Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 12 Part2 The Key to the Aura: The Subconscious Changes the Self

Chapter 12 Part2 The Key to the Aura: The Subconscious Changes the Self (6)
He said: "I am very grateful for your guidance, and now I want to tell you that my life has undergone positive changes in all aspects and is getting better and better. I once felt very strange to myself today, because I Be so confident!"

How to follow your inner leader

The more challenges you face in life, the more you have to prepare the three hats on your head.Here's a famous Wall Street proverb: "The wise man always wears a yellow hat (optimism, initiative, positive) on his head, a white hat (data, facts, information) in his left hand, and a green hat (innovation) in his right hand!" (White hat), as long as you hold on to the active, positive, and optimistic yellow hat, you will be able to create more green hats for growth and innovation!"

This is a process in which a positive aura emerges and causes great changes in reality. Inner guidance makes us believe that we are omnipotent, and the stimulation of potential and professional assistance allow us to achieve creative results.

When you have a good idea, please take it as a realistic and urgent task, bravely mobilize the subconscious power, and try to get it with an optimistic and positive attitude.When everyone is optimistic about this opportunity, the opportunity will pass!This is not to encourage you to take risks, but to give you a good opportunity to compete on an equal footing.Because more and more people have realized that "I must follow my inner guidance to be happy".

If you like it, please do it immediately, and turn your inner yearning into a goal in life, no matter whether the goal is realistic or not.You have to know that the gap between goals and reality is the most powerful energy, which will stimulate people's great potential.So I want to tell everyone who loses motivation, please don't set your goals lower than reality, such a life is a mediocre life without energy!

Why can't you be in the industry you like and do what you like to do?It will be easier to achieve a person.

Why don't you please your subconscious mind to make a choice that pleases everyone?Even if it is a difficult goal, it is much better than suffering to pass the boring time without difficulty!

Only high-quality choices will create an extraordinary aura. On the contrary, prudent decisions that go against your heart can only make you show a humble and incompetent image.

Paul's suggestion

1. The inner guidance is the God of our life. If you think in a good way, you will encounter good things; if you think in a bad way, you will encounter bad things.Believe me, your daily life must be what you think, and your daily aura must be the reflection of your heart, whether it seems to be contradictory or complementary.

2. Facing the ideal, tell yourself boldly: "I will be able to afford it one day, because I already have it subconsciously." The subconscious will determine your taste and define your price.To some extent, people and goods are the same thing. Whether you can afford it or how much it is worth in the eyes of others depends entirely on you.

3. You have always had the right to choose, it will always be there, and you are the only master.You can choose health and happiness, as long as you yearn and work hard.You can choose to be friendly or unfriendly, lose friendships or gain friends, as you need and like.How you treat the world, the world will reward you.So, please practice and have a good character now!
4. The subconscious mind is our "gatekeeper", the eternal patron saint of the soul.It is a key to unleash power.Your only choice is to believe, to believe that good things will happen.When you believe, it will protect you.

5. No human suggestion can hurt you at all, no matter how powerful and oppressive it may be.The only thing that can hurt you is yourself, your beliefs and your heart.So, don't doubt whether you can do it, but ask yourself whether you dare to choose.

6. Always pay attention to what you say.Don't make nasty jokes with yourself like "I'm about to fail, I can't afford the phone bill, I can't even afford the bus ticket to get home".If you think like that, nightmares are sure to come true.

7. Affirm a fact: "My thinking is the master of nature." The heights and achievements you can achieve all depend on whether this sentence can be fully implemented.You have to use your thinking to motivate your team and treat your career, including yourself!
8. There is only one captain, and that is "I".Please remember that you always have the initiative to control the direction.When you choose to follow your inner guidance, you have the aura to expect.Otherwise, the sea will dry up, the big ships will be moored, and your heart will slowly grow full of weeds.

9. No matter what your subconscious mind assumes or believes, your heart takes those things and turns them into reality.So, when you trust good luck and a virtuous aura to guide you, they will all come your way, including all good wishes!

◎The power of belief: anything is possible
The necessity, process and means of improving "self-confidence" are crucial to shaping our aura.We no longer need to repeat this divine law, which at all times affects the nature of the inner potential, whether it is positive or negative.From now on, you must know that the power of belief can make the strong stronger, free the weak from the gloomy past, and help us heal the psychological trauma after unspeakable setbacks.

