Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 26 Part5 Cultivating Career Aura: The Road to Success

Chapter 26 Part5 Cultivating Career Aura: The Road to Success (2)
It seems that he is so unfeeling to himself, the courage of decision is so strong, and he makes a decision immediately.Because he couldn't get the clothes to wear when he went out, Hugo completely gave up the idea of ​​going out to meet friends and play, and got into writing, never leaving his desk except for eating and sleeping.As a result, his work was finished two weeks early.This work, which took only 5 months to complete, became the masterpiece "Notre Dame de Paris" which became famous all over the world and made everyone admire.

Before a great writer realizes his "greatness", he will undoubtedly perform a ritual of saying goodbye to a life of leisure.He must make decisive choices decisively and give up all distracting thoughts to complete his great works.Among them, if he has the slightest hesitation, we may not be able to see this famous work.

Decisiveness is especially important to the nature of our aura.Many problems we encounter in life cannot wait for you to discuss with others the next day before deciding. There are countless things that require you to make a decisive decision.However, many young people are always in a state of indecision. No matter what important things they face, they will reflexively hesitate to make up their minds-except for inviting him to play video games.This is a global fact, and those who have experienced it, like us, have long been aware of it, and have considerable experience in overcoming indecision.But I hope that those who have not experienced it, who are still in the doting of others or who have an attitude of indifference to everything, will be ready to adjust the gray aura in time, and train themselves to be decisive and scientific in dealing with things.

identify the most pressing issues

When you decide to improve your decision-making skills, you should first identify the most pressing problems you are facing and make a decision on each of them, no matter what kind of decision you make-even if it means rejecting them all.You know, it's better to have a decision than no decision, and even if you make some bad decisions at the beginning, that's okay.Because as long as you start trying, with the accumulation of experience, the probability of you making the right decision will become higher and higher in the future.Of course, if you can determine your goal in advance and analyze its rationality, it will help you make the right decision, because you can always judge whether the decision you make is conducive to the realization of the goal.

build confidence in decision

One of the important reasons why some decision-makers have difficulty making final decisions on their own plans based on correct thinking is that they never believe in themselves and seriously lack confidence in their own judgments.Our research shows that all successful people have a common distinctive feature, that is, they fully trust themselves at all times.Their mentality and will are firm to the point that no difficulties and obstacles are enough to make them doubt and fear themselves.Any objection and all kinds of interference from the outside world cannot move or change them.Strong self-confidence will help him make the most timely judgments and issue the most effective orders without hesitation.Therefore, at the beginning of your practice, you should firmly believe that "I can do it", and you should realize that the size of your achievements will often not exceed the size of your self-confidence.Just imagine, if Napoleon had no confidence in himself, his army would never have crossed the Alps.Likewise, if you are constantly doubting your abilities, you will never achieve greatness in your life, and you will never have an aura of superiority about you.In short, if a person does not passionately and strongly desire and expect success, then he will definitely not step into the palace of success!

Strengthen the awareness of taking risks

Making a decision often involves certain risks, because it is impossible for things to develop completely according to people's subjective will or assumptions, and there will always be some accidents.Sometimes, when an opportunity appears in front of you, and the opportunity is in a flash, in order not to miss the sudden opportunity, you must make a timely decision based on your own knowledge and experience. Only in this way can you seize the opportunity.If you worry about gains and losses and hesitate, I'm sorry, you will definitely lose the opportunity.Many people think that delaying decisions can reduce risk, and they are afraid of taking risks.In fact, not only will this not reduce the risk, but it may create more or even greater risks in the process of delaying your decision-making, resulting in irreversible consequences.Let me tell you, a person who is unwilling to take risks and make decisions can never become a person with a strong and decisive aura.

