Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 28 Part5 Cultivating Career Aura: The Road to Success

Chapter 28 Part5 Cultivating Career Aura: The Road to Success (4)
Sanders, the founder of KFC, will tell you that accepting failure is a prerequisite for success.As a failed American, his parents died early when he was a child, he lied about his age to join the army when he was 16, and got married at 18, but his wife ran away soon after.Having just finished his military life, he had a particularly hard time finding a job.He opened a small shop, and soon had to sell it, and went to work as a clerk in the shop, but he was dismissed after not working for a long time, and his job became worse and worse.If it were you, you might think that there is no worse life than this, and I might as well die!However, in the end, he became the director of a restaurant with his own efforts. Seeing that he was doing well, he reached the age of retirement.

Is this the end of his life?No!He used a little pension to start KFC, a legendary restaurant chain that spread American dining culture to the rest of the world.

Will a person be defeated when he encounters so many failures?At least not Sanders, who smiled at failure and succeeded in the end.

You also need to remember the story of another man: he failed in business, failed to run for Congress, lost a lawsuit as a lawyer, had a nervous breakdown himself, and had only a ridiculous failure in everything he did.He adjusted his mentality and used rational thinking to run for parliament again, and this time he succeeded.He ran for re-election soon after, lost again, and then went on to run again.His goals became higher and higher every time, and he even made a plan for himself to run for vice president, but he still failed.

When many people read this, they have already cursed or laughed, asking this "clown" to stop quickly, but he still continues to campaign.At the age of 51, he finally succeeded and became the President of the United States.This man was Lincoln, one of the greatest presidents in American history.

Lincoln was always smiling no matter the time.Even if he failed, he still faced it with a smile, and because of this, Lincoln finally succeeded.

Why can't you do this?
Seeing the positive side of failure, summing up the lessons is far more important than crying.Lille's story should be learned by all underdogs.He raised $200 million to invest in a personal computer agency in Manhattan, but it closed within half a year, and Lear was in huge debt overnight.

He did not commit suicide, nor did he perish all day long.When Ryan and I visited him, he was lounging in his cottage on a farm outside the city, sipping instant coffee.

"Hey, guess what I'm thinking?" He said, "I can finally give myself a vacation. Look at the scenery here, doesn't it look like the legendary oriental paradise?" What an optimistic person, Ryan and I My worries were finally put down.How to adjust the mentality after failure is the top priority of our training content for senior leaders, because their mentality is crucial to the fate of a team.Will you get a good night's sleep, or will you go to the bar to seek alcohol's narcosis full of resentment?Similar questions I will ask the participants of the course to answer carefully and loudly, and determine the color of their mood.

After a setback, emotional venting is always needed, but the time should not be too long.The sooner the positive mood comes, the healthier your aura will be.Usually we only have two hours to release our inner depression. For desperate stockholders or ordinary people suffering from emotional problems, when the sun rises the next day, it is best to start a new day with a smiling face.

There is a famous businessman in Thailand, Shi Lihua, who is a businessman with billions of assets. The financial crisis in 1997 swept across Southeast Asia, destroying many companies.Unfortunately, he also went bankrupt.But in the face of such a disastrous failure, he only said one sentence: "Wow! You can start all over again!" If Shi Lihua was as pessimistic as those people who lost two thousand dollars in stocks and jumped off the building, he would have died long ago Tens of thousands of times.

Obviously, with him, there are only bad things, not bad moods, because even 1% of bad moods will cause 100% of our failures.Let me tell you: When you face failure, the color of your aura often determines the color of the world in your eyes.There are two types of people in this world: successful people and unsuccessful people.Countless people succeed every day, and countless people fail.There is no difference between these two kinds of people in essence, except that the color of their aura is different when they face failure, that is to say, their ability to control their inner emotions is different.

A loser isn't really as short of opportunity as they say. "Damn it, the big conglomerate snatched all the good opportunities, and all I was left with was a little leftovers. How could I not fail? It's all due to those rich people!" Some people complained angrily like this, and they would still Blame it on my lack of qualifications, and even as some people say, God has no eyes. God fell asleep at that moment, and he did not give himself enough protection.In the face of failure, they will not control their emotions and let their bad emotions vent freely.

