Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 27 Part5 Cultivating Career Aura: The Road to Success

Chapter 27 Part5 Cultivating Career Aura: The Road to Success (3)
Later, Frank Bigger disclosed the secret of his success to the world.It turned out that he discovered such a strange set of data in his work log that year, which changed his understanding of work: 70% of the insurance sales he sold in a year were dealt with for the first time. 23% of the deals were made at the second meeting, and only 7% were made after the third meeting.And the time he actually spends on that 7% of his business takes up more than half of all his working hours.

Therefore, he adopted a new sales strategy of immediately giving up the 7% interest and no longer being moved by its temptation.In this way, he can free up a lot of time for the development of new business.So, he succeeded.

★Sometimes a person's success is as simple as that - resolutely give up the useless 7% of your life!

When student Pau Gasol asked me my opinion on this matter, I only said four words - give up decisively.If we can't grasp it, we must give up decisively.Just like you, Gasol, you're not happy with your business philosophy, are you?Have you thought about why?

Gasol shook his head. His plan was too huge, but his funds were seriously insufficient, which made him bloom everywhere but everywhere was difficult. He could hardly take a step, and gradually it became difficult to move an inch.

"It seems that I need to give up some of my goals and lay off employees." Making such a decision is always painful, especially for entrepreneurs. sector, which means failure.

Gasol's return came quickly, because he streamlined the business and concentrated limited funds on one or two key businesses. He made a profit for the first time and increased the company's assets by 170% in the first quarter.

Only by giving up decisively and choosing soberly can we keep the most important things, instead of losing more because of keeping chicken ribs.In the aura of doing things, the concept of willingness to give up does not seem to be often mentioned, but it is extremely important.There are too many things that people are reluctant to part with, and they will go to extremes even for a little profit.

◎Become a thinker of doers, not a thinker of action

Please think like a doer and act like a thinker.When you decide to do something, I will give you this sentence, and ask you to take it as the motto of your life.Your actions falter because you have too many things in your head.More importantly, you have made thinking an overly stubborn habit.

Generally speaking, we have too many things on our minds, each of them crying out for us to act, to give them a happy ending.This is caused by the environment we live in - people generally want to be able to accomplish more, although they are always unable to do things.

In addition to important work, you are likely also working hard on some personal projects and tasks that you want or need to achieve.There's just too much going on, isn't it?We want to be good parents, good children, good sisters, good friends, good neighbors.We have worked hard over the years to push ourselves to fulfill these roles.

So, we experienced something like this:
○ Commitments take up most of the space in our brains.Those promises not being kept or they not being kept well are the main reasons we get nervous.

○The inner pressure is probably more than we think.From answering piles of emails to taking out the household trash, from giving lectures at college to taking time off to see aging parents, so many things can be on our minds at any given time.

o Every time we fail to keep or fail to fully deliver on a promise, it stays in the mind and increases our tension levels.Because we don't know what the result will be, and we haven't further decided on specific actions that should be taken in the future, and we lack thinking and judgment on the overall situation.

We either act with little thought or we overthink because there are too many things going on.But this situation can be changed, as long as you take the following steps immediately.

Step [-]: Empty your overcrowded head

You know, remembering everything is not going to be easy, you have to take positive action to take control of your life.It starts with figuring out what we want to do, then making a decision and taking action.In this regard, the point of management is to delete, to expel the worst information and choices from the brain.

It may be difficult to forget something, but the consequences of consolidating memory are even harder to bear because the amount of information is so high that many people don't know what to do next to complete a project or keep a promise.Their first reaction is often stylized "I don't have time", "I'm too busy", etc., and they gradually ignore the most important things because their eyes are covered by countless less important information.

What I am saying is that the real problem is not that we lack time, but that we do not understand what the important items are and what action needs to be taken on the garbage items.

Step Two: Organize Our Inner World

To keep us from thinking about everything, we have to make sure we capture and collect everything we need to do.This is like filling a bucket, collecting and sorting out the important things that have not been completed, and purifying and sorting the inner world.It means that all these things we think should change, and we want to be willing to put energy into changing them and be more positive than ever before.

The tools to collect and organize are not hard to find. We can use notebooks, various electronic devices, emails, and sometimes simple voice recorders.As long as the information can be divided reasonably, we can rearrange it after emptying it, and place them solemnly in the inner world in the order of priority.

Step [-]: Analyze all information, including memory and future
After completing the second step of collecting and organizing, we need to ask ourselves about each thing: What are they all about?Many people have made the mistake of collecting things and not doing them for a long time, simply because he didn't really figure out what they are and what they mean to him, and whether there is really a need for them Do something.

We analyze all the information and decide whether we can act, what to do and how to do it.If not, either throw it away, or keep it for a later decision—provided it has some useful reference information.

Deciding on the next course of action for things is simply to push things toward completion.We have to do some preparation, maybe a phone call, writing down important ideas and outlines for the next meeting, a conversation with someone, or doing some basic but necessary research, and then make a list of actions that show a clear route map.

Step [-]: Organize a "Think Storm" Before Acting

Crucially, once we know what we want to accomplish and why, the "how to" mechanism of the aura comes into play.We want to organize a "brainstorm" to create a graphic format for our ideas, stimulate the inner subconscious, and condense the aura.