Not every strong man will believe in himself

I hope dear readers will always remember this famous story, which was left to us by the great philosopher Socrates.

In his dying years, Socrates wanted to test and enlighten his assistant who usually looked good.One day, he called his assistant to his bed: "Son, I don't have many candles left. I have to find another candle to continue lighting. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood," the assistant said hastily, "the brilliance of your thought must be passed on well..."

Socrates said slowly: "I have one condition: he must be my best inheritor, not only must have considerable wisdom, but also must have full confidence and extraordinary courage... Such a candidate has not been seen until now. , would you please help me find or discover one?"

"Okay, sir. Even if I search all over the world, I will dig out the best candidate and recommend him to you."

This loyal and hard-working assistant started a difficult journey of searching everywhere through various channels.But the people he brought were always politely declined by Socrates one by one.No one could fall into Socrates' eyes, and he eliminated them all without hesitation.

A year later, Socrates said to his assistant when he was dying: "It's really hard work for you, but I feel that everything you found is not as good as you..." The assistant looked very ashamed, and said in a heavy tone with tears streaming down his face. : "I'm so sorry, I've disappointed you so much!"

"My child, I am the one who is disappointed, but you are the one who is sorry. You are the best. It's just that you never dare to believe in yourself, so you neglect, delay and lose yourself."

When a strong man lacks fundamental self-confidence, the legendary assistant of Socrates becomes a vivid portrayal of him.If they don't generate enough confidence, even Buffett and Rogers will become mentally poor and quickly lose half the wealth of the United States.A person without confidence, his potential is always in a frozen state, stored in a solid state in the body, it will not flow, and there is no temperature and heat.

"Can you do one thing?" You walked up to him, full of eager expectations.He will answer in great horror: "No, how can I do this? I can't do it. You go to someone else, he is much better than me."

Look, this is the face of a person who has no self-confidence.As soon as he thought that he had to take responsibility, he suddenly felt that the sky was about to collapse, and there was nothing more terrifying than this fact. He wished he could get into the ditch and never be exposed to the sun like a mouse.

Believing in yourself is the affirmation of your own value and the recognition of your aura, and it is also the most direct manifestation of your personality charm, and it is also the prerequisite for success in everything you do.Sometimes it's not others who are denying you, but you are denying yourself.The result of timidity is to be discouraged and stagnant, which not only loses the opportunity to show talent, but also misses success.I have to say that this is a tragedy you created yourself, and it has nothing to do with everyone in the world, so you have no right to complain.

When You Have Faith: The Aura Will Accept Your Subconscious Blueprint
Everyone has a subconscious blueprint in their hearts, whether you are a student, employee, manager or institutional investor.We all have ideals and goals that we hope to achieve, and we often revisit them in our hearts, demonstrate them repeatedly, and dream that one day they can become reality.Just like when we build a beautiful new house for ourselves and our family, we must first design a blueprint of all the details of the house, and then save it and make meticulous preparations for its realization.

It's hard to build a house without blueprints, but all the ideas on the blueprints won't turn into beautiful reality if you seriously lack confidence.

Confidence will allow our aura to accept the inner subconscious blueprint, making a happy, prosperous and rationally planned spiritual blueprint extremely operable.Only on this basis can we talk about taking the next action: buy the best materials, hire excellent craftsmen, and build the future living space with enthusiasm, so that you and your family can live better.

If you're full of fear and worry about your subconscious blueprint, if you're always stumbling around with a face of depression, doubt, and cynicism, then your aura will inevitably be eternal black, no matter how good the blueprint is It can only be stillborn and will not become a reality.I am afraid that the inner potential energy will never wake up from the deep sleep. It is overwhelmed by inferiority and uncertainty, and it is locked in the cage of the soul, and there is no chance of release.

You have to know that we are building our own inner world every minute and every second in our lives, which will produce wonderful designs and wonderful life drawings from time to time.Maybe it is a silent process that is not seen by others, but it is real and plays a decisive role in your present and future.

Only strong faith can accommodate both your aura and subconscious mind, help them initiate positive changes, and build a loose communication bridge between them.Do you want to create a radiant, healthy and successful version of yourself?Do you want to turn your inner blueprint into a visible life plan?Then face it boldly, walk towards it with a smile and willpower, with optimistic expectation and strong confidence, and let it hear your call. From this moment on, the real miracle begins to be staged!

(End of this chapter)

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