Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 24 Part4: How to Make an Aura Star

Chapter 24 Part4: How to Make an Aura Star (5)
Secondly, you need to have a vision beyond ordinary people in a certain aspect. You must be able to establish a clear vision in this aspect and pass on this great ideal to everyone, that is, your team.This process not only requires your professional ability, but also your communication ability and ability to influence others.

Again, you must also have strong willpower and be a person who knows how to persist.You have to let the team see your passion and realize your determination not to give up until you reach your goal.

Finally, you must have breakthrough thinking. You must know how to maximize the interests of the team and continue to develop, just like the process of Microsoft's fortune, but also be prepared for danger in times of peace and know when to innovate and change.

Once you have these qualities, God will always give you a chance to let your aura spread on those potential followers, forming a one-stop effect and achieving a career.From this perspective, I hope that people who are currently in a state of hesitation will not worry even if they have not been promoted or made a breakthrough in their careers.You might as well cultivate your own internal strength first, after you have cultivated it well, there will always be a chance for you to appear on the stage.

Want a team, not a gang

A real team not only has solid common interests, but also has a common ideal, and all members unite to work together for the goal.However, gangs are different. This reminds me of the Italian mafia. They only have conflicts of interest, madness and destructiveness. They have no ideals and naturally lack a positive aura.

However, it is a pity that even the American bosses in high-end Manhattan office buildings sometimes like to say a cheap and silly saying: "The team is a group, and the gang is also a group. They can listen to Mine will do! Because I'm paying them."

This is simply jaw-dropping.

Kevin from Northern Ireland opened a landscape and planning design firm in New York with 12 employees.As a young boss with abundant funds and many top players in the design industry under his banner, his company had a pretty good development prospect, but it didn't take long for his career to fall into a trough.

Unconvinced, Kevin asked a professional manager for analysis, and found that: his company's management is extremely chaotic, there is no sound financial system, and the payment of salary and bonuses made him talk about it; there is no long-term future planning, for The company's future lacks a clear positioning, which prevents employees from seeing the long-term rewards of hard work; he relies heavily on his own random attacks in business development, and does not have a reasonable and effective operating system.All in all, this is more of a family workshop than a modern enterprise.As the leader and leader of the enterprise, Kevin was completely unprepared.

If a person who has the ambition to lead a team to do a career defines his team as a workshop-like battle, then the aura exuding from his whole body is just a kind of personal heroism fighting alone, even if he can rely on unparalleled His personal charm attracts a group of backbones, which makes the company's business rapidly improve in a short period of time. Sooner or later, he will bump his head against the wall during the critical transformation stage and encounter difficulties that cannot be broken through!
★The key plan to get rid of gang aura:

The starting point for considering problems is the whole team, not yourself. This needs to be strengthened in thinking, and it should be avoided at any time.Not only should a strict management system be set up for the team, but also oneself should be incorporated into the system. Everyone in the team is equal, at least in terms of personality.When you try to exert your own domineering aura, the first consideration is not to violate the interests of the team, and the direction of the two should be consistent so that the team will not become a gang.Try to make any decisions through team discussions, not your brain-slapping decisions.

Have sympathy for the drowning but don't go with it
The team is fair in terms of interests, but it has never been fair. Even if you are the most charismatic leader, this circle always belongs to you. Caused many sympathetic injustices.For example, you fired an employee, severely fined an employee, and so on.This has caused dissatisfaction among some employees, and even led to violent fluctuations in the mood of some employees.

This is a very common thing and will not affect your aura in the slightest.However, what is abnormal is that many managers make low-level mistakes at this time. They sometimes "bravely" stand on the side of those emotional employees and compromise the interests of the team with the personal interests of this person.That's what I'm talking about, going from sympathy to congruence.In the end, not only will you not be able to win recognition, but you will also lose your prestige with the team.

In a team, you try to understand each other instead of confronting each other

Some controversial decisions cannot be unanimously approved by the team. In this case, most professional managers can express their understanding.The atmosphere of debate in the team is a beneficial addition to the leader's aura, and may even lead to a huge improvement, because it is a rare opportunity for everyone to perform.

However, in reality, there are often some offside managers, because they do not understand the "challenge" of their subordinates or colleagues, and regard the other party as a provocation, so they confront each other and quarrel, which seriously affects the efficiency of the team.Therefore, we often say the word "understanding" to managers. Only by trying to understand each other can communication become reasonable, and you will continue to consolidate your dominant aura in the small circle.

◎Open the window of the soul, don't be afraid of the risk of "catching a cold"
My final appeal is, please do everything possible to improve your adaptability, face the world, and reduce the inner closedness, no matter how strange things we will encounter.

Before entering college, I once had a dark experience of not wanting to see anyone for 4 months.

At that time, my parents returned to China, and I chose to stay at home.The mood suddenly fell into a downturn inexplicably. Even for meals, I tried to order takeaway as much as possible, and only went out when I had to. All the things I needed were obtained by not meeting each other.But I found that it didn't calm me down, I lost the ability to communicate with people, I couldn't speak a few complete sentences on the phone, and at the same time, I was aphasic on MSN (instant messaging tool).

Later, I couldn't turn down a friend's invitation, so I could only agree to have dinner with him.He wants to talk to me about something important.I had no choice but to walk into a barber shop near Chinatown. It was a Chinese barber. He asked me in surprise: "Sir, how long have you been out?" I said indifferently: "I don't know, But I had to meet people, so I came to you."

