Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 23 Part4: How to Make an Aura Star

Chapter 23 Part4: How to Make an Aura Star (4)
We need to have a certain understanding of the knowledge of all walks of life and have our own opinions, but please try not to speak in areas that are unfamiliar to you.I also want to tell you that keeping silent about what you don't understand is the noblest thing to do, whether it's when you're dealing with rumors or engaging in discussions.

Not too long ago, a good friend said to me, "Hey, Paul, that guy is talking bad about you everywhere." I said, "What's the matter? Let him talk, people won't believe him." "The friend said: "Then, you should always clarify on a certain occasion and let him return your innocence."

I said, "Is it necessary? That's not the best way. If I speak up, maybe everyone will think that there is no such thing as a storm. Maybe it's true, but I just jumped out of a guilty conscience."

Please think carefully about a question, what is the reason for our silence?Of course, silence on some occasions is very likely to be cowardly, incompetent, and an expression of being powerless and daring to fight back; but in most occasions, silence means calmness, wisdom and disdain.

In the training class, I told the participants in the audience: "You don't need to explain many problems. Explanations are useless to those who understand you or are wise; explanations are even more useless to those who are ignorant. You might as well listen to He said well, let him say whatever he likes, you can be a listener who doesn't say anything, this is the best role you can choose."

Faced with the misunderstandings that always appear in life, some people will choose to explain eagerly, while some people choose to remain silent.Sometimes the latter is the best way to solve the problem, because silence is like a good medicine. Not expressing your opinion can make you stand on the high ground of indifference. This noble character will only strengthen your aura and expose the hypocrisy and meanness of others Under the sun, there is no escape.It is a pity that there are always some people who can't keep their mouths closed, speak casually, and their brains seem to be empty, and they often blurt out without thinking, and they are not responsible for the consequences of their words.For such behavior, we can use "big mouth" to describe it.

During World War II, the U.S. government posted a picture in public places warning people not to talk casually about military secrets.On the screen, a sailor disembarking from a warship is talking to a woman he met in a bar.Behind them, one could see Hitler listening to them with his ears as big as a huge dish.There is a sentence written at the bottom of the picture: "You can sink the ship by talking nonsense!" The main purpose of the painting is to let everyone not talk about war, because the enemy may be listening to you and eavesdropping on military secrets at any time.

Speaking carelessly in wartime will bring danger to life and cause serious and irreversible consequences. In daily life in peacetime, talking nonsense will also bring many unnecessary misunderstandings.

Layton once told of a colleague of his at Goldman Sachs.That person is very young, just joined the company not long ago, and he is still a typical newcomer.However, this old man looked like a senior manager to everyone he met. "Hello!" "I'm in a good mood today!" "Hey, let's go to Mandu Bar again!" It's as if he is the major shareholder of Goldman Sachs, and the others are just wage earners serving him.

This person often inexplicably appears in one meeting after another, uninvited.And this meeting is basically attended by high-level people, so it is not suitable for him to come in and join in the fun.He is here to speak enthusiastically, and will make high-profile announcements about his plans to increase the company's bottom line.In the words of the Chinese, this is really "thunder".Layton smiled and said: "We are all broken, but we can't do anything about him, we can only... stay away from him."

The American psychologist Torrey once conducted a famous experiment: Let the airport crew (including the pilot, navigator, and machine gunner) discuss and solve a certain problem together, and each member must come up with his own solution. Write down what the whole group agrees with.He found that the overwhelming majority of the members agreed with the navigator's approach and very little with the machine gunner.When the navigator has the right way, everyone agrees 40 percent; when the machine gunner has the right way, only [-] percent agree.

In a case I came across not long ago, an outstanding young man who graduated from Princeton University wrote an email to his immediate boss when he first joined Microsoft, with a long speech on Microsoft's global strategy.He seems to think that as long as this is the case—as long as he speaks out his heart and tells everyone his great plan, he can impress his boss and even Bill Gates, and give him a good position and broad development prospects.However, he was dismissed as crazy and never had the chance to implement his grand plan.

Maybe you feel wronged for him and think this is a black case of disrespect for talents.But I tell you, the reality of the world is like this.You need to always know what you're supposed to say, and if you're not sure, just shut up and don't say a word.For questions you don't understand, or when you shouldn't be high-profile, but you stand at the front desk excitedly, this will somewhat spoil everyone's interest and make people think that you should be out of the game immediately.

Listening training is necessary.
For those senior managers, time is always the most precious, and he cannot listen without choice.If a group of people are talking nonsense, and you have to hold back your temper and endure the torture of spam, this is obviously not a good choice. Therefore, you must set a listening range and frequency for yourself and establish a "listening system".

★The first step: control time
A good way is to make an appointment with the other party for a conversation time before listening, so that the other party is mentally prepared to say the key points at the most appropriate time.If the time is not limited and the other party talks endlessly, it will be a complete tragedy.Because there is no prior agreement, it is difficult for you to properly stop him from continuing.Forcing the other party to stop may be regarded as rude, but if you make an agreement in advance, there will be no such trouble.

