Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 36 Gongzhong Liwei [6]

Chapter 36 Gongzhong Liwei [6]

When 'Shangguan Die'er' spoke, her eyes sized up the Queen and Concubine Yu intentionally or unintentionally, this was also a warning, if someone really wanted to hurt Xue'er, she would definitely do what she said!
"You..." Concubine Yu was a little speechless angrily, she pointed at 'Shangguan Die'er', 'Shangguan Die'er' frowned in displeasure, she hated people pointing at her the most.

"I advise you to put your hands down, otherwise..." 'Shangguan Die'er''s tone became colder and colder, cold enough to freeze the surrounding air.

Her cold eyes swept over Concubine Yu's face, making Concubine Yu feel like sharp knives were stabbing at her face, she involuntarily put her hand down.

"Enough!" The queen who was ignored at the side finally couldn't help shouting sharply.

Then I looked at 'Shangguan Die'er' and Concubine Yu separately, "I don't care what you have to say, but now, I just want to ask Concubine Li, Lady Yun and Xu Jieyu if they are here to visit. He was kicked out of the palace by Concubine Li."

Hearing the queen's words, 'Shangguan Die'er' smiled, and her smile made Gongsun Hao and Gongsun Yu not far away fall in love with her even more when they met.What a magnificent face this is.

"Since the empress already knows about it, why bother to come all the way to ask me? Could it be that the empress is so motivating, she came all the way to Xiyan Palace just to ask me if she would refuse any visiting guests? outside the door?". 'Shangguan Die'er' said unhurriedly.

"Concubine Li is so disrespectful of this palace. This palace is the master of this palace. The emperor has indeed promised that you don't have to salute, but you don't have to just enter the Xiyan Palace to be so pampered. And proud?"The queen seemed to speak righteously, but in the eyes of 'Shangguan Die'er', she was so disdainful.

"The empress also said that I am the master of this Xiyan Palace. Since I am the master, I have the right to decide whether to let the guests stay or to keep the guests out. The empress's sudden visit really made me feel uncomfortable. The palace is a bit at a loss!" 'Shangguan Die'er' responded with panic, but her tone was full of contempt.

The queen's face darkened, "No matter what, since I am the master of the middle palace, I must uphold justice. Concubine Li is so arrogant and domineering, it is really difficult to be the master of the first palace. Come on."

As the queen's voice fell, the personal maid behind her stepped forward, "The servant is here.".

"I pass on the edict of the palace, and Concubine Li is proud of being favored. She doesn't pay attention to the rules of the palace at all. The title of Concubine Li will be deposed immediately, and she will be thrown into the cold palace.".The queen said with a blank face, but 'Shangguan Die'er' saw the pleasure hidden behind that hypocritical face.

"Yes, ma'am."The maid takes the order.

'Shangguan Die'er' not only did not show the empress's expected bewilderment, crying and begging for mercy, but smiled dazzlingly.

"Although the queen is the lord of the middle palace, this palace is also the Concubine Li who was bestowed by the emperor this morning. The queen demoted this palace to the cold palace. People who know it say that the queen is enforcing the law impartially, but those who don't know think that The queen is jealous of me, so I put me in the cold palace, lest I threaten your status. Wouldn't it be ridiculous?".

Without waiting for the Queen to answer, Concubine Yu on the side took it first, "The Queen understands the righteousness, and relegating a seductive person like you to the cold palace is already the lightest punishment for you. How can anyone dare to blame the Queen?" .

(End of this chapter)

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