Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 25 Part5 Cultivating Career Aura: The Road to Success

Chapter 25 Part5 Cultivating Career Aura: The Road to Success (1)
◎What you want can come true
How did the billionaires who almost bought the planet get their first bucks?After getting in touch with nearly [-] world-class successful entrepreneurs' struggles, we can tell you the secret for them: what you want can come true.

To a man full of self-confidence and desire, desire is never a sin.Dare to think and dare to do is the first step to stimulate a person's aura of success.

There is no need to be reserved in this world. What we have to do is to break the self, the shackles of the soul and all kinds of unreasonable oppressive rules to satisfy our own desires and needs.This is not as difficult and unattainable as imagined. The most important thing is two points: one is courage and the other is carefulness.You have to dare to think, dare to do it, and have confidence in yourself from beginning to end. On this basis, you also need to have careful planning and reasonable judgment to achieve both wings.

Erin Shapiro, author of The Seven Deadly Sins of Business, talks about why companies are in trouble in her book.The first "deadly sin" she lists is that most companies set a lofty goal but pay little attention to how to achieve it.There is only heartbeat but no action, and the result is that the bamboo basket is empty and nothing can be obtained.

After a certain ideal is produced, the question of how to achieve the goal requires us to find the answer seriously.Neither self-confidence nor desire is evil, please believe me, as long as you dare to design and propose goals, you have the possibility of realization, and this possibility is based on strict actions.

Dare to think can make things happen
Even the most talented leaders in the world still struggle to figure out what to do, otherwise so many billionaires wouldn't go bankrupt every day.But what I can be sure of is that thinking about how to act can always lead us to find positive answers, especially for you who are wise.You can discover a steady stream of strength from yourself, and find the right way to execute the plan that looks good.

When the training participants follow this principle and get satisfactory results, their expressions make people feel excited.Yes, they thought about it, and then it was done, and they paid a hard price in the middle-experienced countless setbacks and even hurt their self-esteem.

Where is the way to get so close to being right?How do you look at it, what will be the result!
Many times your failure is not because you are not as skilled as others, nor because you are not born with the strength to succeed, nor because you are not prepared enough, but in many cases, you have psychologically defaulted to a fixed Unconfident: Can I do it?When you doubt like this, you dare not develop a strong desire to succeed.This negative perception often makes people feel that it is impossible for them to achieve a certain goal, which largely imprisons the person's mind.So I didn't dare to propose a goal, and even thinking about it felt sinful, and finally fell into the trap of "cage thinking".

In reality, in the course of his career development, many powerful people are full of countless longings, and the plan at home is perfect, but when he comes to a certain company to apply for a job, he is affected by this " When he really stepped into the door of the other party, an uncontrollable inferiority complex emerged.He will feel: Ah, is this job I can handle?So he may automatically give up his grasp of the opportunity and withdraw from the competition in a very embarrassing manner.The worst result is a serious lack of self-confidence, frustrated again and again, and then simply dare not think about anything.

A boy with excellent grades from Asia applied for a job at O'Remy in San Francisco. Before he could recommend himself, he was overwhelmed by the reputation of this big company and was too nervous to speak.The interviewer sitting opposite said nothing, just looked at him quietly, hoping that he would adjust his emotions as soon as possible.The more so, the more nervous he became, wondering if I really have the ability to work in such a magnificent company?If my ability is insufficient, will there be any jokes?After 5 minutes of silence, his nervousness still hadn't improved, so the interviewer had to smile and said, "The next one."