consider the problem comprehensively
No matter when, you must find a more reliable basis for your choice before making a decision. You must learn to consider the problem comprehensively and develop a good habit of careful thinking.You have to consider both the opponent's situation and the objective environment, as well as your own situation; you have to see both favorable factors and unfavorable conditions and your own weaknesses; Consider long-term returns.In short, only when you consider every angle as much as possible, have a broad vision, understand the overall situation, and make all plans, can you make a thorough judgment and decide on the most feasible plan.

make a decision, make a firm decision

Before making a decision, we should have the ability to think and judge independently, integrate all the information to make the final choice, and avoid indecision.And once the decision is made, you should unswervingly implement it, and you must not change it overnight or waver.Those who always overturn the decisions they have made, their aura of doing things is more terrible than indecision, because it will make people feel at a loss for him!

◎Do not evade responsibility at any time
I tell those who have a dark aura, when you raise your hands in fear because you are afraid to take responsibility, you should think about what the most dire consequences will be. The responsibility of "avoiding responsibility" may be greater than the risk of doing things. The latter will only make you suffer possible losses in the short term, while the former will make you bear the price of mediocrity for a lifetime.

There are never people in the world who do not make mistakes at all. If you avoid responsibility because you are afraid of making mistakes, it will make you make bigger mistakes.

★Afraid to let go of work because of fear of making mistakes is a more serious mistake than any mistake.

★ If you dare not take responsibility because you are afraid of taking responsibility, you will be held accountable for "evading responsibility".

Whether in Wall Street, Los Angeles, Tokyo or Shanghai, many people are avoiding responsibility, fearing responsibility, and turning pale when talking about responsibility. This is because the word "responsibility" often brings us a very scary feeling at work.There is a gene in people's aura that yearns for comfort and fears risks. Everyone has it, even if he is Bill Gates, but the best person can overcome it when needed.

If something goes wrong, the boss will slap the table and shout loudly: "Whose responsibility is this?" Responsibility system", if there is a problem in the work, it must be investigated
"Responsibility", we call the person in charge of the project "responsible person", and he will be investigated for "legal responsibility" when he goes to court... All of these give us a very terrible impression. "Responsibility" seems to be A landmine, no matter who steps on it, there will be a "boom". When people think of these two words, they can't help but feel frightened.

In order to let people have the courage to do things, they had to use rules to constrain and motivate them, but I found a strange rule: when the rules are constrained to the end, no one who is really responsible can stand up to solve the problem.

Even though there are mandatory restrictions and a large number of punitive measures, there are still countless people who do not hesitate to repeat mistakes, damage their self-image, and evade responsibility.So is the word "responsibility" really so terrible?Please believe me, when you imitate everyone and keep a distance from responsibility tactfully, your aura must be as dirty and slippery as a frog in a quagmire.You can no longer be of any use except for howling in the mud—for your life, this is both the beginning and the end!

Generally speaking, the pressure that responsibility brings to us is only one aspect of "responsibility", and the most important aspect is ignored by us intentionally or unintentionally.

When talking about this issue, I told a story to the students.In ancient Greek mythology, on the way to Mount Olympia where the god Zeus is located, there is a river named Eurydites. Anyone who crosses this river can be among the great gods and gain incomparable of glory.However, the water in this river was extremely turbulent. Anyone who walked into this river was immediately washed away without a trace by the rapids, losing their bodies and spirits.Later, Hercules carried a huge stone on his back before crossing the river. He successfully crossed the Eurydice River by relying on the weight of the stone.It is said that after he climbed Mount Olympia, Hermes, the god of information communication, measured the weight of the boulder and found that it weighed 12 grams (an ancient Greek unit of weight), which marked the hero Heracles. Si must complete 12 merits.

In fact, whether it is the company or our life, it is such a turbulent river, and everyone must cross this river to reach the other side of success.And the only thing that can guarantee that we will not be eliminated by the torrent is the boulder that bears the responsibility.The greater the responsibility, the closer we are to success.The boulder you carry on your body happens to be the achievements and responsibilities you want to accomplish. No one can easily cross the sacred river alone, and thus get the supreme honor that everyone is looking at.