Specifically, we need to form a visible blueprint, concretize and physicalize ideas, such as writing on a whiteboard, sticky notes or sketching them on a computer, making a plan, predicting the results after completion, and then evaluating.This allows us to look at our original thoughts and generate new ones.In this process, the aura will expand instead of shrink, and rich associations and repeated arguments will be carried out, so the more new ideas the better, it is very conducive to our analysis and reorganization, and further improvement of the plan.

Step [-]: What should I do next?tell yourself out loud
As a final step, the key question we need to ask is "what is the next course of action".At this point, you will have to step out, show courage and executive power to complete this great plan.Believe me, everything perfect is made this way, without exception.

◎ Make friends with stubbornness

You have to know when to stand your ground and when to follow good advice.Among these two options, the "stubborn" aura is more important to a successful person, even if it is some cute and stubborn bad temper, it will have a positive and effective impact on your action.

Mr. Mesa in Florida is a unique owner of a "stubborn" aura. Apart from reading a few books on psychology, he has neither speculated in stocks, nor bought funds, nor speculated in commercial housing for more than ten years, but devoted himself wholeheartedly to to business operations.The only other investment he has participated in in the past two years is also related to land. It is a piece of land in California that he accidentally bought in the process of industrial operation, and the value has now increased by tens of millions of dollars.

Mesa has a famous point of view: Stocks and real estate are investments that overdraw their lives, and they will make people shrink into a ball.

In his opinion, a person's energy is limited. Taking into account the aspect of industrial management, his time is already very tight. If he does multi-processing in the investment and financial management industry at the same time, he will easily fall into a situation where the gain outweighs the gain .

This is in stark contrast to the stock speculators who spend their days on Wall Street. A large amount of money has poured into the stock market, which just makes room for a veteran who is steadily advancing like Mesa.Those people are very happy when the stock market encounters a bull market, but they shed tears of despair when the stock market encounters a bear market.Many people have been in and out of the stock market for several years, not only did not make money, but also wasted time.

"I'm investing my money wisely and never in a bubble business," Mesa said. "I stand by this principle as if it were my life, and I will not take anyone's advice, including yours, as long as I live, Paul. !"

Stubborn Mesa has always been a winner, but David, who is known for his flexibility, fell into an unprecedented disaster not long ago.He once created a miracle in the financial investment industry, dabbled in more than a dozen industries, and never made a loss-making transaction.He is known to be good at listening to advice, where there is an opportunity to make money, he will move like a sharp-nosed dog, jump to the scene quickly, and cast his big net for making money.

But David, who was never stubborn, failed.

In my office, David looks ashen, like a child who has done something wrong, feeling wronged and puzzled at the same time. "David, can you tell me what happened?" "There's nothing to tell, because I don't know what's going on."

Indeed, David was completely confused, because he had listened to too many people's opinions over the years, and now he was fighting inside, a big battle between himself and those various opinions.I told him about Mesa, and he must have been wondering, why did Mesa have such good control and resist those bubbles?

To make stubbornness our best friend and a powerful tool for maintaining and building our unique aura, we need not only determination but also good judgment.You need to understand your own strength, for example: what kind of person am I?What things can I do and what can't I do? …When you can’t position yourself, you’re vulnerable to being manipulated by others because you don’t know exactly what to do.

◎How to face failure
When faced with setbacks, I believe that 99% of people will feel unwilling, frustrated and annoyed.Just like David, he dropped a coffee mug in my office and jumped off a building with a look of pain on his face—fortunately, he was just impulsive, and when Ryan and I were about to hug him, he stepped on it himself. Brakes, or the next day's Washington Post will have a story about him jumping to his death.

Dear readers, I think you need some peace of mind at this time.If you are also a person like David who has just experienced frustration, before questioning failure, it is necessary to first lower your head and talk to your heart, and look at the troubles you are facing from another perspective.

You have to know that your attitude towards failure determines whether you have a frank and broad mind and the ability to look at things positively.

John McCain addressed voters across America after his defeat:

My friends, we are at the end of a long journey.Americans have made their choice, clearly made their choice.Not long ago, I had the great honor of calling Senator Obama to congratulate him on his victory.Congratulations to him on his election as the new President of this country we all love.

His success has earned me respect for his ability and perseverance in this long and difficult campaign.But what I appreciate more is that he inspired the hope of hundreds of millions of Americans.They mistakenly believed that their own electoral role was limited.This is a historic election, and I recognize its importance to African-Americans, and the glory tonight must be theirs.


Senator Obama accomplished his personal greatness while also achieving the nation's goals.I applaud him and express my sincere sympathy that his beloved grandmother did not live to see this day.But our faith tells us she must be resting in God and must be proud of the good man she raised.

Senator Obama and I argued over many differences, but he won.There is no doubt that many divisions continue and our country is going through a difficult time, but I promise him tonight that I will do everything in my power to help him lead us together through the many challenges we face today.

I hope that all Americans who support me will not only join me in congratulating him, but also express our good wishes and our sincere efforts to our new president.So that together we can reach the necessary compromises over our differences, restore our prosperity, keep us safe in a dangerous world, and create a stronger nation for our children and grandchildren in which to live.


Is it difficult to face failure with a smile?McCain's speech represented the highest values ​​of American politics, although not all Americans can deal with setbacks or even humiliation calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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