Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 29 Part6 Aura and Life: 4 Energy Determining Destiny

Chapter 29 Part6 Aura and Life: The Four Energies That Determine Destiny (1)
◎Aura determines fate

We have become very clear and believe that aura is the baton of life, determining the heights we can achieve and the achievements we achieve.Can you hold it and become its master?
Everyone possesses a dynamic energy field that is ubiquitous, yet uncontrollable, and unparalleled in potency.It encourages us to outdo ourselves, while at the same time doing things that are difficult to grasp from time to time, the invisible magic hand of immense kinetic energy.

After a lot of research, we found that the inner influence of the aura on people is specifically manifested in four kinds of energy.These four energies are a natural complex in us, but they often affect our destiny in one aspect alone.

ability to choose

No matter what you believe in, you have the power to choose.In life, the way you choose material and spiritual consumption reflects your taste and the aura of life, such as the shoes you wear, the car you drive, the radio you listen to, the movies you watch, etc.Before you have them, you have to choose, and you have the ability.Nothing outside of you compelled you to make a decision this way or that, you made it because you wanted it to be that way.

If it's a bad choice, some people will blame it on something invisible, like, "Oh, it's God's will." But really?God will only give you the ability to help yourself. The final button is always in your hands, and no one can replace it.Therefore, the choice of good or bad can only be borne by oneself.

Who is to blame if you choose to eat a lot and get sick from it?
If you drive your car so fast that you end up losing control, who is to blame?If your own character is sordid and your behavior is annoying, then who can take responsibility for you?Be the "richest man in the grave" if you choose to take your money into the coffin.Should the poor people blame God or you?You can't blame anyone, it's all because of your ability to choose.Your choices can make or break you.When a person thinks, he exists; when he makes a decision, his aura is outlined.No matter how great the success is, it does not come from the grace of God or the care of opportunities, but the result of long-term correct thinking.Whether we create or destroy, we do it ourselves.In the depths of the aura, there is the factory of our minds, constantly giving answers to multiple-choice questions and transmitting them to our bodies.So, by choosing rightly and thinking honestly, we will move towards holiness and perfection; by thinking wrongly and choosing irrationally, we will only bring you down to the ranks of beasts.Between these two extremes, there are different levels of character, and you are the creator and master of these characters.

So let me tell you, there is no speculation in our life, what happens is the result of laws and laws, but sometimes we don't know how it works.Whether it is work or life, everyone has their own trajectory, and operates according to laws and rules, which creates our different auras.

When you realize that you have creative power and that you are in charge of your own life, you truly become your own master.You can then effectively correct the flaws in your character and bring about a quick and dramatic improvement in your fortunes.The external changes are: you have improved your aura in a short period of time and become a person who can control your own destiny.

When you understand that you should face your heart calmly and rationally, you will realize that "I can control myself".Only then can you know how to control yourself, adapt to others when getting along with others, and show your own charm. Others will in turn respect your strength, and use you as a role model, relying on your aura to do things.


When you have established a goal in life, you should mark a straight path to success in your mind and follow it unswervingly.Execution is our sharp weapon to change our destiny. Without execution, even the best blueprint is just a pile of waste paper.

All doubts and fears in our mind should be cleared away.Know that those distracting thoughts will only affect your efforts and distort the right direction.Thoughts of doubt and fear do not help us achieve, but rather undermine our goals and ideals.

The premise of "desire to act" is that we know we can, and doubt and fear are our worst enemies in the process of knowing ourselves.If you let these emotions grow in your heart, they will gradually destroy the originally very healthy aura, and make you set up many obstacles for yourself on the road to success. Every step you take will be restrained and blocked, even the simplest thing , will be extremely difficult to complete.

Once you have conquered your doubts and fears and immediately put your inner blueprint into action, you have conquered failure.

Under the dominance of different auras, all the achievements we have made—in the business field, in the intellectual world, and in the spiritual world—are the result of clear goals and strong execution. The only difference is that people strive for different goals.

Ability to self-examine and correct
When you know how to examine yourself, you will find that you are the maker of your character, the shaper of your life, and the constructor of your own destiny.If you want to actively guide your own destiny, you must pay attention to observation, control and change your thoughts, find out those weaknesses, and correct them one by one. At the same time, you must constantly correct the wrong routes that may have occurred. learn from experience.

Many people are always eager to improve their environment, but never willing to change themselves; because of this, they are always in a situation where the aura is bound.You must know that a person who has the courage to conduct self-analysis will not always fail on the road to realizing his ideals.Even if his only goal is to gain wealth, he must be fully prepared before reaching the goal, and he must be ready to pay a huge price at any time. Take it all out and throw it away.But in reality, a large number of people only complain about the environment, but they don't know that he is the only creator of his own situation. He has many opportunities to change the current bad situation, as long as he has the courage to reflect and the decisiveness to adjust.


