Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 64 Cuju disturbance [4]

Chapter 64 Cuju disturbance [4]

"Ping body.".

"Thank you, Your Majesty."Concubine Liu thanked her and stood up, "Where are the emperor and Concubine Yu's sister going? The concubine was enjoying flowers in the imperial garden just now, and it was such a coincidence that I ran into the Emperor and Concubine Yu's sister here."

"Concubine Yu said she wanted to go and see the Cuju between the prince and King Yu. Since the concubine met, let's go together!".Gongsun Zhenran said indifferently.

"Oh? Cuju? This concubine has heard about it too! It is a real honor for this concubine to go to Goulan together with the emperor to watch the Cuju between the Crown Prince and King Yu. This time the concubine will be blessed."Concubine Liu Gui accepted the words with a smile.

Almost at the same time as the words fell, another voice came in, "What good eyesight! The concubine can have that honor, together with the eyes of the concubine and sister.".

Before the person arrives, the sound arrives first.

Everyone looked along the source of the sound, and saw Concubine Yu wearing a purple palace attire, walking here gracefully, "My concubine sees the emperor, long live my emperor, long live my emperor. I have seen the imperial concubine, and the imperial concubine is safe. ".

"Ping body.".Gongsun Zhenran raised his hand to help.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."Concubine Yu thanked her and got up.

"Just now, the concubine heard what the concubine sister said that she has good eyesight. What is the good fortune? Can the concubine follow suit?".Concubine Yu looked at Gongsun Zhenran expectantly. Although she was talking about Concubine Liu Gui, it was obvious that she was talking to Gongsun Zhenran.Because only when Gongsun Zhenran spoke, would she have a chance.

Although, she knew she was going to Goulan.She is also the same as Liu Guifei, because she heard that "Shangguan Dier" was kicking with Gongsun Hao and Sun Yu in Goulan, and Concubine Yu instigated the emperor to go to Goulan.

Such a scene, how can you not follow the past?

So, she came here quickly, hoping to have a "coincidence".Then it went together naturally.

Without waiting for Gongsun Zhenran to answer, Concubine Liu Gui spoke first, "I heard that the Crown Prince and King Yu are doing Cuju at Goulan, and the Emperor and Concubine Yu's sister are going to Goulan. I will go with you, isn't it just a feast for the eyes!".
"Exactly, since concubine Yu is here, let's go together!".

"Thank you, Your Majesty."Concubine Yu bowed happily.So, a group of people went to Goulan mightily.

When the figure gradually entered around the Goulan, Xue'er frowned slightly, and quickly dodged to hide aside.

Because she knew that it was Gongsun Zhenran who came, it would be fine if it was a concubine in the harem, but it was Gongsun Zhenran himself.

If everyone saluted and she was the only one who did not salute, it would appear abrupt.Her master has a special dispensation not to salute, but she is only a maid and does not have this privilege.If you go against him like this, it will be counterproductive, and you will be trapped in your master and in danger.

So, she can only hide now.

If possible, she would rather kill Gongsun Zhenran directly.

Of course she can't!Because the master has not given the order to kill him.She knew that the master must have his own plan, otherwise he would not have entered the palace for so long without killing him, but would have gotten close to Gongsun Yu and Gongsun Hao, two sons who were quite special to Gongsun Zhenran.

"Slaves kowtow to the emperor, kowtow to the imperial concubine, the concubine Yu, and the concubine Yu. Long live my emperor, long live my emperor, and my empress is blessed and safe.".Seeing everyone coming, the little eunuch in Goulan hurriedly saluted.

(End of this chapter)

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