The idea of ​​inferiority harmed this promising Asian boy, and at the same time, it also greatly dampened his enthusiasm for continuing to work hard.His confidence was shattered by himself, and he became depressed before he formally passed the level. The problem was that he didn't dare to think, so he didn't dare to try!
Maybe he didn't know that O'Reilly's selection criteria were different from other companies. What they valued was not high education or whether they came from prestigious schools such as Ivy League schools, but the true skills of job seekers.They pay more attention to whether a job seeker can bring benefits to the company. As long as this is done, he is useful to the company and is likely to be hired by the company.The regretful expression on the interviewer’s face came from the heart, because this young man’s heart was severely imprisoned by "cage thinking", and he hardly dared to have any desires or even requests. very complicated.It is also because of this that such a person will continue to miss success, because he does not even dare to think about it, and he does not dare to reach out for the opportunity in front of him.

It's an all too common reality: Many of us want to be successful, both in our careers and in our everyday lives, and it often doesn't.They failed repeatedly, went home dejectedly and stroked the wound alone.After several failures, he began to doubt his own strength and whether the path he was walking was correct. Some people even began to complain about the unfairness of life, lost confidence in life, and dared not think about anything again. I just hope that there will be less "destined troubles" in my "tragic" fate.

In my opinion, this kind of people are not because they don’t want to pursue success, but after repeated failures, they confine their thinking again and again, and position themselves very low, stubbornly thinking that this is something they can’t do, and that is their own. Bad job.They even regard those around them who have breakthrough ideas and encourage them to dare to think and do as idiots and dreamers. Not only do they not support them, but they often pour cold water on them.In fact, it's not that they don't want to support these people with breakthrough ideas, they really want to support their courage.It's just that he has acquiesced to a point of view in his heart, and this point of view keeps telling himself subconsciously: it's windy and rainy outside, you must not go out, because you are doomed to fail.

There is a story about the painter Repin.One day, he was walking in the snow with his friend, and suddenly his friend caught a glimpse of a large smear on the side of the road, obviously it was a dog's excrement, so he picked up the snow and mud with the toe of his shoe to cover it, So as not to affect the beautiful snow scene.But what my friend never expected was that this inadvertent move annoyed Repin.He said that he has always come here to admire this beautiful amber for a few days, but today he was spoiled by this friend!The dog's shit is no longer a shit for Repin, it has become a beautiful amber.This story reflects not only the aesthetic taste of the painter Repin, but also Repin's positive attitude towards life.This is an extremely optimistic attitude towards life.Because in people's lives, we always complain that there are too many "shit" on the road.isn't it?There are people walking around with their dogs on a leash, but they despise such "dirty things" everywhere, thinking that it not only affects his walking, but also affects the overall appearance of the environment.Whenever this happens, you can think about what Repin said: It's not just a smelly dog's poop trail, it's a beautiful amber color.

why?Because it's shit or amber, it all depends on what you think at the time.Everything is determined by your heart, if you think it is a beautiful thing, then it is too beautiful; if you think it is dirty, then there is nothing dirtier in the world than it .

Around us, there are just countless things that are the same.Many people complain about their bad background, so they dare not think about it, because it is useless to think about it; many people regret that their major is not good, the working environment is too bad, and the salary is low. Dare to think, but the external conditions do not allow, God is not on his side.These people often only see one aspect of life, and most of them see the bad side of life. If these people can change their thinking angle, they will find that everything is really beautiful:

A bad background means that I have no psychological burden, no family pressure, and it is easy to struggle;
The professionalism is not good and the environment is too bad, which means that I have a lot of room for adjustment, and everything is only waiting for my order;
The salary is too low, which shows us a vast room for improvement and tells you that there is still a lot to improve.As long as you see what needs to be improved, you can prescribe the right medicine and make a plan calmly!

See, the same thing presents two completely different worlds in a completely different state of mind.One side only sees their own sacrifices and losses, while the other side sees the little bit of happiness that life gives them.As long as you dare to think and work hard, you will be happy even if you fail, because it can at least help you discover your own shortcomings and deficiencies.

