Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 11 Part2 The Key to the Aura: The Subconscious Changes the Self

Chapter 11 Part2 The Key to the Aura: The Subconscious Changes the Self (5)
You must train this ability.Please never stay up for a seemingly urgent job, stay in the office until two or three o'clock in the night, and then go home groggy like being drained by a vampire.Please never torture yourself with excessive relaxation, and miss precious time in the relaxation that can't step on the brakes.

7. Always prepare a quiet and elegant space for yourself
The method is very simple. No matter at home or in the company, please put all the books and items on the table or in the room that are not related to your life at this time as far as possible out of sight, and arrange them in an orderly manner.In your field of vision, only put the key items that you need right now.This kind of spatial processing is the initial stage of training one's attention and concentration, and it is also a necessary means with the fastest effect.

We often encounter such a scene, you are sitting at your desk, trying to count the financial bills, but found an outdated newspaper with some sensational news, such as a shooting on a college campus, and the death of the anti-terrorist battle in Afghanistan How many American soldiers were killed, and what happened to Japan's nuclear crisis.You can't help but start to look through it, and it takes a long time to realize what my most urgent task is, and more than half of the time set by the boss has already passed.Or you are lying in bed, wanting to watch a long-awaited TV series, but a good novel beside you attracts you.Even though you've already read the book, you can't resist picking it up and re-reading some of the great chapters.When you wake up and hurriedly pick up the remote control, the TV series you enjoyed for the first time has already finished, and the commercials that make people laugh are playing on the TV screen.

Therefore, in the initial stage of training our attention, before we do one thing, we must first clear all things that are not related to this matter.Then, you have to get yourself into the subject quickly.If you can get to the topic quickly without any distractions within 1 minute, you will be amazing.It's even more remarkable if you can get into the subject in half a minute.Believe me, I've seen very few people over the years who can fully enter a state of single-mindedness for half a minute.When you face a matter and immediately enter the state, and turn a deaf ear to all irrelevant content, what you embody is the high efficiency of thinking and pure aura.

8. Train to clean your brain regularly
The brain space also needs to be cleaned regularly to format junk information and useless storage.There are a lot of things piled up in the human brain, some of which have expired but are still dangling in front of your eyes all day long, affecting your processing of the most important information at the moment and distracting your attention.So you need to set a fixed time for yourself. Every once in a while, you must delete all kinds of irrelevant emotions, thoughts and information that are floating in your mind, leaving only the subjects you want to do now in your brain. , just like tidying up your room and desk regularly.

This kind of training, I hope you will start today, it is not difficult.When you clear out all the distracting thoughts in your mind, it only takes a moment for you to enter a single-minded state, and your attention can be fully concentrated, and you will feel how talented and creative you are!Otherwise, even if you think for 10 minutes, you still have no clue. The huge and complicated information makes you waste precious 10 minutes needlessly, and the efficiency of thinking is extremely low, let alone concentrate the energy field and mobilize the inner potential energy!

9. Enhances sensory attention
We can do similar training in vision, hearing and senses.The attention of the physical senses is at the front line of the aura, and it is the most effective way to communicate with the subconscious mind.We can train ourselves to fixate on an object for a period of time without being distracted by other images.We can also train to listen to only one sound while there are thousands of sounds echoing in our ears for a period of time.This sensory concentration training is a very useful technique for attention training.In the charisma training class, we have provided sufficient tools for the participants more than once to allow them to experience the benefits of sensory focus frequently and repeatedly, so as to improve their PR efficiency and enhance their own aura!

10. Don't stay too long in trouble

You'll also realize that it's easier to focus when you're exploring something that interests you.For example, if you like music, it is easier to concentrate and mobilize your energy when you see music scores and pianos; on the contrary, if you hate stocks or cars, you will feel bored when you see billboards in the securities industry and Ford salesmen. There is no interest at all, and it will definitely be distracted.

In this case, we have both positive and negative countermeasures.First, try to think about the topics you are interested in, just like we encourage people to engage in their favorite professions, use your interests to focus, and the subconscious will be relatively easy to stimulate.Second, for those things that you still lack understanding and interest in, I think you need to rethink and explore their value.If it is a difficult point in your work or a forbidden area in your life, please don't stay here for too long, so as not to waste time.Because it will be a particularly difficult and meaningless exercise and try to focus on something you don't like.

◎Accept inner guidance
More than 80% of people can only use 20% of their energy to do things. This is the reality we face every day.

