Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 63 Cuju disturbance [3]

Chapter 63 Cuju disturbance [3]

Immediately, while both Gongsun Yu and Gongsun Yu were delighted that 'Shangguan Die'er' dodged the ball, they were amazed at the action she made just now.

The story of 'Shangguan Die'er' playing Cuju with the crown prince and King Yu quickly spread throughout the harem.The first to hear the news was Concubine Liu Gui of Changchun Palace; Concubine Yu of Shaohua Palace; Concubine Yu of Ziruan Palace; Queen of Kunning Palace.

Who made these people more powerful in the harem, and who most wanted to get rid of 'Shangguan Die'er'?
"Where is the emperor at the moment?".This was the first sentence of Concubine Liu Gui after learning about it.After waiting for so long, isn't this the moment you've been waiting for?

"According to the informant's report, the emperor has gone to Shaohua Palace at this time.".Grandma Liu reported back truthfully.

Concubine Liu Gui gave a cold snort of disdain, "Hmph! That bitch in Shaohua Palace must have gotten the news too! I want to see how she will take advantage of this opportunity!".
Now, all she has to do is sit back and watch the tigers fight.She would like to see how this concubine Yu will mention this matter to the emperor.And how to get rid of 'Shangguan Dier'.

Of course, when necessary, she will still plug in a few feet.Isn't the old saying that the enemy of an enemy is a friend?

Occasionally being a so-called friend is to get rid of a stronger enemy.So, no big deal.


Shaohua Palace——

Concubine Yu and Gongsun Zhenran were sitting in the first seat and drinking tea.A little maid outside the hall wanted to enter the hall, but seeing Gongsun Zhenran inside, she didn't go in, but her expression was a little anxious.He winked at Duo'er in the hall.

Duo'er quietly left the palace and walked to the side of the little maid.The little maid whispered something next to Duo'er's ear.

Duo'er nodded, with a serious look on her face.

Then he quietly entered the hall and stood beside Concubine Yu.

Taking advantage of Gongsun Zhenran not paying attention, he secretly whispered a few times in Concubine Yu's ear.

Concubine Yu's complexion changed, and a smile appeared between her brows and eyes.Get up and walk to the side of Gongsun Zhenran, "Your Majesty, I heard that the Crown Prince and King Yu like Cuju, but I haven't seen it since I entered the palace for so many years! Your Majesty is free today, can I take my concubine there? See?"

Concubine Yu knew that Gongsun Zhenran would definitely not refuse.Because as long as it is about Gongsun Yu's affairs, he will not refuse.Who in this palace doesn't know that Yu Wang is the most important person to the emperor?Not for any reason, just because he was born of Concubine Hua.From the moment he was born, he was a prince.

Sure enough, Gongsun Zhenran heard Concubine Yu mention Gongsun Yu.She couldn't help stretching her brows, and smiled knowingly, "Okay, since my concubine wants to see it, I will take you to see it.".


Changchun Palace——
"Your Majesty, the Emperor and Concubine Yu are going to Goulan."The little maid entered the palace to report back.

"Let's go, Ben Gong will also go over to have a look. Such a good show, how could Ben Gong be missing!".After speaking, Concubine Liu Gui got up and walked out.

The distance from Changchun Palace to Goulan is shorter than the distance from Shaohua Palace to Goulan.In addition, it took some time for the court lady to report, so it should have arrived at about the same time.If Concubine Liu Gui walked faster, she could pretend to be a "coincidence" on the way.


Gongsun Zhenran and Concubine Yu were walking towards the Goulan. Concubine Liu Gui took a quick shortcut and happened to bump into her near the Imperial Garden. Concubine Liu Gui had a surprised expression on her face, and then saluted Gongsun Zhenran: "Concubine Chen See the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live.".

(End of this chapter)

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