Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 37 Gongzhong Liwei [7]

Chapter 37 Gongzhong Liwei [7]

Concubine Yu's charming words made 'Shangguan Die'er' frown displeased.

Not far away, Gongsun Hao and Gongsun Yu could no longer hide and stay silent, and walked towards this side, "Mother, my son thought that what Li Concubine said was very true. Li Concubine was bestowed by the emperor just this morning. As for the concubines, even if everyone would say that the empress mother understands righteousness, it is difficult to explain to the emperor father. I feel that the emperor likes the imperial concubine Li very much. I think that the empress mother should also be able to see it. ".

It was Gongsun Hao who spoke.

Everyone looked along the source of the sound, Gongsun Hao and Gongsun Yu came this way, and they clasped their fists at the queen, "I have seen the queen mother."

It was counted as a greeting, as for whether the empress excused her, that didn't matter, after all, Gongsun Hao and Gongsun Yu had special identities.

Indeed, Gongsun Hao hit the queen's pain point.This morning, when Gongsun Zhenran saw 'Shangguan Die'er' for the first time, he was really amazed. He stood up from the dragon chair, obviously very satisfied with 'Shangguan Die'er'.

If she really put 'Shangguan Die'er' into the cold palace like this, Gongsun Zhenran would inevitably find an excuse to release 'Shangguan Die'er', so that not only would not punish 'Shangguan Die'er' half a point, but also It will make Gongsun Zhenran treat him more indifferently.At that time, her queen position will be even more difficult to preserve.

Now, mother is more expensive than child.Of course, a child is as valuable as a mother.The two are interdependent.As long as Gongsun Hao is still the prince, she will still be the queen.But if one day she is no longer the queen, Gongsun Hao will inevitably be implicated, so the gain outweighs the loss.

But, did he really let 'Shangguan Die'er' go like this?She would not be reconciled to that!

Gongsun Yu also said at this time: "Mother, Concubine Li is the master of Xiyan Palace. She does have the right to refuse guests. I think this is not considered arrogance."While Gongsun Yu was speaking, he also looked at the expressionless 'Shangguan Dier'.

This magnificent woman has appeared in his dreams countless times, but now, she is standing in front of him, so close to him, but he has no chance to make her his princess.

From now on, he and her can only be separated between the concubine and the royal family.

Thinking of this, Gongsun Yu felt pain in his heart, as if someone was stabbing his heart with a dagger.It hurts to suffocate.

"Since the crown prince and the prince also said so, let's let this matter go! Concubine Li should pay attention to her words and deeds in the future."Someone built a staircase for her, so she naturally wanted to go down the stairs, although she didn't want to let 'Shangguan Die'er' go like this.

The queen has already taken the lead and left, so what reason does Concubine Yu have to stay?He had no choice but to shake his sleeves angrily and unwillingly, and followed him away.

Seeing the whole group leave in a mighty way, Gongsun Yu smiled gently, making people feel as warm as bathing in the sun, "Concubine Li may not be used to it when she first entered the palace. Intrigues have always existed in the harem. Concubine Li Empress should be careful in the future."

'Shangguan Dier' just looked at Gongsun Yu quietly, but didn't answer.

Gongsun Hao also said: "What the third brother said is very true. The queen mother is the lord of the middle palace, and she just wants to enforce the law impartially. Hao will apologize to you on behalf of the concubine Li for any offense to the concubine Li. Please believe the concubine Li , Queen Mother, she has no malice." Gongsun Hao said, bowing to 'Shangguan Die'er', apologizing to 'Shangguan Die'er' on behalf of the queen.

(End of this chapter)

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