When he is angry, he is so angry that he forgets to deal with the aftermath better, and to show his gentlemanly demeanor;

When he was depressed, he used alcohol to soothe his sorrows, let his fatigue grow wildly, but squandered many fleeting opportunities;
When he was proud, he got carried away and made enemies on all sides, as if he had reached the sky in one step and no longer had to worry about other mistakes, so he planted the seeds of disaster for the next failure!

A positive aura will create our success, while a negative attitude is a serious consumption of the positive aura; a positive attitude is the source of success, helping us get rid of the shadow of failure as soon as possible, and a negative aura is the beginning of failure. is the killer of our lives and careers.

There is a story that many losers should remember:

The two walked alone in the desert at night, and the only water in their water bottles had long been exhausted. The two were tired and hungry, and their physical strength was gradually exhausted.During the break, one of them asked the other, what can you see now?The person who was asked replied: "Well, I seem to see death now, and I seem to see the god of death approaching step by step." The person who asked the question smiled slightly and said, "Really? What I see now is a sky full of The stars and my wife and children are waiting for me to come home."

In the end, the man who said he saw death was indeed dead, and when he was about to walk out of the desert, he desperately ended his life with a knife in a hurry.And another person who said he saw the stars and his wife and children successfully walked out of the desert by relying on the direction of the stars and became a hero in people's minds.

In fact, there is no difference in ability between these two people, only their mentality is different in the face of seemingly doomed failure.One is positive and optimistic; the other is hopeless and angry.In the end, they performed completely different destinies.

It can be seen that our mentality in adversity often determines our own destiny. Whether you smile generously and continue to forge ahead actively, or you are so depressed that you even want to give up, different mentality will determine the color of your tomorrow.If you want to have a good time all the time and keep your aura healthy and clear, you have to keep your mood under your control all the time.

You have to know, what kind of mood you have, what color aura will appear in your heart.

My six tips for dealing with failure
1. Set modest goals instead of aspiring too much.We must have a correct understanding of ourselves, and don’t set too high goals for ourselves. It is best to set some small goals that are relatively easy to achieve, to slowly stimulate a positive aura, and at the same time satisfy our own success psychology. Accumulate a sense of accomplishment; and, if you don't expect too much from yourself, failure won't hurt you too much.

2. Don't pin your hopes on others.You have to understand that in this world, no one can fundamentally help you, the only one who can help you is yourself.Therefore, no matter what you do, don't pin your hopes on others. You must rely on yourself and respect your own efforts.Otherwise, the greater your hope, the greater your disappointment.

3. See failure as helping others.As McCain said in his speech, failure is just a foil to winners, and his opponents are also excellent.When you realize this, even if you fail, you will win the respect of others, and your path will become wider and wider in the future, which is a great success in itself.

4. Be good at making concessions in the face of invincible pressure.What do you do when the odds are really hard to beat?If a snow mountain has never been climbed by anyone, and you only discovered the secret when you climbed halfway up the mountain, what countermeasures would you take?A rational person must be good at making concessions at the right time. Preserving strength is more valuable than burying oneself rashly.

5. After failure, be good at regulating and venting bad emotions.When things don’t work out, it’s impossible for us to have no emotions, but at this time, in addition to keeping calm and rational, you also need to find a safe way to vent these emotions.We can go for a run, write poetry, listen to music, or convert it into work motivation. The most taboo is alcoholism and self-degradation.

6. Think of the positive side of things.Now many people have a very bad habit, they are always the first to see the dark side of an event after it happens, and often ignore the positive side.Yet even the worst failures have meaning to us.If you accidentally fall into the river, some people will curse and be so angry that they can't eat for two days, but some people will smile slightly: "Thank you, let me take a free bath today." As long as you can find positive On the one hand, if you encounter failure in life, your life will not be affected too much, but it will bring some positive factors for self-entertainment!

◎Be a person of faith
Many people have asked me, "What is faith? Is it God? For God's sake, I have never felt God."

