Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 30 Part6 Aura and Life: 4 Energy Determining Destiny

Chapter 30 Part6 Aura and Life: The Four Energies That Determine Destiny (2)
○At the age of 40, you should start to enjoy giving people hope, get used to being the protagonist of career and family, and have a mature aura.You need to be an influencer, not an influencer.You should be able to lead many people to fulfill their ideals.At this time, you would rather be busy because of your dreams than lose your dreams because of being busy.And, you have to know how to share and give!
Remember my advice!
◎How to enhance the excellent aura

Everyone carries an aura thermometer, which can be used not only to test others, but also to judge oneself.The aura changes every moment, just like a person's mood.How can I judge my aura?I tell you some basic principles.

Wall Street may have the simplest aura index, and I often encourage participants in charisma courses to experience the weight of the air there.When you stand on the streets of Wall Street, many people will immediately feel a kind of omnipresent force oppressing, it is filling the air, and the pressure is transmitted to every participant.

This is the simplest aura test. Countless outstanding elites gather together, and you will immediately experience the magnanimity of wisdom and the indifference of rules.

Our training institution has an important content: regularly organize participants to go to Wall Street for on-the-spot experience.When participants from various cities across the United States stand on this magical block, their understanding of the aura will immediately become deeper than before. They no longer think that the aura is something illusory, but find the reality A realistic model of the present.

The essential standard of an excellent aura

1. Self-confidence
You don't have to be beautiful, but you do have to have a strong sense of self-confidence.Of course people are chasing a radiant face, a slim figure or a handsome and charming appearance, as well as excellent dressing taste. Men and women are increasingly trapped in the obsessive pursuit of appearance.But as long as you are full of self-confidence, all your features will become attractive.

2. Wisdom
You must have the wisdom of life, a certain amount of social energy, and the courage to compete for survival.These will make up the content of your aura, just like the engine of a Boeing airliner.Without this basic wisdom, you are qualityless, an empty shelf that cannot take any risks.

3. Judgment

When necessary, you need to be able to see the details, so that everything is under control.You have to be able to point to the right target when you need to choose, and you have to be able to see through the right and wrong of human relationships and know where you are the safest.

4. The ability to grasp the timing

When an opportunity arises, seize it decisively and know what to do when it is.Only in this way can you reduce mistakes and waste too much time before success.

5. Courage to act

Not everyone has this ability.We have seen too many losers. It is not that they do not have good plans and enviable blueprints, but they lose to time and opponents precisely because they lack the courage to act.

6. Know what you need

Soberly locate your material and spiritual needs, then classify your inner desires, and make life plans and choices calmly.

7. Know how to love yourself

Whether you succeed or fail, you will lose a lot, so you need more people to love you, and you need to know how to protect yourself.You always have to understand that the most important thing to you is always your health, without which everything is worthless.A person who is physically and mentally healthy, he does not need to do anything, his aura already has the most positive appeal, he will make you think: Ah, it is good to be alive, to enjoy every day of life happily and comfortably, and at the same time have the opportunity to Do lots of worthwhile things.

What should we do to improve the aura index

1. Increase self-awareness
Improve your ability to perceive the aura, and you can be more calm and sensitive to detect a person's true intentions.What the hell is that guy trying to do, what is he trying to do with me?Can I be friends with him?Will it be an adversary or an ally in the future?You can smell the real smell of the other party in the first time, judge his strengths and weaknesses, and make a correct comparison with yourself.

2. Learn the skills to protect yourself

The premise of having a strong aura is that you understand the importance of yourself, and you must know how to protect yourself in the intricate interpersonal relationship.When you can avoid unnecessary harm, you can avoid being someone else's emotional trash bin.

3. Exercise good interaction skills

Be brave and try to socialize with anyone, even if it's just a simple hello.Make an effort to see the complexities of relationships clearly, to get to know other people, rather than waiting for them to get to know you.When we have the ability to establish good interpersonal relationships, we can reduce a lot of bad emotions and malicious attacks from the other party, leaving only sincere smiles and friendliness.As your aura improves, more and more people will communicate with you with their positive and kind side.

4. Build and consolidate your own personality

Anyone with excellent charisma has a strong and magnetic aura without exception.But there is a problem here. Generally speaking, everyone's personality has both positive and negative factors. It is impossible for us to completely eliminate the negative influence.So you need to achieve the best coordination and balance, highlight your own advantages, maximize your advantages, and offset the impact of your shortcomings.Even if it is an unavoidable weakness, we try our best to give full play to its advantages and make it a part of your personality charm.

For example, the following shortcomings, which also contain a positive side.

○ Blind obedience: Develop the positive elements of firm belief and not overthinking.

○Stubbornness: Persevere until you succeed.

○Change: Choose the best route flexibly to avoid getting into a dead end.

○Enjoyment: Know how to enjoy the fun of life without overdrawing your physical and mental energy.

○Pessimism: Deep cognition and preparation for a rainy day.

