Chapter 30 Turn the tide
"That's right! I also think that the only person who dares to speak out so bluntly is Concubine Li. So what if the father grants a special license?" Gongsun Yu also helped to speak.

"My Hao'er and Yu'er understand what I mean. No one is allowed to say any more. Now that the palace selection is over, let's all go away! Hao'er, Yu'er, you brothers, let's have lunch with me!" .Gongsun Zhenran finished speaking, got up and left.

"Yes, father." Gongsun Hao and Gongsun Yu took orders.He also got up and left with Gongsun Zhenran.

"The courtiers and concubines send the emperor respectfully.".

"The slave sent the emperor respectfully.".

"Slaves respectfully send the emperor off.".

Everyone was busy saluting and sending them off.Only Shangguan Die'er didn't show any expression or move, and just let them go.

Now that she has been conferred the title of Concubine Li, someone will come to lead her to the new palace soon.

She naturally understood the purpose of Concubine Liu Gui in giving her these beautiful clothes and luxurious jewelry.It was nothing more than wanting her to dress up beautifully, outshine everyone, and win the favor, so that she could check and balance with the favored concubine Yu.

However, she really liked the feeling of turning the tide at the end.

She will not be willing to obey anyone's orders, because she is just her.She has a sense of how to be herself.Men are all lustful, and she is already magnificent, even without the embellishment of these beautiful clothes, she still believes that she can outshine everyone, but since it is delivered, why not wear it?
The Empress and Concubine Liu Gui are about to leave, before the Empress passed by the side of 'Shangguan Die'er', she said in a bad tone, "Since my sister has been proclaimed Concubine Li by the Emperor, you and I will serve together in the future. The emperor's sisters, sister Li Concubine must be careful! This palace is the master of this harem!".

After finishing speaking, regardless of the reaction of 'Shangguan Die'er', she shook her sleeves and left.

Concubine Liu Gui looked at the back of the queen leaving, and then looked at 'Shangguan Die'er' again, with a nice smile on her face, "Very good, I won the highest position among the girls of the same class, but you have to Understand, your position is who fought for you!".

There was an obvious threatening element in the words.

But how could she, 'Shangguan Die'er', be the master who was threatened?
With a sneer, he replied: "What did the concubine concubine say? Since I was conferred the title of concubine Li, it was because my father was the prime minister and had a high position and authority, and I was also outstandingly beautiful and gorgeous, so I won the title of concubine Li." The title of Concubine Li, these things, I don't need to be reminded by the imperial concubine, I know it very well."

Ignoring Concubine Liu Guiyou's pale face, she turned and left.

Concubine Liu Gui was very angry.

Liu Mama stepped forward, "Madam, this old slave said that Shangguan Die'er didn't know what to do, and shouldn't have kept her in the first place, but now he dares to talk to Madam like this, but she is just a concubine.".

"Forget it, the deal is done. Since she is still in the palace, I don't believe that I can't bring her down!" Concubine Liu Gui said lightly, not to mention, now that there is such a famous person around, it would be nice to see Concubine Xia Yu restrained first. It's done.

"Hi Ma'am," Liu Mama said flatteringly with a smile.

Concubine Liu Gui and Nanny Liu, master and servant, smiled at each other and left the lake pavilion.

A court lady led 'Shangguan Die'er' master and servant to Xiyan Palace.The maids and eunuchs in the palace lined up, and when they saw the arrival of 'Shangguan Die'er', they saluted one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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