Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 31 Gongzhong Liwei [1]

Chapter 31 Gongzhong Liwei [1]

"The servant kowtows to the concubine Li, and the empress is Jin'an.".

"The servant girl kowtows to see the concubine Li, and the empress is Jin'an.".

'Shangguan Die'er' did not call them to get up, but glanced at everyone blankly, and then said coldly: "Since you have entered Xiyan Palace, you must do your part. He is the master of Xiyan Palace, and also your master! If this palace finds out that any of you dare to betray this palace and become the spy of other palaces, then don’t blame this palace for being ruthless! In the same way, if you are loyal to this palace, this palace will Gong naturally won't treat you badly! Did you hear clearly?".

As soon as they entered the palace, they gave these palace servants a severe blow, could it be that they didn't hear clearly?
"Bing Niangniang, the slave (servant) understands."Everyone answered in unison.

'Shangguan Die'er' raised an imperceptible arc slightly, and said coldly: "Everyone, get up and go about your work!".

"Yes, ma'am." Everyone stood up and thanked them, and dispersed, each busy with their own work.

'Shangguan Die'er' entered the bedroom with maid Xue'er, and Xue'er handed her a cup of tea.

'Shangguan Dier' took the teacup, gently scratched the lid, and exhaled.Xue'er frowned slightly and said: "Master, do you think these people will stay honest?".

Listening to Xue'er's words, 'Shangguan Die'er' paused in his hands, and then chuckled lightly: "It's a fox, it always shows its tail.".After all, he stopped talking and took a sip of tea.

Cher smiled without saying a word.

At this moment, a young eunuch came in from outside the hall, bowed and said: "Madam, Mr. Yun from Ruoting Pavilion is asking to see you.".

'Shangguan Die'er' frowned in displeasure, she likes to be quiet, but this woman in the harem wants to find fault?

Xue'er saw 'Shangguan Die'er' frowning displeasedly, and immediately ordered: "Go back, just say that the master is tired and resting, so don't bother me.".

"Yes, aunt, this servant is going back to nobleman Yun." The little eunuch nodded and said, and was about to leave, but 'Shangguan Die'er' called out at this moment, "Wait a minute!".

Hearing the words of 'Shangguan Die'er', the little eunuch could only stop in his tracks, turned around and looked at 'Shangguan Die'er', "What do you want me to do, Madam?".

"Send her in!". 'Shangguan Dier' said lightly.

"Yes, ma'am."The little eunuch nodded in response, turned around and left the palace gate, and ran to the gate of the palace with small steps to invite nobleman Yun to come in.

Seeing the back of the little eunuch leaving, Xue'er looked at 'Shangguan Die'er' puzzled, "Master, why...".

Before Xue'er finished speaking, 'Shangguan Die'er' took the lead and replied: "It should come, it will come sooner or later, if we solve it together, we can save a lot of time in the future.".

Xue'er nodded at the words of 'Shangguan Die'er', knowing the pros and cons.

Soon, Nalan Yun was welcomed into the palace by the little eunuch, and bowed to 'Shangguan Dier' Yingying: "The concubine has seen the concubine Li, and the concubine Li Jin'an.".

Nalan Yun smiled and bowed to salute, but in the depths of her eyes, she was angry and unwilling. Even though she hid it well, she still let 'Shangguan Die'er' see it.

'Shangguan Die'er' responded lightly, "Get up! I don't know why nobleman Yun came to this palace?".

Unexpectedly, 'Shangguan Die'er' was so straightforward, Nalan Yun's face changed slightly, but she still quickly recovered her smile.

(End of this chapter)

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