You have to know that no life is absolutely perfect, and there is no life in the world that can completely satisfy a person.Our views on life often determine our own life. If you don’t want your descendants to inherit your weak aura, you should abandon your past self and think bravely from now on, longing for success and inspiring The wildest vitality within!
My seven tips to help you "get what you want"

1. Please moderately adjust your life goals.Don't be too demanding on yourself. You should set goals according to your ability. It is best to set some goals that can be achieved in a short period of time.

2. Please relax yourself at the right time and give yourself a time and space to enjoy life.For example, you can travel with your family during the holidays, or go picnicking or fishing with your friends.Try to let your body and mind relax enough, and then you can have plenty of energy to plan feasible goals and take bold steps.

3. Concentrate and train the specificity of your aura.Use all your energy to do one thing well, don't plan too many goals.When you accomplish something, you will have a sense of accomplishment and a greater desire, and you will dare to think more, think more, tap your potential, and achieve greater goals better.

4. Learn to let go of tension.For example, you should usually slow down your speaking speed. When expressing your opinions and desires, try to let the other party understand what you mean, and get the other party's approval and understanding instead of questioning and contempt.In this way, after a period of normal communication, you will find that your desire is actually very easy to achieve!

5. Arrange your time reasonably.Usually pay attention to rest, you have to know that rest is for better work.People are not machines, no matter how strong they are, they need rest.A person who is extremely tired has only one desire in his heart, and that is to have a good sleep. Apart from this, no matter how wonderful the plan is, it is impossible for him to realize it.

6. Stay optimistic.You should always be able to think on the bright side and envision those smooth processes instead of only imagining failures in case.Even if you encounter setbacks, you should think more about what benefits it will bring you and what lessons you can learn from it.

7. When you start yearning for beautiful goals, if you feel that you lack self-confidence, you might as well study some failure cases, see those who are not as good as you, and then think about your advantages.In this way, your self-confidence will be restored quickly, and you can have a stronger desire to succeed and do a good job!

◎Cultivation of decisiveness: Abandon inner indecision

Having decisive courage can help you establish a bright aura and a decisive and quick personality.Excellent leaders and those extraordinary executives, they can always make timely decisions on troublesome issues of right and wrong, and will never lose in front of time.When a person faces difficult things, the first reaction is always "what should I do", a gray and feeble aura will emerge around this indecisive body.

Do you look at him suspiciously?I will.Not being able to make a quick decision loses most of the trust index, just like the investment advisors who come to me for help.They were abandoned by clients, not because they didn't grasp the right investment opportunities, but because they missed the best time to help clients make up their minds.

The success or failure of business leaders depends on the quality of decisiveness.Whether the color of our aura is bright or gray, positive or negative, often depends on whether you make a choice right away.

Why are some people always making better decisions?I can only give you the most elusive answer: they won because of speed, not accuracy as people imagined.

Over the years, I have studied the cases of thousands of successful entrepreneurs around the world. Behind those outstanding decision makers, are there any general principles or tools with a high success rate?What do they rely on to maintain their superhuman aura and unparalleled leadership?During the 10-year aura research and promotion process, Ryan and I interviewed hundreds of successful CEOs and decision makers of various organizations, in-depth search for the internal factors of their successful leadership, and analyze how they maintain this an excellent decision-making ability.In the end, I found that their successful experiences were consistent with our theoretical research on the aura.

Successful entrepreneurs tend to make decisions quickly and do not change them often; those who fail are often slow to make decisions and often change the decisions already made.Please remember: About 98% of people in this world have never made a decision for an important goal in their life; their biggest flaw is that they cannot make their own decisions and resolutely implement their decisions until the goal is achieved.

Now you should know how a person with a strong aura should make a great decision, let the opportunity be held in his hands before it disappears, and turn it into a rich fruit.

Perhaps you should first look at the example of the great French writer Victor Hugo. In 1830, Hugo signed a contract with the publisher to hand over a work within six months.In order to ensure that he can devote all his energy to writing, Hugo locked all the clothes except the sweater he was wearing in the cabinet, and threw the key into the small lake.

(End of this chapter)

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