○Rebellion: Breakthrough innovation and creativity.

◎17 important aura indexes
[-]. Shame

This is our lowest aura index, but also the most dual-faced aura energy.Shame can seriously damage a person's aura, but it is also a driving force for innovation and prompts us to make positive improvements.

[-]. Guilt

Guilt often manifests itself in a variety of ways, such as remorse, self-blame, and feelings of hurt toward others.Guilt makes people aware of mistakes, but habitual guilt can lead to atrophy of the aura, bringing frequent anger and fatigue, and turning the aura to black or gray.

[-]. Apathy

The aura energy of indifference is very lethal, because it will make people feel that there is no hope for the world and the future, and produce autistic and helpless subconsciousness.Unless there is a strong stimulus from external factors, it is difficult for people with this kind of aura to improve.

[-]. Grief

If you can't bear the blow, you will feel sad.This is the aura energy of loss and dependence.Don't stay in the aura of sadness for too long. Those who can come out in time will be least affected, and will not cause negative psychological hints of world-weariness to themselves because of being sad for too long.But from another point of view, a person who doesn't understand sadness at all will go to the other extreme of bad aura-indifference.

[-]. Fear

From this level of aura, the world is full of dangers, traps and threats.No one is free from fear, but it is important to get rid of its shackles as soon as possible, so as not to form psychological hints and disturbing things really happen.Fear hinders the growth of personality and eventually leads to depression.

[-]. Desire

Desire is the greatest kinetic energy of the aura, which makes us expend a lot of energy to achieve our goals and get rewards.But desire also means greed.

[-]. Anger

Unsatisfied desires create frustration, which in turn leads to anger.Anger is often manifested as resentment and vengeance, so this aura is volatile and dangerous.This is the only aura level that has no merit whatsoever, and when it reaches its apogee within us, it can easily lead to hatred.

[-]. Pride

Pride makes us feel good, it's defensive and vulnerable.Because it is based on the feelings of the external conditions, it is irrational, and once the bubble bursts, we will be depressed.At the same time, the aura of pride may make us develop the vice of arrogance and resist the positive energy that is positive and progressive.

[-]. Courage

As the most indispensable aura energy, courage allows us to expand ourselves, achieve achievements, persevere and make decisive decisions.When you have courage, life can seem exciting and challenging, as well as new and interesting.When the aura gets the energy of courage, we have the ability to grasp the countless opportunities in life.

[-]. Calmness

Rational aura energy helps us analyze the world flexibly and deeply, and look at real problems.This means that our detachment from the outcome, from frustration and fear, is a high-level aura.Such people are easy to get along with, make people feel warm and reliable, have strong persuasion and personal charm, and are suitable to be team managers and professional analysts.

[-]. Willingness

People with a proactive aura are usually able to complete tasks well, actively solve problems, and are more likely to achieve various successes.Such people grow rapidly, rarely close-minded, sincere and friendly, willing to communicate, and have a strong ability to self-adjust, and can rise from adversity.They will not be proud, always see their own shortcomings, and learn from excellent people.

[-]. Tolerance

A tolerant aura helps a person become the master of his destiny, and no external factors can take away his sense of happiness.People at this energy level of the aura are less interested in right and wrong, and more concerned about whether substantive problems can be resolved.They care more about long-term goals and have good self-discipline and self-control.

[-]. Reason

Rational and intelligent aura performance, like Einstein, Freud and many thinkers in history, they all have a strong wise aura.However, the biggest disadvantage of such auras is that they focus too much on what the symbols represent.Being wise doesn't really lead to the truth, this energy just produces a lot of information and documentation.Therefore, if a person's wise aura is too strong, some emotional elements need to be added appropriately to balance his overly calm heart.

[-]. Love

Permanent love from the heart.Such people not only have tolerance for specific things, but also can always focus on the beautiful side of life and experience the happiness of life.They pay more attention to inner feelings than external changes.The disadvantage is that they lack strong desires and are too reckless about the consequences, which may hurt them a lot, although they don't care much.

[-]. Joy

Joy is part of our cheerful aura, and when we exhibit it, we develop great patience, enduring optimism about difficult situations, a willingness to wait for things to improve, and a sense of gratitude for others.

[-]. Peace

When we have a long-term stable and peaceful aura, the criteria for judging desires will change, and we can freely control our inner desires, direct them to an absolutely positive side, and form complete control.A peaceful person feels no difference between success and failure.In his view, the world is always the same, and it doesn't matter whether it develops or not. What he cares about is spiritual experience, not material enjoyment.

[-]. Enlightenment

When a person can comprehend everything, his performance is like a spiritual model, possessing the aura of a great man.The highest level of enlightened auras can eventually achieve the unity of consciousness and divinity, but no one seems to be able to achieve this level.However, primary and medium comprehension auras are still very common in this world, and those outstanding leaders and professionals all have their own characteristics in this respect.Both reading and social practice will help us improve our comprehension.

(End of this chapter)

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