When they try to cross the 20% line, it's more often than not "I can" that comes to mind.Living against one's subconscious and inner desires is painful and hopeless, so we find that 80% of people cannot become elites, while only one-fifth of outstanding people can lead the world trend.

As long as your conscious mind believes it to be true and believable, your subconscious mind will believe it to be true and believable.Although this is the conscious premise for a person to live a positive life, there are not many people who can really do it, including those who stand in the ranks of the elite.Self-limiting people are everywhere, and the only criterion for their success has never been "I can", but a greedy pocket with a huge question mark.

release restricted energy
I once held a lecture on aura, subconsciousness and human value in the city hall of New York. I hope that the audience in the audience really pay attention to their own hearts, open their hearts and talk to their subconscious minds, and don’t just be busy designing The best suits, the best perfumes, and the New York squares and speakeasies to practice eloquence.

"Those are not the most important. If your inner strength is not released, the work you do will be meaningless. I have seen a lot of strange phenomena. People are not in a hurry to ask what they need in their hearts. Hurriedly going to communication training every day to learn how to speak so that clients don't throw themselves out in 5 seconds."

My evaluation of these people is: both feet are tied with rope, but they still have to participate in the 100-meter running race.When they were tripped by the rope at the starting line, they thought it was because of their lack of physical strength, and desperately swallowed sausages and bread to increase nutrition, without realizing that they were actually very good, and they only needed to untie the rope to surpass their opponents.

After the lecture, a local university professor came to me and said with emotion: "Mr. Paul, you don't know, my life is a mess. I have many plans, I want to do countless meaningful things, and I want to invest in a small music company. Theater, doing commercial tours all over the United States every year, inviting Hollywood stars to make guest appearances. But now I am not in good health, financial resources are not enough, and I have no good friends. So no matter what I try to do, it will inevitably fail in the end , I'm just like my feet are tied with ropes, aren't I?"

His life is very similar to most of the people around us. He obviously has infinite strength and energy to do things, but due to various objective reasons, he just cannot exert his full strength.Everyone hopes that what they want will come true, and more people want what they want but can't.The heart is restricted, and the subconscious hibernates with the aura.There are too many people who end their lives hastily like this. People lose the golden period of life in a state of struggle and confusion. When they fully understand, they have no chance to start all over again.

I explained to him that the problem was not complicated, that his subconscious still commanded enormous inner forces capable of doing anything, but that he had followed the cues of self-destruction.He believes that he is facing too many difficulties, and when the suggestion becomes "impenetrable reality", the power he can exert is suppressed by himself.

"Professor, if you want to change all this, you must re-establish a positive major premise in your consciousness, and then guide your subconscious mind and the energy of your whole body to accept this new suggestion. You must first believe this: I have infinite Wisdom will guide me spiritually and materially, and help me achieve success; even if I cannot succeed, I will get other gains, such as experience and a sense of accomplishment from trying. Once you establish such a correct concept, your subconscious will automatically It will guide you to make the most sensible decision. Please believe that you will open the energy floodgate, release the surging power, and do many new things like your young students, such as your opera house dream.”

At my suggestion, the professor began to adjust his state.Constructing new hints is the first step in action. He has constructed a panorama of his dream new life in his mind, and this panorama is the positive psychological hint I prepared for him: Infinite power is within me. In my body, omnipotent wisdom is guiding me.I have a healthy body, inexhaustible energy, and wealth that can be obtained in the right way.I know that this is not a fantasy, but a fact that is about to come true. I can already feel that all good things are happening.

Not long after, the professor emailed me about his subsequent experience.After passing through the stage of hesitation, he gratifiedly took substantial steps, and finally let go of his hands and feet to do what he hoped to accomplish.Age is ignored, he is like 30 years old again.Although the result was not as he originally planned to invest in the establishment of the most famous opera house in the United States, he successfully obtained the support funds of the consortium, established a semi-commercial touring opera troupe, and invited two Hollywood Celebrities help out for free.

By the time I got this email, he had given over a dozen shows, and neighborhoods and churches in many cities had invited him to perform locally.

Without my advice, perhaps he would have spent the rest of his life lamenting and losing, never accomplishing anything.You must know that he has passed the golden age of his life, and then he has only bitter memories, but when he untied the rope in his heart, his life changed dramatically. The 58-year-old professor regained his youth.

(End of this chapter)

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