I have to admit that although almost all Americans claim to be God's people, many of them are only in a hazy state of faith!Especially in recent years, financial crises have occurred continuously, and it seems that American society, which has never escaped from recession, has been infected with a strong gold-dollar complex.

"Please let me make money! Support me and tell me how to make a lot of money. I want to improve my aura and become a multi-millionaire, so that my house can be kept, bank deposits will not depreciate, and Live without worry.”

This has become his belief, and I have seen the aura of utilitarian desires inflated from him, and I have also seen another failure in the future—this is inevitable!True faith is the love of the unseen, the trust in the positive that seems impossible.

When you have positive beliefs, when you do something, you will first seek to do it the best, because you are not doing it for someone, neither for your boss, nor for yourself, nor for yourself. Instead of serving God, you are serving your inner high values.Even if such a life is very tiring, you will feel extremely happy.

★When you have faith, you will be happy.

★Positive belief is a perpetual motion machine for a healthy aura.

When a person has faith, he has a goal, and a powerful force will be generated in his heart, and his life is as radiant as a lit torch.No matter what occupation he is in or what he does, he will have the best aura, no problem can stump him, the facts are always proving to us!

do you know?Roger Rawls is the first black governor in the history of New York State. In him, he fully embodies the importance of the belief we mentioned.

He was born in the dirty and violent New York City's Great Sandhead slum, where stowaways and homeless people gather.It was a notorious birthplace of well-known hooligans, and few of the kids born there grew up to have decent careers because they learned to play truant, fight, or even steal or do drugs from an early age.However, Roger Rawls, who was also born here, later became the governor of New York State.

This is also thanks to Mr. Peel, the director and principal of their school at the time.The principal found that these children were even more idle than the most popular "confused generation" at that time. They did not cooperate with the teachers in class, looked around, and could not listen to the lessons at all.They also often miss classes, fight against the teacher every day, and even smash the blackboard in the classroom.Mr. Peel tried many ways to change this situation, but to no avail.However, after a period of contact, Mr. Principal finally discovered that these children all have a common characteristic, that is, they are very superstitious, and they will firmly believe in anything related to superstition.So Peale seized this feature, showed the students palm reading when he was in class, and used this method to guide the students.

On this day, it was finally Roger Rawls' turn. When he handed his dirty little hand to the principal, the principal excitedly took Roger Rawls's hand and said, "Son, you are amazing!" , as soon as I saw your slender little finger, I knew that you would definitely be the governor of New York State in the future."

Roger Rawls was stunned, because no one had given him such a high evaluation from birth until now, and the only time was his grandma.The old lady said he would be lucky if he could become a captain.That pales in comparison to the governor of New York State.

In later life, little Rawls's mood suddenly became much brighter.He is full of hope for life, his clothes are no longer covered with mud, and his speech is no longer filled with foul language. Even when he walks, he will straighten his waist intentionally or unintentionally.In his heart, he has always demanded himself as the future governor of New York State.

Hard work paid off. At the age of 51, Roger Rawls successfully became the first black governor of New York State.This is the power of faith!Positive beliefs helped him solve all problems, and made him persevere in fighting for an ideal, and finally realized his wish back then.

Faith is the source of a successful person's aura
1. Faith is an active sense of self.Among the main factors that constitute a person's successful psychology, positive self-awareness, self-evaluation and self-expectation occupy the most important position. It not only affects all aspects of our lives, but even our speech and behavior, as well as important Life choices will have a decisive impact.Therefore, in order for a person to be successful, he must first have a positive sense of self, and this is precisely the main component of faith.

2. Faith can produce clear values.Only with lofty beliefs can we develop correct and clear values, know what is the most important, favorite, and most needed, and then work hard for this goal.This is also the most important desire, motivation and pursuit in our aura, and it is the rule of action of potential energy.If a person does not have positive values, sooner or later he will fall into a negative life state, and success is basically impossible for him.Even if he has short-term achievements and complacency, it is only a flash in the pan and cannot become a lasting state of life.

3. Faith will make people have a good self-state.When you become a person of faith, you will always maintain a vigorous and energetic state of mind, you can control your emotional world rationally and passionately, and sprint towards the established goal with positive efforts!
(End of this chapter)

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