"How long can you stick to a plan?" I asked Modi, an employee of HD Company, who was sitting in the audience.He wasn't sure about that, because he'd never considered what he'd mobilized his willpower for.This shows that he has poor persistence, and it is difficult to achieve goals that take a long time to achieve-except for "dreams that never happen" that you just have to sleep and wait for.

Willpower is a significant component of a person's temperament.But many people hold too many things in their hearts. When they are committed to achieving a legitimate goal, there are always some thoughts and desires in their hearts that are incompatible with the goal, and they pop up from time to time to persuade them to give up quickly.

He is constantly creating obstacles to the realization of his goals and damaging his will.As long as he is willing, his aura will change. No matter what he does, he always gives up halfway.He has no central purpose at all, and is easily disturbed by some trivial emotions, such as worry, fear, annoyance, self-pity and other bad emotions.I tell you, all these emotions are signs of weakness, the opposite of willpower, and ingredients of bad destiny.Once they appear in life, they will lead to inevitable mistakes, failures, misfortunes and losses.

Therefore, a person should set a reasonable and great goal in his heart, and then set out to achieve it.He should make this goal the center of his thoughts and his life, and make it his supreme task, stick to it, and solve whatever troubles he encounters.Through unremitting efforts and indomitable patience, make your aura stronger and stronger, and eventually grow into a strong person.

"In the same way that those who are weak in constitution can be made strong by careful and persistent training, so can those with weak minds be made strong and endowed with great willpower by the exercise of right thoughts."

Moody is about to join the ranks of the strong when he sets aside aimlessness and incompetence and begins to define purpose for his life.

Now, start imagining the future

No matter what, you should make a correct plan for yourself, this is the best aura training for us.When people choose and plan correctly, even if there are mistakes in the process of execution, the cost is minimal.Otherwise, you will definitely encounter more lessons before you can understand how to plan your life.

For life, the first step we take is always the most important, and no decision is more important than it.Paying tuition fees is not as beautiful and necessary as imagined. Few people can maintain the unparalleled passion as they did at the beginning after failing the first step.

Many people have experienced misunderstandings for several years or even more than ten years.For example, my dear friend Judson, he suddenly found that the past ten years of his life had been boring, ineffective and numb, and it all stemmed from an impulsive idea when he just graduated from college: I want to be The best baseball player in North America.

But in the end he found that his most suitable career is actually songwriting.He shot to fame in a New York bar when he was 36, becoming the most popular part-time musician on the block.

"It's so sad, I'm completely stunned, about my past and my future. This is a crime, how many precious lives I have wasted, and golden years with no regrets." "So what are you going to do, from baseball Maybe this is the best relief." "I have this idea, but I don't know if it's worth it." I told him, don't hesitate anymore, maybe this will be the most correct decision he has made in ten years.most
Important: don't allow yourself to make the mistake a second time.

After much deliberation, Judson followed the advice and quit his job as a baseball player to become a professional musician.Now that two years have passed, he is grateful for this difficult but worthwhile choice, because his life on the right track has filled him with fighting spirit and he has enjoyed a truly happy life.

You know, many good decisions are made after mistakes, because we can't avoid the first mistake, just like Judson paid a terrible price for his youth.But when a problem occurs, you have to seize the opportunity to re-examine yourself, prepare for self-breakthrough, and make positive changes, instead of making mistakes and making mistakes, as always.

Whenever someone feels confused about their life and is extremely disappointed with where they are, I ask them these questions:

Facing the future, do you have ideals and a sense of mission?Do you have your own values?
Facing the reality, have you planned your life and know your direction?

We have to calm down so that we can carefully plan our future.

○If you believe that you will be an excellent employee rather than a businessman in your life, then education is very important to you.When you choose a major that suits you, please believe me, your luck will not be better than Judson, because time will not allow you to take a wrong step.

○When you start planning for your own destiny, you have already mastered your own control over your life, and your aura will fully affect your future, instead of being constantly influenced by others.

○You not only need to cultivate your own aura, but also learn to develop various interpersonal relationships and meet friends who also have a positive aura.You should be confident that 10 years from now, these friends of yours will be your solid business allies.

○Before the age of 30, your aura should be like a sponge, absorb it hard, and be willing to be squeezed, all the efforts are only for self-growth.You have to dare to fight, but also have the courage to give.Because you have no experience, don't be afraid of setbacks at this time. Every setback is a powerful supplement to your aura.

○After the age of 30, you must learn to judge and grasp opportunities, and you can no longer have the mentality of trial and error.You should see the future instead of the present, get used to making major life choices, and at the same time know how to manage your own family and shoulder your social responsibilities.

(End of this chapter)

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