That's how I was thinking: I'm only willing to get a haircut when I have to see people.

Is it just simple autism?No, the consequences are much worse than you might imagine.I can no longer use all my habits and intuitions. I have to think about what to do and how to say something that others can handle naturally without thinking about it, and I can't guarantee that I won't make mistakes.The situation at that time was like a complicated machine that was overloaded for a long time, and its aura would inevitably collapse due to wear and energy shortage.Even when I went to the supermarket, I was so nervous that I forgot to take the change and sometimes bought the wrong things.After I got home, I realized that I wanted to buy milk, but for some reason, my hands were full of carbonated drinks.All unbelievable low-level mistakes.

Things slowly got better after my father's conversation with me.He knew the root of the problem very well, because I was once full of worries about doing wrong things, afraid of opening the windows of my soul and showing myself to the outside world, so the mistakes became more and more.Even in ordinary interpersonal communication, I can't get rid of the idea of ​​"others will hate me if I do something wrong"; even if others treat me with a friendly attitude, I will feel that I am using others objectively, and maybe one day he will reunite. Hate me because I'm such a hate.

The father asked calmly, "How long do you think you can live like this?"

"There is no timetable, I think at least now I can not think about it." I replied at that time.

My father didn't speak anymore, he pushed the window open, and the strong sunlight came in, I involuntarily blocked it with my hand, and then slowly put it down.At noon that day, my father put me in a suit and took me to a show that was being broadcast live on a Los Angeles TV station.

Later, he recommended me to perform on stage when I was unprepared.Despite my distressed expression, I walked onto the stage with trembling legs and sang "Hotel California" amid the encouraging applause from the audience in the studio.When I put down the microphone and heard more enthusiastic applause, I suddenly felt that all my worries disappeared.It turns out that the solution to the problem is so simple, as long as you dare to take a step, everything will be solved without any horror as imagined.

please don't close your heart if you can't close it forever

This is undoubtedly a spiritual experience, and our current courses are also targeted to let everyone feel that the new environment always has risks and opportunities.Since it is impossible for a person to close his heart forever, he must open it completely, experience the beauty of this world, absorb all kinds of rich nourishment, and let his aura grow bravely.

On the positive side, the new environment will provide a good opportunity to reinvent ourselves, even if there is some risk of "catching a cold", sooner or later we will definitely get good results.

However, if you lack sufficient understanding of the new environment, you will be troubled by many uncertain factors and suffer from interpersonal "cold".The most serious thing is that I have a distorted inferiority complex just like me back then.

5.3% of people go to extremes in order to escape from reality, for example, they use deep love (having sex) to fill up the emptiness in their hearts; of course, 2.2% of people have serious psychological disorders or other diseases.

The reason, first of all, stems from their inner lack of security.They are more or less afraid of the new interpersonal communication mode that will be formed, and they are full of doubts about the future situation.

Second, there is a lack of belonging.If they don’t have convincing values ​​in their hearts, they will not experience a sense of accomplishment when they open the window, and they will often think repeatedly about a question: “What am I doing, is there any meaning?”

Finally, there is a lack of self-identity.Low self-esteem usually produces such an effect, because the aura is too weak, which makes it easy to be assimilated by the strong aura of the outside world or others after going outside, resulting in self-identity anxiety.

But no matter what, we have to take the first step. Even if you are alone, you still have to express yourself boldly and in moderation.In a team, while adapting to the environment, you should also show your strengths, thoughts and talents, and choose the right opportunity to serve the team.

Every time we are in a new environment is a rare opportunity. We can take stock of our previous behavior and public image, list what we want to change, and then implement and change one by one.We can even improve our adaptability and interpersonal skills by "borrowing our brains" - taking some potential development courses and absorbing the more positive aura of others, so as to optimize our aura and achieve a positive and healthy state.

Philosophy is the eternal protagonist mentality

When the window of the soul opens and fresh air blows in, you should let go of all bad emotions from then on.Looking at the same thing with a pessimistic or optimistic attitude, the results are likely to be completely opposite.

How did the well-known Wu Shihong succeed?Without a pessimistic attitude, she might have been kicked out by IBM long ago.You must know that her job at the beginning was just a small role like "sweeping the floor".Making tea and pouring water, and cleaning are all labor from the head down. Even touching the fax machine, which is a high-tech symbol in my mind, is a luxury.

She used to feel very inferior about this, but she said to herself: "One day, I will have the ability to manage anyone in the company, whether it is a foreigner or a Hong Kong Chinese."

It was with an extremely optimistic attitude that she survived in an environment that was not conducive to her.

I will give you a wise saying from Mr. Guo Taiming, President of Foxconn: "When you feel stressed, it means that you are not capable enough."

When your aura is oppressed, it just verifies our goal of promoting aura training: everyone wants to face the world with a relaxed attitude, so you must always improve your courage and keep exercising in the strange world.

Maybe you will never catch a cold if you don't open the window, but who wants to spend a lifetime admiring themselves in a closed inner world?Take the first step, get along with the world according to the above principles, show your charm, and you will find that everything is very simple.Perhaps in your circle, you are No.1 on the aura ranking list, the main character that everyone welcomes with arms raised, but you have never been aware of it.

(End of this chapter)

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