high level of concentration.After such training, I believe that your concentration and aura can make a qualitative leap.

4. Constantly eliminate external interference
Eliminating distractions is the process by which we overcome psychological cues. In order to achieve this goal, many people will consciously do things in a noisy environment.This is not only a means to control potential, but also to train one's anti-interference ability.Some excellent military strategists are still able to make judgments and issue orders in the command center with great composure and concentration under heavy artillery fire. It is just a floating cloud far away in the sky, and it does not affect the thinking he is doing at all.This ability to resist adverse environmental interference requires rigorous training and confrontation with bad cues.

Don't think that psychological hints can't be defeated. The reason why Ryan has such a tragedy is because he has not undergone deliberate training and adequate mental preparation.External interference will always exist, the only thing we can do is to fight and train, keep our attention, and put on a quality "bullet armor" for our aura.

5. Train to block out inner distractions

Inner disturbances come from our inherent bad desires, and you may always want to indulge yourself in a pinch and escape those boring jobs.Although you just dislike the dullness of the data sheet, the monotony of office colors, and the boredom of your colleagues, and want to go to the side to have a cup of coffee and listen to music to entertain yourself, the consequence may be delaying work progress, missing an important business or even It is to offend the boss and customers.Generally speaking, internal disturbances are more serious than environmental disturbances.Among the destructive factors to the aura, the external cause is always unable to defeat the internal cause.

So please be sure to overcome them, and this ability must be trained.For example, when you want to be lazy, you have to warn yourself in time: Hey, Ham, if you just want to be muddle-headed, muddle-headed, and mediocre all your life, and even when you are 30 years old, you have to rely on your parents to support you, or you just want to be lazy. For a lifetime, then you can forget about training this one!Go now and go crazy and be forgotten like the garbage of a food factory, even the beautiful wife wants to divorce you!But if you really want to be a person with a strong aura that satisfies you, then you have to stare at me and stop thinking about it!

Every time you correct yourself, you take a big step forward and get closer to the right goal again.

6. Handle work and rest smartly
You must not think that we can work 12 hours a day and relax completely for 12 hours. Such a perfect life will never appear.When the rhythm of work and rest is not clear, and you are always in a cycle of overtiring and overrelaxing, it is difficult to focus your energy.The right attitude is to arrange the rhythm of doing and relaxing according to the laws of our body.For example, from now on, I will concentrate on one hour, arrange the two things at hand separately, and then I will go to the suburbs to play golf with Ryan for two hours.When the clock hits exactly [-]:[-] pm, I'll go straight from the golf course to visit an important person and be in the best of spirits to have a deep conversation with him.Whether resting or working, it is my principle to maintain the best devotion at all times.It has been like this for many years, and even if I do not do well sometimes, I will make adjustments in time to not let the tired aura stay in my work for too long.

(End of this chapter)

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