★Second step: filter questions

Leon Schimkin, general manager of the world's largest publisher of English-language books, Simon Schuster, once a hard-working boss, said of the distress of conversation: "For the past 15 years, every day I Half the time in meetings, listening to people blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.” Until he thought about the filter problem.He asked every employee who came to knock on the door to answer his four questions first.By selecting and filtering, he saves time and gets straight to the point, increasing the efficiency of talking to each other.

These four questions are:

1. What are you going to talk about?Think about the subject first.

2. What are the reasons for this?

3. Where is the solution to the problem?
4. What do you think is the best way?
★The third step: unify the problem
According to Michael Watkins, an associate professor at Harvard Business School, in his book Ninety Days of Critical Leadership, a chronic trouble is that many managers like to dive headfirst into conversations with employees.At the end of the conversation, he found that he had completely deviated from his original intention, and the whole situation was thrown into chaos.The problem was not solved, and many new problems were created.

This method is inefficient and can only obtain soft information (non-knowledgeable). As a manager, you will let a small number of employees easily influence your point of view and fall into a situation where you have no clue.

Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency of listening, we must unify the problem.For example, as a good manager, you can continue to ask different employees in the same way in the meeting.

○ What is the most significant challenge the organization is facing?Remember, is the most important.

○Why are organizations facing these challenges?State the main reason.

○ What are the untapped growth opportunities?
○ What do we need to do to develop these opportunities?
○ If you were me, where would you focus your attention?
Through these five key questions, we can gain many useful opinions through careful listening and thoughtful analysis.

You should be clear that listening is the most overlooked area on the map of our success in life, but as we keep reminding, listening is also a puzzle that can play a multiplier effect. It has huge power and is crucial to success. The person's aura played an inestimable role.

◎You must have at least the leadership of a small group
How important it is to have a small circle of admiration for yourself, although too small a circle will prevent you from achieving star-level aura.I think those careerists who are just starting out on Wall Street must understand this deeply.Compared with the aura of individual heroism, only with the aura of group management can a person develop a greater career space.In other words, it is far from enough to only manage oneself. It is destined not to be a real protagonist. Only with a strong aura of conquering others and excellent mobilization of group resources can we talk about leadership.

The Essence of Leadership: How Personal Auras Transform into Group Auras
Inke Brodsen said in the preface to the book "Why They Are Allegiance to Hitler": "If someone said, I am the strongest, the bravest, the greatest person, then everyone who hears this will blink in embarrassment. Open: There is no market for braggarts. However, if someone replaces the subject 'I' with 'we'—we are the strongest and best, the 'kings of men', chosen by God to rule over all peoples— Then there must be a lot of people who would like to hear it.”

It sounds like a mockery of Hitler, but there is a hint of the essence of leadership.Smart people can always successfully transform their personal ideals into team ideals through appropriate language expressions.In the process, the personal aura is also grafted, forming an invincible group aura.

Obviously, to achieve such an effect, you need to be fully equipped with eight abilities: vision planning ability, business management ability, strategic decision-making ability, learning and innovation ability, communication ability, public relations coordination ability, emotional intelligence management ability and response and crisis processing power.You must be able to design a group vision and manage it effectively; you must also make strategic decisions that most people agree with and ensure its effective execution; Crisis public relations make the "common vision" go further and gradually realize the planned return.When you have these abilities, your personal aura can be transformed into a group aura.

Leadership is not the same as leadership
Managers are not equal to management ability. Similarly, if a person has a higher position than you, it cannot be judged that his leadership ability is stronger than yours.In reality, many people's power exists based on their position. When he leaves this position, he has no influence on the company and the team.On the contrary, there are some excellent people, even if they are not in management positions, they are still the core of a team, and they are still the leaders that everyone follows.

Therefore, we have to pay attention to an important concept of aura: leadership.It is not only an ability to attract many people to do a big thing together, but also an advanced means to successfully integrate team vision and personal ideals.It is to attract, not force many people to come to you and follow in your footsteps.You must gather team members tightly around you through your own personality charm, and strive for a common ideal.

As Dr. Henry Kissinger, the former US Secretary of State, said: "Leadership is to let his people go from where they are now to where they have not been." Another former US Secretary of State, General Powell, gave A deeper requirement for leaders: "A leader must be upright, honest, considerate of others' feelings, and not put the interests and needs of individuals or small groups at the top of all standards, otherwise people will not follow him." .”

Next, let us look at how the management master Drucker understands this aura: "This is an ability to grasp the mission of the organization and mobilize people to fight around this mission. It is how to behave rather than how to do things. In art, in the end it is the noble quality of the individual and his incomparable personality that play a decisive role."

In short, it is a powerful attraction naturally produced by our aura. You must not only have the ability to set ideals, but also attract people to follow you and fight together.This ability has nothing to do with whether you are a leader or not. It has nothing to do with whether you are in an important management position. Even if you are a small clerk doing odd jobs on Wall Street or an insignificant person who checks minor problems next to the railway, you can cultivate and possess this ability. This ability, just like Carnegie back then.

I suggest that you start from the following aspects to improve your leadership and establish a small circle of admiration for yourself.

First of all, you must constantly strengthen your self-cultivation, possess the noble qualities that all outstanding people possess, learn to be tolerant, and be honest and sincere, which is the cornerstone of all charisma.

(End of this chapter)

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