Responsibility is never a mistake, let alone severe punishment.When you realize this, your aura will begin to undergo a qualitative change.You will distance yourself from negative people and stand above them, which is also a high mountaintop.Although you face the danger of falling from a height, only you can enjoy the fresh air on the top of the mountain, enjoy the most beautiful scenery, and get the highest favor.People at the foot of the mountain, they can only watch from a distance, that's all.

This is my theory of "responsibility breeds a rigid aura": only "irresponsibility" is a real mistake, and only "non-responsibility" will pay the price.In the same way, we will be punished in life only when we evade our responsibilities, and we will be surrounded by a layer of weak aura, which will be lost to everyone.

Here's what you need to know and implement in your life today, starting today:
○Responsibility is an imprecise concept, and we never need to pursue precise results.So we can tolerate mistakes, but we must not allow mistakes made because of fear of mistakes.

○At any time, the team will always be lenient when it comes to “accountability”; but it will never show mercy when it comes to pursuing responsibility for “evasion of responsibility”.

○No matter what you do, if you take responsibility, you will not be "accounted for". Only when you dare not take responsibility or are evading responsibility, you will make the most serious mistakes.

○ You will not be forgiven for not letting go of work for fear of making a mistake.

○At any time, we should not make the mistake of "not daring to make mistakes", and at any time you should not be held accountable for "evading responsibility".Do this, and your whole body will be filled with positivity and attractiveness.

◎"Give up" theory: willing to give up 7% of the unimportant life
Have you ever given up on something important?I often ask people who think they are distressed.When should we give up, and what needs to be given up decisively?As I said to Ms. Usha, a Detroit housewife who came to consult, giving up is not cowardly, if you don't want to continue to suffer from the boring life.Her marriage failed so badly that she suffered for many years, but when it came time to make the decision to divorce, she suddenly hesitated and stopped.

Frank Bigger, an American insurance tycoon, had a smooth career when he first started working in insurance.His excellent marketing ability made him a fish in water in this industry, and he became the king of insurance sales in the world in a short period of time.

When he was full of passion, full of ambition for the future, and eager to show his talents in the insurance industry, he encountered his first work "bottleneck" problem since he started his career, and was firmly trapped by it.

He hoped that his performance would be improved quickly, so he went out to run business from morning to night, and tried his best to persuade customers to buy the insurance recommended by him.In order to win every possible business transaction, he often has to visit the door several times.

What frustrates him is that all his efforts have had little effect—although he has worked several times more than usual, his performance has not improved much compared to the original.During that time, he felt very incompetent, depressed all day long, lost confidence in the future, and even wanted to give up this challenging career.One weekend morning, after waking up from a night of nightmares, he was still a little depressed and uneasy.However, he soon calmed down.As if he had been inspired by God, he adjusted his emotions, drank a cup of coffee, and began to seriously think about solutions to the problem.Bigger kept asking himself in his heart: Why am I so depressed recently?What is the problem?
The result of his thinking was positive, and the scenes of his daily work quickly flashed into his mind: many times, after many visits and efforts by him, the client finally agreed to buy his insurance, but at the last moment, the client He backed off and said, "Let me think about it and talk about it next time." So he eventually had to walk away frustrated and spend time looking for new business.

How can I quickly save myself from depression?He raced through his mind.

Before he could think of a good solution, he began to flip through his work notes for the past year and conduct detailed and in-depth research, hoping to find the answer.Soon, he discovered the crux of the problem.A bold idea flashed in his mind, which shocked him a little.

In the days that followed, he changed his previous working methods and began to adopt a new sales strategy.The result surprised him, and he created a miracle-in a short period of time, he quickly increased his average earning of $2.7 to $4.27 each time.That year, his new insurance business broke through the million-dollar mark for the first time, causing a sensation in the industry.

With his outstanding wisdom and unique marketing strategy, Bigger quickly grew into a giant in the insurance industry.

(End of this chapter)

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